Chapter One-3

2000 Words
I had been jogging for a while. As I rounded the fourth corner and headed down the backside of the track I was approaching the three mile mark. Adrenaline was surging through my veins pushing me into that runner’s high. I pushed harder. Before long another runner entered the oval. He was just a hundred feet in front of me. When I got close, I realized it was that young Latino. He wore skin tight compression-type shorts to his mid-thigh and a form-fitting tank top. I couldn’t help but notice his broad shoulders and small waist. He had a well chiseled body. Every muscle in his body bulged and was perfectly formed. As I got next to him he increased his speed and stayed right next to me. “Good morning, Mr. Jensen. I knew you’d be out here. I’ve watched you run many mornings in the city.” Suddenly I stopped. “You’ve been watching me?” “Of course. Mr. Rodriguez likes to know everything there is about his associates.” “But…” “In his business knowing is surviving and he knows you well.” “How well?” “He knows that your wife’s birthday is February 25th. She wears a size 34 B bra. She keeps the key to your c**k cage around her ankle and only lets that puny, little thing out once a month. Besides working on Wall Street you are her complete slave. You do everything around the house and worship her as your queen. She has you very well trained though so she is always well satisfied. Besides that, you have stolen between seven and eight million dollars from my boss, and he’s not very happy. Do I have to go on?” “Ah – ah… but how…” “There’s nothing about your lives that Mr. Rodriguez doesn’t know, and that’s why I’m here. Tomorrow evening we’re going to sit down over some drinks and have a little discussion. Now go on with your run.” As he turned around to leave he stopped for a moment. He cupped his hand on his crotch, sort of Michael Jackson style and spoke. “If you had a ten or eleven inch d**k like this one, she’d never want to keep you caged. Trust me, I know.” I glanced down at the huge bulge in his tight spandex trunks and gasped. The monster snaked half way down the inside of his left thigh. “Maybe I’ll have to show her how a real man makes love.” He smiled and chuckled while slowly walking away. I didn’t say another word. The hairs on the back of my neck rose to attention as I thought of the possibilities of what he just said. I was surprised just how much that drug lord really knew. That was all very personal stuff. Actually it was damn scary. He knew far more than I thought he did. That little discussion totally drained the excitement from my morning run. I grabbed my towel and started back to our suite. As I rounded the corner and headed for the elevator, there he stood. With a big smile on his face he lifted his right hand and made a gun with his fingers. His thumb came down like the hammer would on a revolver. It was a child’s way of shooting someone, but I quickly got the idea that this little vacation may not be playing out like I figured. I quietly entered our room and went right to the shower. I really didn’t want to alarm my wife, but I knew things weren’t right. That Mexican or Columbian or where ever he came from was going to be a problem. I could tell. We spent the next day just doing the touristy things on the cruise but on Thursday night things changed considerably. Janine and I had finished dinner and had gone into one of the clubs waiting for the entertainment to begin. As we sat there having a couple of drinks, the handsome Latino approached our table. “Ah… Mr. and Mrs. Jensen… it’s so good to see you,” he said as he handed us each a drink. “I think it’s about time we had a little talk.” “I’m sorry,” I interrupted, “but I don’t know you. I don’t even know your name.” “Forgive me, sir… you can call me Philippe, but that makes little difference. What is important is the reason I’m here.” I knew why he was here. Even though I would deny it, he obviously knew the truth. So I picked up the Scotch and water he brought me and quickly drank it down. I tried to disguise his real motive. “So, Philippe, are you interested in making some money by letting me do my magic? You must know how I help Mr. Rodriguez.” “Oh I’m very familiar with how you manage my boss’s money.” Suddenly I put my hand to my forehead. My vision was instantly blurry. In fact, there were two Phillipes sitting across the table from me. I sat there and shook my head back and forth. “What’s the matter, Mr. Jensen? You look a little strange.” “I-I… I don’t know….” “Maybe it was the sea scallops. I thought they had a funny taste,” he interjected. “What’s the matter, darling?” Janine asked. “I don’t… I don’t feel just right. My stomach… my head… I think… I, ah… I think I need to go to the bathroom.” Janine started to get up from the table until Philippe put his hand on her arm and sort of eased my wife back into her chair. “He’ll be alright,” the Latino interrupted. “Let him go relieve himself. We’ll stay here and wait for him to return. Don’t worry, he’ll be just fine. Besides I think we can find something interesting to talk about.” My head clouded and my stomach was spinning like a child’s top as I left the table and staggered for the door. Immediately I wondered if there was something in my drink. Oh my God! I was confused, not knowing what actually had happened. As I made it to the hallway someone grabbed me by the arm and spoke with a definite accent. “Let me help you, Señor.” “I’m alright. I need to…. Really I’m… oh s**t, my head is spinning. I think that man put…. I think my drink was….” “We’ll help you, Señor, trust me.” Another man grabbed me by the other elbow and led me down the hall and into the elevator. “Don’t worry, Mr. Jensen. Just let us help you.” “Ok… Just help me back to my room.” “That’s where we’re going, sir.” “No, my wife… my wife and I have a royal