Chapter 2

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  I don't know how did I fall asleep last night under Xian's stare. All I know is that he watched me fall asleep with those cold eyes.   I thought I won't be able to sleep, having him inside my room, watching me sleep, I thought it's gonna be impossible. But it's the first time I ever felt fine even when he's around.   I woke up the next morning without him on my bedside. I don't know what time did he leave but maybe he left as soon as I fell asleep. I wonder what did he tell Armie, did he tell her he went to my room last night? What if our friends ask me? What should I say?   I shook my head. I should just stay quiet. I sighed. I'm still wondering, should I be friendly towards him now after everything that he said last night? Or should I just avoid him like what I've been doing? Ugh, I really don't know.   I glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it's nine in the morning. I decided to take a shower before going out. If they were drunk last night then they're probably still asleep on their room.   I took a shower and changed into a blue cotton shorts and a white loose t-shirt. I blowdried my hair and applied lipbalm on my lips and sunscreen on my face.   I cleaned my room a bit before I decided to come out. I found mom at the kitchen preparing for our breakfast. I walked towards her to kiss her on the cheeks.   "Good morning mom,"   "Good morning!" She smiled at me, "You look beautiful today."   I smiled back. I glanced at the dining area and saw Xian and Armie eating breakfast together. The smile on my lips faded.   "You should join them, Dylan just went upstairs to wake up Sean and Samantha."   I nodded. I dragged myself to the table even when I feel like I don't want to join them anymore. I've been feeling this way everytime I see them together, feeling the need to just leave because it feels awkward to me. But I don't want my friends to notice it, I don't want them to notice that it's awkward. I want to show them that I'm used to it and that it's fine with me.   Armie smiled at me when she saw me. She motioned me to sit beside her and that's what I did. I caught Xian looking at me before sitting, I immediately looked away.   "You slept early last night," Armie said.   I nodded, "I was sleepy. How's your sleep by the way?"   "We stayed up late, they were so drunk Kim, you should have seen them last night." She laughed like she enjoyed every bit of what happened last night.   I faked a smile, losing my appetite but I still tried to put some food on my plate. I need to eat.   I am eating slowly when I heard the voices of Samantha and Dylan coming. Sean pulled a chair for her, she smiled and winked at me before sitting.   "Good morning!"   "Good morning," I greeted back.   "You slept early, you should have seen what these rascals did last night." She laughed and the rest of them laughed with her.   I just smiled. I chewed the food on my mouth before drinking water. I think I really can't force myself to eat anymore but I can't leave them here. Maybe I'll just wait 'till they're done.   They started talking about what happened last night when Cuttie joined the breakfast. They are laughing while I'm just listening and smiling. I feel out of place but I don't regret that I didn't join them, I was with Xian in the first place, I had the time to talk to him. I rarely get the chance to talk to him even when he just sneered on me.   We bade goodbyes after breakfast because we still need to go to school. Samantha and Sean left together while Dylan and Cuttie drove their own cars. Xian and Armie will probably stay here until their flight back to Seoul.   I went back to my room to prepare for school. I don't have my own car so my dad always have to drive for me but mom said they're be leaving for a business meeting today. Maybe I'll just ask Sean or Dylan to drive me home after my class.   "Xian will pick you up later so be on time at the parking lot so he won't have to look for you." That stopped me from getting out of dad's car. I turned to him unbelievably.   "Dad--"   He sighed, "We don't have any other choice Kim, so just go with him, you don't have to talk to him if it's awkward for you."   "But I can ask Sean or Dylan to drive me home, you don't have to ask Xian daddy.."   "He insisted Kim, he wants to pick you up when I told him we'll be leaving today. We'll be meeting his parents in Seoul, there's a little problem regarding business so we have to meet his parents immediately. He'll look after you for a while."   My forehead creased, "You mean you'll be gone for a while and you're leaving me with him? But daddy.." I groaned.   He knows about my issue with Xian, he knows I'm not comfortable when he's around. How can they do this to me? I feel like my energy for this day just flew out of the window.   He smiled as he pats my head, “You should be brave enough to face the person you like my little angel, he's gonna be a part of our family soon.”   "What?"   But he just smiled. Wait, I don't understand. What is he talking about?   I still want to ask questions but I'm running late on my first subject so I had to let it pass and wait for the next time that I'll be able to talk to him.   I couldn't remove it from my head though, it clouded my mind the whole day until I realized that Xian's gonna pick me up after my last class.   I sighed. I don't have a choice. I bumped into Samantha earlier and she said Sean just left for something important and I couldn't find Dylan as well. If Xian didn't insist on picking me up I'll probably be forced to hire a cab.   I sighed again. I should just act normal. Dad's right, I can just stay quiet if I don't want to talk to him.   I was walking slowly to the parking lot when I noticed the familiar black Lamborghinni parked in there. My heart started racing fast when I recognized its plate number.   