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In the holy city, Hermes the popes, and his followers are preparing for their departure, their mission is to investigate an anomaly that happens in their holy core. The holy core acts like a magic detector, they use it to locate witches, magic items,s and magic itself but there was an aberration that happened in the last six months. Large, concentrated magic was in the middle of the sea. The pope ordered his one loyal follower, Mayne to investigate the aberration. Along with him are his personal guards and three witches. What is the use of the witches? they act as a catalyst and a fuel to the magic item, but in exchange for blood. The blood of the witches has special features, magic to power most of the magic items. The magic item is the holy staff capable of summoning beast and creates wide destructive magic. "Mayne~sama. The carriages are ready." His personal guard said while kneeling towards him. "Good." ... On the way to the port of Hargus, three witches are contained in a horse-drawn metal cage, and covered by jarred curtains, rendering them blind in the surroundings. They can only feel the movement of the carriage, shaking, vibrating, and rocking. "Onee~chan," A little girl said in a sorrowful tone. "Where...are...we going? Are they gonna kill us?" The girl sails while looking at his sister.  "Don't worry Lily-chan they're not going to kill us" Her sister said but a tear in her eyes tells Lily that she was lying trying to comfort her. "Then... why... are... we... going... with... the... priest? Onee~chan... you said... that the priest holds the power to execute us” lily said while breaking her words. "You're wrong Lily, calm down we are not going to die, and even if we...even if we" Her sister crying, losing hope to live. "Sophia, it's no use your little sister is smart, she knows that you're lying," The girl said besides her expressionless. "But Misha? are you going to give up?" "It was no use, just accept it. we are going to die just like the other witch who were incarcerated." Misha said expressionlessly. ... 20 hours later. In the port of Hargus, a crowd of people was watching the carriages that strides in the stone road, looking at it, was a carriage that has a church insignia. When the people saw it, they instantly knew that it was from the church. A high-ranking official is akin to the design of the exterior design carriage. The carriages stop and one of the personal guards of Mayne opened the door. When Mayne got off the carriage the guards kneeled and the crowd that gathered there. Mayne looks slowly in the port and saw a man who seemingly old probably 40-50 years old approaching them. "Holiness Mayne, Welcome to the port of Hargus. My name is Bearing the captain of the ships." Bearing said while in kneeling position. "Likewise, these are my personal guards." The guards stepped forward and bowed. :"I appreciate the welcome, but we need to get going," Mayne said in a peremptory tone. "I understand, also these are my crews." Bearing pointed his crew on his back. "They'll help you with your luggage." "Thank you," Mayne said and immediately pointed his hand to the carriage who appears to be covered. "By that way, that carriage, it has three witches on it, I suggest you move them without letting the people knew or there will be chaos." "I understand". The crew of Bearing was helping Mayne's personal guard to unload luggage while some of them were carrying a heavy metal cage, loading to the ship's deck. Bearing is a captain and owns six ships, due to his exploration of routes and lands, he was bestowed a title by the King of 'The Great Explorer' making him reach and affords many ships. "All the luggage are loaded in the ship captain. We are ready to sail" One of the Bearing crew said. "Thank you, then anchors aweigh, destination. West" ... 4 hours later, the crew was playing cards, chatting, and drinking wine. Mayne is in the captain quarters along with Bearing they sit on the table on opposite sides. In front of them is a map drawn by Bearing. "So, are you saying that there is a huge magic anomaly that happened here?" Bearing said while pointing in the middle of the sea. "Yes," Mayne said while looking at the face of Bearing who seems confused. "But there's nothing but ocean there? are you sure that you detected something here?" "Of course, the holy core does not lie. Are you doubting the power of God?" The bearing was shocked but denied the question wavering his hand to him. "By the way do you want to see it? we have monocular here maybe we can see it here from our location, we are nearby the way." Bearing said rolling the map close. "I agree." The two of them went to the deck using monocular to observe the horizon, they saw a mysterious figure moving towards their location. "Your holiness look" Bearing said giving his monocular and pointed to the direction where the figure was seen. "Is that an island?" Mayne asked Bearing. "I don't know but it's moving, let me have a clear look"  Bearing uses his monocular again and looked towards the horizon. "I-Impossible it looks like a ship, and there is another and another and another" Bearing said while stuttering his words. "A ship? Give me that" Mayne snatched the monocular and looked again on the horizon. "I-Impossible! it's not an Island? It’s a ship?" Mayne concluded the reason he said that those were the ships where the flags of the unknown country were dancing on the top of each ship. Unbeknownst to them, it was the first fleet of Harthom. What was Mayne saw is a Nimitz class aircraft carrier? Back in the scene. An SH-60 Seahawk was hovering in the sky, the crews of the ships and Mayne were flabbergasted. Equipped with a Long-range acoustic device, flying steel spoke. "This is the Harthom navy! State your intent. I repeat this is the Harthom navy! State your intent! You are approaching to maritime territorial waters of the Harthom. Declare your purpose otherwise, we will shoot!" Mysterious flying steel spoke to them in a foreign dialect, they cannot interpret the words coming out of it, based on the tone they concluded that they are warning them. "Mayne~sama what should we do?" His personal guard said while his eyes were locked on the helicopter. "I've never seen anything like that" Mayne awed. ... White House Command Ops. P.E.O.C Thomas who was watching on the large screen felt something was wrong, which is because the warning should have been reaching their ears and expect it to respond, but there was none. Thomas can only think of something they must be shocked on the helicopter or they cannot understand what they are saying. With that, he walked towards the screen and asked the officials present in the room. "Do you think that they cannot understand what we're saying? We are in another world we cannot rule out the possibility of different language." "I agree Mr. President" "What should we do? should we send someone to their ships?" "I agree Mr. President I think we should." "Okay do it" ... An RHIB is preparing to drop on one of the Arleigh Burke destroyer, towed in the chains they were dropped on to the water safely. The RHIB is composed of 3 crews and a squad of special forces, on their way to the ship.  