suite on the upper deck. Why is the elevator going down? Stop the elevator and take us back up.” “I’m sorry, sir. You are confused. We’re going to the top floor.” “But if feels like were going down.” “You’ve had too many drinks. Don’t worry, Mr. Jenson. We’re going to make you nice and comfortable. “But my wife… she’ll wonder where I am.” “She’s in good hands, Señor. I’m sure that she’ll be well taken care of tonight. You needn’t worry.” As the elevator door opened I was quickly ushered into another room. “This isn’t my room.” “Now it is. This is a storage room in the bottom of the ship, but this is where you’ll be spending the remainder of your cruise. Now remove your clothes or we’ll do it for you.” “But, my wife…. She’ll be… ah… she’ll be looking for me. I’ve got to….” I tried to push them away, but suddenly there was a tremendous pain in my stomach. The wind was driven from my body as the man’s fist struck me just above my navel. Before I had a chance to get my breath and recover, the other thug grabbed both my arms from behind. As he pulled me back his partner’s knee pounded into my balls, driving them up against my pelvis. “Uh – h – h – h…” I was then dropped to the floor where I curled up into a fetal position. “Now get your ass up and shed those clothes or you’ll get a lot more of the same,” one of them demanded. “Give me a minute. Please, give me a minute,” I struggled to say. Slowly I got to my knees. My hands clutched my balls as the pain radiated through my lower stomach area. “Remove your clothes, Señor, or I’ll crush your worthless nuts.” Finally I started. It took all my effort to pull my polo shirt over my head. Instantly one of them grabbed me by the hair and started to pull me to me feet. “I told you to strip!” he yelled. “I am. I’m trying. Please give me a chance. Please.” Suddenly he grabbed my shorts and literally started to rip them from my body. Just moments later I stood there totally naked. The only thing left was the little plastic chastity device that Janine enjoyed keeping on me. As I stood there somewhat stunned, I watched the shorter of my two captors reach into a small bag and grab a set of wire-cutting dikes. “You won’t need this where you’re going,” he said as he started snipping it away. Finally, I asked, “Why are you doing this to me?” “You have a debt to pay. You’ve been skimming a lot of money from Mr. Rodriguez and now it’s time to pay up. Did you actually think he wouldn’t find out? You should be thankful that it’s only you who is being taken here. We could have easily abducted your beautiful blond wife as well. We could have simply sold her into a life of slavery to some rich sheik in the Middle East. I’m sure there are many rich Arabs who would love adding her to their harem.” “If you lay one hand on her, I’ll kill….” “Uh – h – h…,” I groaned as his fist was once again buried into my stomach. “You aren’t in any position to do anything, asshole, are you? Just think, in a little while she’ll be moaning and happy as hell as she rides that big, long c**k that Philippe is so proud of. I bet she’s never had one like that before. Ha – ha – ha – ha….” “He’d better….” “He’d better what? You obviously don’t realize the situation you are in. You are about to disappear… forever. Your life has changed. You might as well be dead. In fact, as far as the world is concerned, Adam Jensen died tonight. After discovering that your wife is having an affair with the young, well-hung Cuban, you jumped overboard and committed suicide, being unable to cope with losing her. Of course, your body will never be found. “No one you know will ever see you again. Life as you know it has already ended. You belong to Mr. Rodriguez. You are his property. Whether you want to believe it or not, he owns you – your body, your mind and your soul. And he will do whatever he wants to you. Face it gringo, there’s not one f*****g thing you can do about it. By stealing from him, you bargained with the devil. You have sold your soul. Before your debt has been paid, you’ll die a thousand deaths. Ha – ha – ha… “Now as I said before, you can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way, you will end up in that shipping crate before we’re done,” he explained as he handed me a vinyl-like suit. “Put your feet in first, then your arms. It zips up the back.” “No, I won’t do it.” “Oh, you’ll do it or we’ll add your wife to the equation. We will take your wife as well. Do you want that to happen? Think about it. She’ll be raped and spend the rest of her life servicing some guy’s big c**k in some foreign country. Is that what you want?” I looked at the strange feeling piece of clothing. Reluctantly I started to dress. Slowly my right foot slid into the suit. It was a little difficult because it was rather tight, but I pushed it in and pulled the somewhat slippery fabric up my leg. My left foot squeezed to the bottom of the other leg and I pulled it up over my ass. I looked back at my two abductors and put my hand in the appropriate sleeve. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked. “I told you, we’re going to seal you up in that shipping crate so no one will find you. In a day or so it will be delivered to your training facility where your new life will begin. Now shut up and finish dressing. Oh, close your hands into fists as you put them in the sleeves.” I figured I had no choice, so I did as he directed. A few moments later both arms were fully extended into the tight sleeves. I could feel him pull the sides together and pull the zipper up my back. I had the feeling they were sealing my fate. “What’s going to happen to me?” “You’ll find out soon enough. But I know one thing…” “What’s that?” I asked. “I wouldn’t want to be the one who crossed Mr. Rodriguez. He’s a dangerous man.” “What about my wife?”
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