Xian brings his car here no matter how long or short he's gonna be staying. I think he's not the kind of guy who can live without his own car, and it's not just a normal car but a bold and brilliant luxurious car.   The door opened and he went out. I saw how the people passing by stopped to look at him. Who wouldn't stop when he's looking like a greek god coming out of an immaculate Lamborghinni? He's such a headturner, I can see the similarities he share with Sean and Dylan.   He's wearing denim pants and a plain white shirt. He turned to my direction and removed his aviators. His eyes immediately found me.   I sighed. I will have to walk to him with all the eyes here watching, I sighed once more. I walked towards him and stopped infront of his car, avoiding his eyes like the usual.   "Are your classes done?"   I nodded without looking. But I was forced to look when I heard him chuckle. He's looking at me with amusement on his eyes and I don't understand what he sees in me that amuses him like this.   "Your cheeks are red again, little red ridinghood."   "W-what did you just call me?"   He chuckled, "Little red ridinghood."   I felt both my cheeks burning because of that. Is is too obvious that I'm blushing when he's near me? Oh God, this is embarassing.   "Woah, look who's here." Thankfully, Samantha and Naomi suddenly appeared from somewhere.   "Hi, I'm picking her up."   The two turned to me and smiled teasingly. I think Xian got used to it already that he just smiled at them. He leaned on his car and waited for me.   I turned to the two and sighed, I gave them a meaningful and Samantha immediately knew that I don't like being teased infront of him, I already told her about this before. She mouthed 'sorry' and I just nodded.   "We'll go ahead then, see you around Xian!" The two of them waved goodbye and disappeared together.   I sighed. I turned around and saw Xian watching me. "Let's go."   He nodded. He opened the door for me and waited for me to get in. I fastened my seatbelt and immediately rummaged for my phone and earphones inside my bag. I'll just watch anything on youtube so I won't need to talk to him.   Thankfully, he didn't try to talk to me while we're heading home. He must have noticed that I don't want to talk so he remained silent.   I murmured my thanks when we arrived at home. I didn't wait for him and I opened the door beside me to get out right away. I didn't wait for him too and I just ran to my room.   I even saw Armie at the sala but I didn't bother to greet her and I just went straight to my room. I don't want to talk to the both of them so I'll probably spend my whole time inside my room.   I took a quick bath and decided to watch a movie. Luckily, I picked a good movie and enjoyed it until I was hungry. I went to the kitchen to get some food and went back to my room to start another movie.   That's how I spent my night and thankfully, Xian didn't knock on my door. I wonder if he's busy with Armie, they're probably together the whole night.   I woke up earlier than usual the next day. My mom's not home so I need to prepare my own breakfast. I don't know how to cook but we have cereals and fresh milk, that will be fine for me.   I went downstairs after taking a bath. I am just wearing my bathrobe and my hair's still wet. I am so sure that Xian and Armie are still asleep because it's still five in the morning but my eyes widened when I saw Xian at the kitchen.   He's cooking something and I'm can only his back. I glanced at myself and realized I can't face him like this so I turned around to run back to my room. But I heard his voice before I could even step back.   "Your breakfast's ready.."   I swallowed hard. I inhaled deeply before deciding to just face him. So what? I'm on my bathrobe and it's wrapped around my body properly, I'm wearing my undies so it's not that bad to face him like this.   He's leaning on the sink and watching me when I walked inside the dining area. I pulled a chair and sat quietly infront of the food. There's bacon, eggs and hotdogs. He also made me a glass of hot milk.   "T-thank you.." I murmured.   He walked towards the table and pulled a chair so he can sit infront of me. "Eat."   I nodded. I put a little rice on my plate with bacon and egg. I'm not sure if I can eat while he's watching but I must show him it's okay.   "Did you eat last night? Your door is locked when I tried to check on you."   I nodded, trying to focus on my food rather than talking to him. But I guess he won't really stop unless he gets my attention right?   "Do you usually go out wearing that?"   I looked up at him and saw him looking at my bathrobe. I shook my head, "I was in a hurry, I was planning to make myself breakfast and I thought you're still asleep."   He nodded, looking convinced but his eyes are still sharply looking at my robe. "Don't come out wearing that robe again. You don't have to make breakfast, I can do that."   "Huh?"   "Just wear your clothes before going out. Your security guards are roaming around the house every once in a while, I don't want them to see you dressed only like that."   My face heated profusely because of that. Why does he have to be this blunt and why does he have to even say that? If he's concern he should just tell me to wear my clothes and nothing more. Why does he keep on making feel like this?   “Are you done?”   I nodded after drinking the last drop of my milk.   "Go get ready, I'll clean this and wait for you."   I thanked him once more before going back to my room to get ready. My heart is beating so fast when I reached my room. I need to get a hold of myself or I will completely fall for this guy. And I wonder, is he doing these on purpose? Why is he treating me this way? What's going on?   **  
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