Chapter – 10

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Chapter – 10 Ready or Not “I had all these clothes lying in my closet and I didn’t even know. When did you buy all this?” I was almost as shocked as I was happy to have found the secret cupboard full of new outfits from my sister. “Your sister is the best designer you'll know of, and you have to live up to my reputation. I can expect that, right?” I nodded nonchalantly. She is the best I’ve ever seen. “Remember this always, always wear nice clothes. I'll send you more. Never slack off about your choices. Ask me. Your attire presents ninety percent of your personality. Always make it appropriate. Did you not want this? And I promised that I'll help you forget all you used to be. That’s how you will do it, that’s how we will do it.” “Is that what you say to your clients, pretty inspiring, not going to lie.” “it’s true too.” “I'm sure.” “now hurry, get dressed. I'll talk to you later if I have time. I have a shoot today. Bye.” “bye. And thanks.’” Gabe helped me pack stuff and even when I came into this apartment, she helped me arrange everything; she flew from LA to help me with all my stuff over the weekend. She chose all my outfits that will fit my new body, and no doubt she did a good job. I need them. She is right this is how I forget who I used to be. The loser. The outcast. The dump in a dumpster. That is who I was, and I know I can’t ever forget that. It will always stay with me, forever. I will hide it under the facade of a chic and powerful image that I learned to forge. No one will know. Talking about school especially hurts me in a million ways. My face, full of disgust, flashed in front of me. Big and white pimples all over my face, those thick eyebrows on my fatty face, and redness all over. I felt disgusted by myself. How would I expect someone to like me? Emmi was the only one who ever talked with me in the entire school. He even fought over me several times to protect me against the classic high school bullies. I knew he could always be there to fight, which will eventually get him in trouble, so I tried to shut him off. We were close to home, not at school. I became a stranger to him; I ignored him. I didn’t want him to be bullied, too. I didn’t wish that on anyone to bear what I had to. I cared about him too much. He was lucky that he was handsome and popular enough for all the good things that he didn’t have to go through that hell. I shook my head like a lunatic, right and left, clenching my eyes shut hard, trying to clear the memories and thoughts that were clouding my thinking and sieve them back to the corner of my head. I even shed a tear or two at the pained memory. I bit my tongue; pain will eliminate another pain. The physical will vanish the mental. I can think about it later tonight. I love overthinking anyway, so anytime is a good time. That outfit my sister chose for me, what could I say, it was all I ever dreamed of wearing one day. I felt happy just by watching others wear such outfits. She chose a neon-orange cropped hoodie over a grey-n-black high waist, short, with chains and metal hanging on it, clanking as I walked. It looked cool to me even before I dared to wear it on. For shoes, she told me to wear thigh-high boots, black, with block heels. My hair was in beachy waves, just as she suggested. If I ever get rich in the future, Imma going to hire Gabe personally to dress me up. She has a brilliant eye for it. “someone’s looking gorgeous.” It was seven and Emmi was right on time, just like old times. He hugged me soon as he saw me walking to his car. “and someone just as handsome.” I complemented back, smiling. He wore all black and metal, similar to mine. Leather jacket over a grey tee and ripped, torn black tight denim and military boots. He accessorized the outfit with a million chains (just kidding). Many girls are going to swoon over him today. He brushed back a stray tendril that snaked on his face. Gosh, how rare it is for people as beautiful as him to even exist. How can he not have girls swooning all over him? “did you talk to Gabe?” there’s no way our outfits would match time much. “no, why?” “nothing just asking.” Trying not to make it seem cheesy. “I'll suppose it’s me you meant.” He flashed his dimples. “I never said that.” “but I clearly meant you.” We both got inside the car, chatting. “you look completely different, not to sound bad or anything, but you’ve changed a lot.” “I don’t feel that different from the inside, maybe in my old photos when I see them, sometimes, but I am the same most of the time. I don’t know how to explain this, but it is just like a year before.” (Just less alone, because I learned I have to be happy with myself) “I think I understand what you mean. Maybe if we will spend some time together, I'll say the same. Your heart is still the same. Your smile is the same too.” He said, patting my head gently like I'm a puppy of his. “crooked.” He laughed. “But I think you have dimples when you laugh hard. I never see this dip in your face before.” He pointed at my cheeks while I made a big fake laugh to make it clearer. I always wanted dimples; they seem so attractive. But what I have now isn’t really deep dimples. They disappear when I make a straight face. “People say it’s cute.” I pulled his hand down. “my hairstyle…” his pat was about to ruin my hairdo. “ain’t nobody messes up with a girl’s hairdo.” “People are crazy.” I slapped his hand while he just laughed open-mouthed before droving off. “who else will be there?” I asked. “some that you know, and some you don’t.” “a lot of them?” “Gannon will be there?” “yes, you both seemed close.” “I just met him.” “you don’t talk to new people. He seems to be special.” “I'm trying to change that old habit and he just helped me find you.” “he is a heartbreaker.” “what? don’t worry, I'm not thinking of anything like that.” “He dates a lot, don’t get close to him.” “don’t worry, I'm not into bad guys. So it doesn’t matter.” “how many others will be there?” “maybe six.” “that’s few, that’s good.” “it’s a concert there will be many strangers too.” “ya, I know, I fear that.” “don’t worry, you'll be fine. Your favorite band is not that popular. I'm going because there are free drinks with the passes and my friends too for the same reason. Why do you think I had extra passes?” “shut up and concentrate on the road. I don’t what my body to be soulless soon.” “We are too pretty to die so soon. Don’t worry, I drive safe.”  
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