Chapter Four

1978 Words
The next couple of days rumors spread like wildfire at school about Kordie fainting at the sight of an eyeball. When people ask about the incident she tells them “You have to be the damsel in distress sometimes, but only Emerald came to the rescue”. With so much attention on Kordie and her fainting I get extra thinking time to put into my reports for the show. Days turn to weeks and nothing exciting or devastating for that matter happens. Which I should be thankful for. Within no time, the days dwindle down to when our class trip is to take place. I stay late everyday after school and tape the Eye of the Warrior show for when I would be absent due to being in the woods. The teacher couldn’t handle not having in class so she came up with the idea of having the shows pre-taped. Evan stayed by his car out in the parking lot for me to finish everyday so far, except for today, Thursday. Why he forgot to stay or what emergency came up that he couldn’t let me know astonished me. Most days I have to wait for him to be done with practice and I find it to be quite troubling that he’s already gone. After an exceptionally long taping with my mind numb from so much useless information, I walk out into an empty parking lot. Literally, void of all cars, forcing me to hike up my messenger bag full of books and begin to walk the several blocks home. Thank goodness I didn’t wear heels today. He best not be home when I get there I grumble to myself. I can’t believe he just left me, no note on my desk or a text. I round the corner and start the three blocks that were left preparing my speech on his irresponsible behavior when a car pulls up alongside me ruining my train of thought. There’s no way in telling who’s behind the wheel due to the tinted black windows. First thought in my mind was serial killer...rapist...kidnapper. My heart slams against my chest, my pulse starts to race at such outrageous thoughts. That couldn’t happen to me...right? As my vision starts to creat black spots from my irrational fear the passenger side window slowly rolls down revealing slightly familiar face behind the wheel. “Care for a ride?” he asks. “Blake.” A smile finds my face. “I am almost home…” “Even you lived in the house I just can’t bare to let you continue walking when I am more than willing to drive you.” “Really, I’m fine. Maybe next time.” He lets out a carefree laugh. “I must seem like some creep that trying to pick you up.” I pinch my fingers together. “Just a little.” “Cross my heart with hopes to die, I promise I’m just trying to be chivalrous.” He flashes me a cunning smile and I cave. “Alright. Since there’s promises of death involved.” I open the car door and nervously take a seat. “So why is a gorgeous girl like you walking the streets?” He asks. I can’t help the blush that burns my cheeks. “Are you always this straight forward?” “No.” “If you must know, my ride left me at school.” “And your ride wouldn’t be the boy I saw you with at the mall is it?” I give a stiff nod. Thankfully, my house comes up fast. “That’s mine,” I point out my house and divulge that Evan, my ride is also my next-door neighbor. I pull my bag on my shoulder and open the door about to say thank you, but his voice cuts me off. “Let me give you my number just in case your loser boyfriend forgets to take you home again.” He reaches over me to the glove box, grabs a scrap piece of paper and a pen, and writes his number down handing it to me. I look out my window and notice Evan leaning against his car waiting for me. the hatred and shock on his face makes up for him leaving me. He deserves it. “Number one, most important he’s not my boyfriend, and number two, still important, thank you for the ride.” I step out and walk to my front door not even acknowledging Evan at all. That’s until he runs up to my front door beating me to it. I turn to face him and instantly he’s lecturing me about taking rides from a stranger. I look at the curb where Blake is parked and see the driver’s side door open with him standing outside. I hold up my hand signaling I’m fine and he can go. Reluctantly he gets back in the car and gradually leaves. “What the hell Emerald. What’s wrong with you, I told you I don’t trust him.” “Really, let's talk about trust Evan. I trust you to take me home from school, but I guess it’s whenever you feel like it. I’m home now and honestly that’s all that matters.” I try to rach around him to twist the doorknob. He refuses to move and keeps repeating how sorry he is, “Something came up and I should have said no and waited for you, I thought I would be back before you got done. I went back for you, but you were already gone. I took the back way home, because I thought you