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VIOLET’S POV FLASHBACK EIGHT YEARS AGO I stood in front of the mirror feeling excited about my new princess dress. The mirror was certainly bigger than I was, and it showed every part of the dress my eyes could catch. I twirled around, giggling at the gift Luna had gotten for me for my birthday. She had been my mother since I never had anyone to take care of me after mine died. My father said that my mother died from exhaustion, meaning she was too tired while giving birth to me and she passed away, and somehow it was my fault. I had seen her pictures in my father’s room and the living room, but I wished I had met her. Maybe I did, but I was only a few hours old to even know that. And ever since she passed away, my father hated me. He took any chance that he got reminded me that I was the reason he lost his mate and I was motherless. He never paid a single attention to me unless he wanted to rain his insults on me, and that went on until I got caught with a severe fever that almost took my life. Had it not been for the Luna who had insisted on seeing me that day, I sure would have died from neglect. So, she took me in and raised me like I was hers. I was thankful to her for saving me, and for loving me despite having her own son. The door to my room opened, and from the mirror I saw Luna walk in. “Oh, my darling, look at you.” She gushed, taking my hands in hers. “You look like a real princess.” I giggled, smiling widely at her. “Thank you, Luna. For the dress too, I love it.” Luna turned me to face the mirror while she stood behind me. We both looked at the dress, and her smile was just as wide as mine. “I’m so glad you love it. I knew it would fit you, darling. Now that it’s your birthday, what do you say we go see your father?” My heart dropped at the thought of meeting my father, and I instantly shook my head refusing to see the man who hated me and left me to die. “I don’t want to see him Luna, he’s scary and he hurts me every time. He’s a bad father.” I was almost sobbing at this point. Luna turned me around so I was facing her while she pulled me towards my bed. She made me sit, and she knelt in front of me. “I know what you’re thinking, darling, and I know it hurts anytime he says harsh things to you but let me explain why he’s acting that way. I don’t support him treating you this way, but maybe it will make you understand better, okay?” I nodded at her words and sniffled. She wiped my tears and raised my head up with a finger on my chin. “Fated Mates are essential to our existence as werewolves. While it is important to have children, your Mate is your soul mate, the one that you cannot live without. Your mother’s death took a part of your father with her, he feels broken and he misses her a lot.” A lone tear slipped from my eyes, and she caught it before continuing, “You remind him of her a lot, you know, and he thinks that it’s your fault. But, Violet, even though you dislike him now, you must understand his pain. And I know deep down in his heart, your father loves you.” I wanted to believe her words but how could I when all my Father had shown me was his anger and hate for me? “Will I find my mate too?” I couldn’t help but ask, feeling fascinated with the idea of having a mate. If what she said was true, then my father was only just in pain from losing the love of his life, and he was taking it out on me, which I now understood that it was wrong. “Of course, sweetheart. The moon goddess blesses us all with one. And one day, when you come of age, you’ll find yours. He will the best thing that will happen to you. And when you think that you cannot be saved, he can save you even from yourself.” I was silent, pondering her words and taking them to heart. I knew now that I needed to be more understanding towards my father, and that his pain was far greater than mine. “Are you ready to now go see him?” she asked me, and I nodded unsure how things were going to turn out. I was taken to my father’s and while I stood in front of the house, I stared back at the Luna who with a smile gestured for me to go in. I turned around, took a deep breath before pulling the front door open. As soon as I did, however, I was hit by a heavy stench and I noticed my father from a distance in the living room excessively drinking. He hadn’t noticed me yet and I kept my distance for the time being. He looked unkept, almost like he hadn’t showered for weeks. He lifted his head and his eyes met mine. I gasped, not expecting him to know that I was there even in his state. “Violet?” he scrunched up his nose and squinted his eyes as if trying to clear his vision. I was too afraid to speak, so I didn’t. I remained glued to the spot where I was standing, not moving a single muscle. I expected him to scream for me to leave his sight and never show up, but he didn’t. “Nice dress, where’d you get it?” He asked. His question almost threw me off, and I was taken aback. “Uhm, Luna got it for me.” I managed to answer in a small voice. He nodded like he had heard me. My father adjusted himself on the couch, and then motioned for me to come to him. I stood still momentarily, recalling Luna’s words about understanding him more. I was expecting anything to happen, so I walked up to him in slow, steady steps that I was surprised he didn’t snap at me for being slow for. He stared at me when I stood in front of me. He looked at me like he had never seen me before and muttered something I was able to catch. “You look just like your mother.” My chest felt warm and it broke a little more, but I acted as though I didn’t hear him speak. He then raised his hand to my face, and I flinched instinctively. Where he would normally hit me or yell profanities at me, he let a small smile form on his lips before he pulled me into a hug. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I didn’t know how to react, as the feeling was so foreign to me. Once again Luna’s words resonated in my mind, and because of it, I found myself wrapping my little hands around him, hugging him back. But that seemed to have sobered him up a little, because then he pulled away abruptly, and his eyes held the same coldness I had come to know. It was still day time, but since the house was dimly lit, I couldn’t see all of his face. His cold expression glared at me, as if not believing that he would do such a thing. But was it bad for a father to love his daughter a little more? In those eyes of his, however, was something complex I couldn’t read. “Your mother’s death anniversary is today. I do not wish to see you again. Leave.” He said abruptly pointing at the door. Nothing about the way that he said it held any ounce of compassion; he must truly hate me. He didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I nodded, feeling tears pool in my eyes as I turned around and ran out of the house in agonizing pain. As soon as I left the threshold, I collided with someone and I broke down in tears in their arms. I felt the person pat and rub my head comfortingly. “Careful Violet, you don’t want to hurt yourself and ruin your dress.” The person said. Sam? I lifted my head to find him staring at me worriedly. What was he doing here? I didn’t remember him coming with us. “My mother told me where you are.” He wiped the tears from my eyes, acting protectively over me, as if he was not older by two years but more. “Don’t worry, my mother told me to always protect you, so you can count on that.” I nodded, feeling him take my hand and began to lead me to where Luna was. “It’s your birthday today, Violet. Happy Birthday. We made you a cake at home, and a special one I know you would like. I did the research myself.” Talking with him lightened my mood and soon I found that my tears had stopped and were replaced by a big smile. When we got back to the Alpha’s house, I was made to sit while the cake was brought before me. I jumped in my seat, excited. I watched Sam, with a smile of his own, light the candles on the cake while Luna took her seat beside me. “Happy Birthday Darling, go on, make a wish.” She cheered as did Sam. I shut my eyes, and silently wished to find my mate one day, and to always have the love of this new family of mine. Because even if my father hated me, I had Sam and his mother, and it was more than enough for me.
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