Chapter – 121

860 Words

121 They say blood is thicker than water, but it is harder to clean with it spills. But Gannon knew it’ll be fun. “Dad…” he ran, hugging him closely as his heart filled with evil joy, but his face remained unbothered. Though he didn’t even remember being this close with his dad, he remained calm. “Hi, Mrs. Waters.” He kissed her through the greets too, flashing the fake smile. “I'm so happy to have this opportunity to be on such a prestigious magazine cover with you. I feel so fortunate to finally have become a part of your family.” He uttered to his dad even after the red eyeballs of his father warned him ‘to cut the crap' with an ultra-deadly glare. Perhaps he has been practicing for this moment, or it was something he has learned from the time he spends in the womb. Nonethel

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