would go that way so nobody would see you walking the streets.” “How thoughtful of you. Care to tell me what was so important?” I have to ask, I’m curious to know. Is his mom sick? Is his dad hurt? What? “That’s not worth anything to me if you are mad at me. I need you to forgive me.” I shake my head and shove past him, slamming the door shut and instantly locking it. Of course my mother is at Flourish, which at this moment is freaking fantastic. I didn’t need to explain what’s happening between Evan and me. I find a note on the fridge saying that she’ll be back in a few hours and supper needs to be put in the oven at five o'clock. I check the answering machine and find one new message. I play it while I grab something cold to drink. Just as I suspect it’s my mother calling from Flourish to tell me the same thing that the note did, just in case I didn’t see it. *** Before I know it, the week is over. The praised Friday is upon us. I ask Kordie to go to the mall with me tomorrow, but she tells me she already has plans. No way am I going to ask Evan to go with me. After his negelect and then possossiveness I need my space from him. We’ll get past it, we always do. I did my best in not running into him, including having my mother take me to school this morning and her picking me up. I even go to the library during my lunch time. Desperation never looks good on anyone. I poke my head into the studio and tell Mrs. Bloomwood that I would see her when I get back from my art trip and exit the school to my mother’s awaiting car. I notice Evan waiting by his shiny prized possession in the quickly empting lot and show no indication that I noticed him. I sit silent in the passenger seat on the way to Flourish without an ounce of proof that something is bothering me. I go directly to the back room and pot some plants keeping my head down looking at no one. Getting my hands dirty is refreshing. Some people cook or clean or even bake to relieve stress, all I need is to pot plants. I know how lame. On Saturday I spend more much needed quality time with my mother. I procrastinate for a whole month on going shopping for my things I needed for the trip. We joke, shop and pick up a dozen cupcakes from the local bakery to bring over to the hard workers at Flourish where I continue to help with her orders. After hours away from home shopping around town and checking in at the shop, I’m somewhat surprised to see that Evan iss still not home. I’m still mad at him, but I didn’t just quit paying attention. I brush it off and am not tempted to look at my clock to see what time it is when I hear him pull into his driveway. Sunday arrives in a blur and I spent the whole day in my room wasting my time on the computer. I have everything packed in my bag within a half an hour for the art trip tomorrow. I have most of the work done, but left two to do at the campsite. I throw myself on my bed, the plush comforter forms around me putting me at ease. I lay my head on a pillow and let my eyes close until I hear a light tap on the window. A frustrated groan escapes my tightly pursed lips. I crawl out of bed and open the purple curtains to reveal Evan standing in his window holding up piles of clothes with a puzzled expression on his face. Forgiveness set in motion. I mouth the words ‘I’ll be right over’ holding up my scared right index finger. I walk across the lawn to the front door with Evan waiting inside. I know I was going to have to face him and fix this tension between us sooner or later. And today, a day before we are out in the woods for three days together is better than none I guess. “You are such a girl,” I say following him to his room. He has his duffle bag open with clothes thrown all over the place. We shuffle through the piles and decide on two pairs of jeans, four t-shirts, and two sweatshirts along with a pair of pajamas. “You know Emerald I sleep in the nude, but I guess I should take those or the guys might get the wrong impression. Good thinking.” Evan says with a smile that’s suppose to look sexy. I just stand there laughing so hard I give myself the hiccups. We keep on joking with each other until I ask him how Friday night went. Productive is all he tells me, and in response I tell him I was going to go home to have supper and go to sleep. As the night finally comes to an end I go over to my desk to shut down my computer and notice that I have an unread message on my f******k page. It was nice seeing you again. I stare at the picture icon of the person that wrote it. Blake’s vivid gray eyes stare back at me. decide not reply back, at least not yet. I shut the computer down and go to bed with a small smirk on my face.
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