Chapter Two... Tricks and Betrayal

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*Zayne POV* I watched angrily as she drove away completely ignoring my calls for her to stop, but the smirk that appeared on my face was unexpected. She was the first woman to make my heart start beating ever. Her disobedience was very alluring to me because it just meant that her punishment would be all the much sweeter. After all, that little dove was mine, whether she wanted to be or not. She had officially caught my attention. I dropped the smile and put my cruel and dangerous face back on and headed back inside. Mrs. Dandy was standing there looking around nervously. "What's her name?" I asked dangerously low. "S-she's j-just a volunteer. I... I..." she tried stuttering out, but my patience was running out. "I asked for her name not what she does here. Do you want me to help you with the money? Then start opening your fûcking mouth." I snapped. She inhaled sharply and looked down defeated, "Adalee," she whispered, "Her n-name is Adalee." "Does she not have a last name? I want details Dandy. NOW." I say growling as I pull my gun out and hold it by my side. "P-please don't kill me. She's only eighteen Mr. Culverson. Her father works from home and her mother is a doctor." she strained out. "She likes to come here and volunteer, because she likes helping people. I didn't mean for her to be here. I'm s-sorry." she sobbed uncontrollably. "I don't want to hear your tears Dandy. I just want to know about Adalee. She's mine now. Do you hear me? She's my possession and if anything happens to her here. It's your ass," I chuckled cruelly, "When will she be back to volunteer?" "She comes by every other day. So she won't be back until the day after tomorrow." she sniffles and wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. "Good. I will be back then to see my little dove. I want it to be a surprise Dandy. Do not tell her I am coming. You make sure I have time with my new possession and I will write you that check the same day." I smirk smugly, "I might even throw in a few extra zeroes." She gasps and her eyes widen with shock. I can see her brain already forming a plan. Money talks, especially if a person wants it bad enough. I have just given Dandy her meal ticket to big money. I can pretty much guarantee you that my little dove will be here like I want her to be. I can not wait to see her again and make her understand that she belongs to me now. Forever. I count the days until she's here with me again. * * * * * * * * * *Adalee POV* I am never going back to the shelter ever again. I tremble just thinking of Zayne's expression on his face. That cruel smile he was sporting. What would happen to me? God, I just know it wouldn't be good. You know it would be fûcking amazing. He is so powerful and handsome. Can you imagine what his côck... What the fûck? My inner self seems to have a mind of her own. She's such a naughty girl. I can't believe she went there. I mean I can believe it because seriously his body was fûcking gorgeous and his côck..... No. No. No. I can't be thinking about this stuff. "Pumpkin are you going to tell me what happened or am I calling Mrs. Dandy?" My father growled angrily as he pulled in front of our house. "I met someone I wasn't supposed to meet today and I think he... likes me. I mean really like likes me. I got scared and ran away. To be honest I'm surprised he isn't knocking at the door or bashing it in at this very moment." I say hesitantly. My father just shakes his head chucking, "Pumpkin you make it sound like you met someone in the Mafia." I look at him and raise my eyebrow at him. "What the fûck Adalee?" My father raises his voice almost to a scream, "Why is Mrs. Dandy dealing with the Mafia and who in the fûck did you meet?" "Zayne Culverson," I whispered roughly. "WHAT!" My father screams, "You're telling me that the Mafia King himself wants you? Adalee, I'm sorry, but you are never going back to that shelter again. I am not going to let anything happen to you, especially if that man is involved. Sweetheart, he is bad news." I bit my lip and looked down at my feet. "I wasn't planning on going back, Dad. That's why I ran. I know he is dangerous." "Good, at least your head is working properly. It's bad enough that your mother has to deal with him and the rest of his men. I don't need him hurting you or anything bad happening to you." My father strained out. "Don't worry Dad. You raised a smart young woman." I said softly. He looked over at me and just sighed dejectedly, "I will always worry about you Pumpkin. You're my little girl." * * * * * * * * * * *Two days later* I was sitting on my bed looking through my social media when my phone dinged. Mrs. Dandy: Adalee. Honey, where are you? You were supposed to come in today. Did you forget? Me: Hey Mrs. Dandy. I'm at home. No didn't forget. I don't think it is wise for me to volunteer there anymore after the run-in I had with Zayne Culverson. I'm sorry Mrs. Dandy. Mrs. Dandy: I understand Adalee, I really do, but I need your help. One of my workers forgot to make an order for food and I am going to be out by midmorning. Can you at least watch the shelter for a couple of hours while I go and get what I need for the week? Please? I am in a bind Adalee. I wouldn't ask unless it was important. Me: I don't have a ride, Mrs. Dandy. My father already told me he wouldn't take me there anymore. I'm sorry, but I can't. Mrs. Dandy: I will come and get you. I can probably pay for an Uber. I'm desperate Adalee. Me: Okay. Okay. Calm down, Mrs. Dandy. I will find a way. Be there as soon as I can. Mrs. Dandy: Thank you Adalee. I'm so sorry for this. It was never my intention. I put my phone down on my bed and just analyze that whole conversation. Mrs. Dandy doesn't seem like herself. She seems pretty adamant about me going to the shelter. I don't believe her story for a minute. Something else is going on. I wonder if it has anything to do with Zayne. I gulp inwardly and shake those thoughts flooding my mind. I can't handle that right now. I have to find out what's up with Mrs Dandy. She's constantly apologizing and what wasn't her intention? Hmmm... I have to find a way there without my Dad finding out. I look for an Uber and leave directions for them to park about two houses down. I get dressed and wait for the notification that they are close. Once I get it I sneak out my window and hurry to my Uber. I hope I won't have to worry about my Dad. I turned up my music and left a Do Not Disturb sign on my door. I am hoping that that will hold him off for a good hour or two before he comes and starts knocking on my door. Once I make it to the shelter I rush inside and Mrs. Dandy meets me at the door. "I'm so glad you could make it. Thank you so much and once again I'm sorry," she said sadly. "Is everything okay Mrs. Dandy? Are you in trouble?" I asked cautiously. She just shook her head and lead me to her office. "I'll be back as soon as I can." She pushed me in slowly and closed the door locking it in the process. I looked at the door with confusion. What the fûck just happened? Why did she lock me in here? I was just about to turn around and search through her desk for a second set when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I gasped sharply. "Hello, my little dove. I think it's time we had ourselves a little talk. Don't you?" said Zayne in a deep and raspy voice. Oh shît. I was so fûcked.
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