On the deck of the wooden ship, bearing notices something is coming towards them, it was fast and was driven by someone. "Your holiness. Look" Bearing pointed to the incoming small boat. Mayne looked towards it and notices something strange. "It’s fast? how can they move so fast without a sail?" "I don't know" Bearing shrugged. Meanwhile, in the metal cage, the three girls who were disturbed by the noise created by the helicopter wondered. "What is that sound?" Misha asked Sophia who was covering her ears. "I don't know but it's loud argh!" Sophia was annoyed but she takes a guess at what is going on. "A monster I guess?" Lily looked towards Sophia who said monster, scared she asked her. "Will they feed us to the monster?" Lily asked. A hint of fear in the words fumbled in the mouth of Lily. Sophia did not answer but she was curious about the foreign voice released by the helicopter, it is a language that they never heard of. Near the wooden ships, Mayne's personal guards as well as the crew unsheathed their swords while others were readying their bow to shoot at the RHIB. Obviously, the special forces aimed their guns as well for safety, but one soldier picks a megaphone and speak. "We are the Harthom armed forces, I repeat we are the Harthom armed forces, we are here to talk!" After hearing a word in a foreign language, they heard the gist of it. The soldier who holds the megaphone realizes that they cannot hear them since the helicopter was still on the place. He signals the helicopter to return. The helicopter leaves the premise. Clearing the helicopter's noise, the soldier tried again. This time they heard a language different from theirs. "Did you record that?" A soldier said to the soldier who was recording audio. "Yes sir!" "Okay send that to Command to analyzes it."  ... "Your holiness? a man who hold something that increases a voice is talking to us" "I know but we can’t understand them, and they are aiming something towards us," Mayne said to his personal guard while looking at the mysterious black cylinder aimed at them. ... In the White House Command Ops. P.E.O.C An audio file sent by the special forces were received and began playing it, Thomas was determined to know their language to break the language barrier, but he was worried also. What if their language were completely different from theirs? like a language that did not exist on the Earth. Luckily, Thomas attended numerous international conferences, if they speak a language that exists on Earth then that would be easy but if not then they need a linguist. The audio file was playing, hearing the words produces by the speaker, Thomas slammed the table unintentionally. It is because he heard the language before. "It's Japanese" "Pardon Mr. President?" "It's Japanese, they are using an honorific that Japanese people used. Listen carefully. San? Dono? what do you think?" "It’s true!" "Relay it to our Special Forces in the area, and tell them that they speak Japanese" "Will do sir" ... "Sir, we receive a report that they are speaking Japanese?" "Is that so?" "Well, that would be a problem since I don't know how hehe." The reason that they don't know how are simple, they are not programmed to speak in a different language, remember Thomas ability, to edit their personality? it also includes the language, so if Thomas wants his citizens to speak a different language other than English? he can easily do so. Meanwhile, the First Fleet was closing in showing force to the six ships who were overwhelmed by the size of the ships. "I-Impossible it's huge and they have many of them?" Bearing said while looking at the biggest of them all, the aircraft carrier. "It’s made of steel?!" Mayne said in shock. It was on the order of the President to close their distance to give them clear visual on the bogeys and conducting saber-rattling. But what was peaceful contact turned into a big misunderstanding? "Mayne~sama they will attack us!" His personal guard said who was shaking at the presence of the first fleet moving closer towards them. "Even if we can't understand their language, it seems to me that they will attack us according to their movement.". The first fleet is only 50 meters away from their ships, they had good look at what they call a moving island. "I-Its huge! How can we defeat those monsters?" Bearing said while looking up and down to the Nimitz aircraft carrier. "But can we fight them off? Their ships are made of iron?" "Don't worry I'll use this!" Mayne raised his holy staff given by the pope. He prayed in the holy staff quietly and his personal guards can only hear him muttering. "Disintegrate to the power of God!" Mayne said chanting in a different dialect, A holy staff gives off a dazzling light.  Mayne aimed the holy staff to the Aircraft carrier. "Burst forth!"   A fire envelops the holy staff and released a small fireball to the aircraft carrier. *Boom! A large explosion rocked the surroundings, Mayne was confident that he destroyed it but, the smokes were clearing until they saw a clear view. "I-I-Impossible!" The aircraft carrier was not damaged at all, it is not even grazed by the explosion, meanwhile, the commander of the aircraft carrier was pissed. "They've f*****g attacks us! order the men there to retreat! we will be f*****g attack them" In the command ops. The officials were alerted by the sudden attack of what seems magic. The general present to the command ops was requesting green light to retaliate. "Don't!" Thomas said to the commander. "Look the ship was still fine, it has no damage after the explosion, their attacks are impervious to our ships it must be a misunderstanding since we move our fleet closer to them." "With all due respect sir, they fired on us." "I kno..." Thomas was interrupted by another call, but it was giving off a distressed voice. "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" it was the RHIB near the wooden ships, arrows were raining upon them, they had no choice but to fire according to the rules of engagement. A hail of bullets poured to the bodies of the crew who were shooting their arrows towards them, the remaining wooden ships were firing as well but.  Kirov class battlecruiser bridge. "Sir we have a target locked on all ships requesting clearance," A captain said. In the Command Ops. Generals who were waiting to the green light of Thomas urged him to attack. "Mr. President we are suffering casualty there! we need to attack" "That's right maste...Mr. President! they already harmed our soldiers." ... Thomas heaves a sigh, ready to give his orders. "Sink those five ships on the back, I need that person who cast the magic and their ships alive!" The general saluted and picked the phone. "The President gave the order. Engage!"  
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