Shut Up with A Kiss

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Shut Up with A Kiss Maurice's POV, “A house with a blue door.” Is that coming out of his mouth? How did he know about that? “It’s near the head office in London. We will be neighbors.” He added, grinning. “How exciting.” “But how…” “Dad told me about that. But don’t worry, I will not ask about your weird fetish with a blue door. But he wanted to gift you this.” “Shut up. I’m not taking this.” I gave it back, forcefully. I've saved enough to buy myself one. “It’s not for you. It’s for his company’s employees. The important ones. I’m getting it too. So just take it.” “Are you joking? You are his son. No way I'm taking it.” “Come on, you know he thinks of you not just like an employee. He loves you more than he loves me. You are more like a daughter to him.” “Doesn’t that make us siblings?” I chortled at his ruined expressions. “But I really can’t take this…” I gave it back, again. “I think only dad can convince you then. I won’t take it away from him. You know he has some exceptional skills.” Like hell, I know. No one but I know how good he has kept his attorney skills. We chugged on the coffee and open some more presents. There were tens of them. decorative artifacts were the most in numbers. I guess they know I am moving, and I will need some space-filling must-haves. The flowers were in the vase now, lily, orchids, even tulips, I received. But since I haven’t had to vases, many enough to shelter all the flowers, I had some empty milk bottles. And I’m good at reusing stuff. I planted them color-coordinated with the walls and the furniture and it just made my apartment stuffier, but it was pretty, at least. And the scent too was quite strong. Perhaps my nostrils weren’t that sensitive. The flowers didn’t bother me much. Ricky though sneezed twice. By the time we were done, it was midnight, and a loud phone call interrupted our constructive time investment of sorting out present in the category of their usefulness. “Mom.” I got up on my feet and ran to the patio. “Mom!!” I added again, but no voice came through. It was mom, the number was from the hospital. But why isn’t she saying anything? My heart dropped as the silence continued. “Mom!!” my words came out whispered. I didn’t want Ricky to know about it. About the life, I live. Not the angle from which he knows me, but the hidden reality. “Maurice…” the voice came after a small suspenseful pause. It was Nancy’s. my mom’s caretaker. I hired her full-time so I can be looked after closely. “Darling, Coreen wants to wish you a happy birthday. She even made you a card, but she isn’t too well.” She continued, in her controlled British accent. “Why? What happened?” “She sneaked out in the rain yesterday and caught a cold. But don’t worry, I’m giving her the medicines. She will be great soon.” I shifted her to the best hospital, where she can be looked after for all her special needs, so she can get the best care. But how are they this careless with mom? I clenched shut my eyes. “Please look after her and let her know that I’ll be coming to see her soon, okay.” And here I waiting to get her on phone… “Are you coming to London, darling?” “Yes, next week,” I added, turning off the call. I feel like throwing my phone down from the fifteenth floor down on the hard-ass floor and making it crash into a million small pieces, ricocheting all over the ground as my heart has crushed. But no, that side should always stay under the folds. I told myself, poising back into the present. It took all my self-control to reserve that side of my personality and walk back inside. “What happened to you?” I must give off the upset vibe. He noticed it distressed me the second I step back into the living room. Or does he have some special gift? Uh! I’m crazy. You are not as emotionless as you think, Maurice. “No, nothing, I’m fine, it’s just I'm tired and sleepy.” And sad, and frustrated and I want to cry my heart out. I don’t even know why I’m going to London anymore. Once again, I will have to start my life from scratch. Leave a few things I like here. Meet new people, work with them, understand them. Yeah, I'm really very fine. “Your mom didn’t talk to you, did she?” my quiet pause must have tipped him off. Or is he magic? No, no. if he was, he wouldn’t be sitting on the couch, helping me open the presents. Huh… he almost got me. “It’s not just you with mommy issues, you know,” he added. And for the first time, I've heard him talk about his mother. I wonder what kind of woman she would be. He must've inherited his brilliant, rare looks from his mother since he looks nothing like Mr. Winston. He is tall and has long hair. Not to mention his looks again. What a cool combo, beauty from the mum and heart of gold from dad. Mr. Winston is such a great man. And I can see his qualities shining in Ricky too, too clearly the closer I see. As he hugged me, though I didn’t let off, I never have felt that before. Never once someone had given someone me warmth as he did just with his closeness. And I needed it, needed it so badly that I felt like after days of starving for air, someone finally let me fly. “Well, uh, mine differs from most.” I cleared my throat, stepping a step back. “But well, you are right. She didn’t.” I added, throwing my exhausted body on the couch parallel to the one he was settled in before, but just the presents are there now. “You should go now. It’s getting late.” “Na-uh… not so…” our heads turned, mine to the right and his left, as the doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone now, or mostly ever. It’s not like anyone visits me, anyway. My life was like that in such a cool city, where I can do so much more. But it just works. I feel like sometimes, I’m old already. But… it seemed like Ricky knew who was at the door. He runs with his enormous feet to the door, gleaming like a child when his dad is back from work, and opened the door, as I heard the click. “Happy birthday to you…” A cake? “Happy birthday to you…” I rush of content and excitement ran through my blood; it warms up as it was just cold. A candle he burned on top of it, light up a smile on my face. I was a kid again. It was a beautiful truffle cake, with so many chocolates decorated like little kids playing in a chocolate tub, I know exactly with bakery I came from. The Tinker Bell.
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