Chapter 6

1665 Words
Fraya The pain is excruciating, constantly pulling me back to unconsciousness, but I keep fighting, refusing to let it win. I need to get to her, I need to get my daughter back home. I need to tell Alexander that I am still alive, but every time I get to consciousness, he finds a way to put me under again. If I can just find a way to get past his guards, make my broken body move faster, I can kill them all before they even see it coming. After the portal closed, the warrior had ripped the sword from me before catching me. I could feel my power fighting to close the wound, fighting to keep me alive, but even with every bit of my power filling me again, with the broken bond, I was weakened. Darkness quickly claimed me and in that darkness, I tried reaching for that bond, over and over again, but I knew it was no use. I don’t know how he did it, but the bond is completely broken. I wonder if Alexander felt it, that stab through my gut and I wonder if he stopped feeling anything the moment that portal closed, if he now truly believed me dead. A part of me can’t help but wonder if he will move on, if he will try looking for me, holding on to the hope that I survived. I try to open my eyes, try to get my body to do as I will it. I beg to whatever god is willing to listen, to help me find my way out of this darkness, to help me find my way home. I keep pushing against the darkness, screaming as pain consumes me, but I don’t stop. Slowly the darkness gives way to light from within and my body starts to move again as I will it. I open my eyes and blink a few times to make sure that they are truly open. It takes a while to realize that my eyes are open, but that the room is so bark that it was nearly impossible to say anything around me. I try to listen for any movement around me, but unlike the last time I woke up where there were no less than six guards standing around my cage, there is now only one. I take in a deep breath, and my body goes on instant alert, for I know that scent. The person with me in this cage of metal and stone, is the same male that took my daughter through that portal. A growl slips past my lips before I can stop it, my wolf wanting vengeance for her stolen pup. “I see you are finally awake. I must say, you had me worried there for a while.” That voice that has been haunting me for years says into the darkness. I know there is no point in pretending to sleep after that growl had slipped. Instead I try to sit up, to move into a defensive position. Pain slices through me, but I grit my teeth against it, refusing to show any weakness. “I wouldn’t move around too much yet. That wound was nearly the end of you, though I didn’t consider that the Queen of the Fae would be so easy to kill. I didn’t prepare for that fact that you wouldn’t have full control over your powers.” He says and for a moment I can’t get my mind to move past the Queen of the Fae part. “You seem shocked. Didn’t your mother tell you what you would become when her power moved on to you? I supposed she didn’t otherwise she would’ve also informed you how to shield yourself from me.” “My mother died over a century ago. Don’t pretend that you know anything about me or how I got my powers.” I growl at him. “It seems like I know more about you than you know about your own history. Your mother is most definitely dead, but only recently. Tell me, do you truly know anything about mother? I know Eve was a secretive b***h, but I can’t imagine her keeping any secrets from the daughter that is meant to take her place.” He says for within the darkness, his voice sounding like that of a haunting melody. “Eve was my great grandmother, not my mother. Now tell me where my daughter is!” I scream as my eyes struggle to adjust to the darkness. I know he is close, maybe in the corner of the cage, but I can’t be sure if he is inside or just outside of it. “I am quite enjoying this conversation and I truly do enjoy knowing more than my prey, for you see, the queen can only pass her power on to her daughter, otherwise the power will end with her. No one truly knows how it works, only that the power flows from mother to daughter, never to the sons and definitely not to anyone further down the line. If a queen ends up with no daughters to pass on her power, it will die with her and only a century later will a new queen be born.” He says with what I can only guess is anger. “Only a queen, but never a king? I might come to love this world after all.” I would never love this world, but I know saying those words might irk him enough to make a move, to alert me of where exactly he is. “There has never been a king in this world, but there are high lords. And any high lord mated to the queen, can share her power if she chooses it.” Just as I was able to share my power with Alexander. “I have already found my mate. It seems you are out of luck when it comes to my powers.” I tell him, feeling relieved that this monster would never be able to take my power. Heaven knows what he would do with it. “I don’t plan on sharing your power. I plan on using you to bring every court to bow before me.” He says and I can just imagine the sneer on his face. “Never! I will never be your puppet!” I growl at him. “Oh, but you see, you will. If you don’t, you will never see your daughter again.” My heart stops cold in my chest as my power rises up to destroy the threat against our own. “Your power won’t help you in here. This entire cage is made out of iron, the only metal capable of containing a Fae’s magic.” He says and my own magic rages within me, but still doesn’t make an appearance. “And if I agree to help you, would you let me see my daughter?” I ask. I will try and find a way for us out of here once I am out of this cage. “If you agree to work with me and allow me to bind your magic, I will let you see your daughter.” He says and then steps closer to me. Finally I can make out his face, his white hair and silver eyes now shining like a beacon in the darkness. In his hands are what looks like thick iron bracelets, the sight of it making my heart sink. “I take it you plan to bind my magic with those.” I say, my mouth dry and my knees nearly going weak with the fear of what putting on those bracelets would mean. “Yes, the bracelets will contain your magic, and you will only be permitted to use your magic when I allow it and as I see fit. These bracelets will only come off when your daughter is secured with my son and if you even think of killing me, he will end her life. Do you understand?” He says and I can’t do anything but nod my head. Once I am out of here, once I have seen that she is alright, then I will start working on a plan, find some way to get both of us out of here safely. “You know, I am a bit disappointed. I expected you to put up more of a fight, your mother sure would’ve.” He says before he moves faster than I thought possible, clasping the bracelets on my wrists, the small click of the locks sliding into place ringing in my ears. “Take me to my daughter.” I say even as I feel my body sway. It is only at that moment that I wonder how long I have been unconscious, how long since that day that I had last seen my son and my mate. “I think it best that you first clean yourself and eat. Your daughter has been well taken care of these past two months, she will be well taken care of until you are clean and fed.” He says before walking to the gate to unlock it. “My name is Anwir, if you were wondering.” He says over his shoulder before he walks out, knowing I will follow him. Two months, I have been in this cage, for two months my mate has probably thought I am dead. Would he wait for me? Is he looking for us? I send up a small prayer that he is alright and that I will be seeing him soon before I follow the male out of the cage. 
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