Chapter 3

1530 Words
The walk home was spent in a tensed silence because for some reason all three of us were really very restless, I don't know what it is but for some reason, I feel that something terribly wrong is about to happen. It's my instinct and usually, my instincts are not wrong and I am praying to the Goddess for my instinct to be wrong this time because I am not liking it at all and worse of all the usually calm Snow who always assured me that everything is going to be alright is quite. I can sense her anxiousness and worry coming out in waves and hitting me like a truck. 'Snow are you okay?' I asked worried about her 'I'm fine Saige' she said but I know she is not, she let out a sigh lifting her head and looking at me in our imaginative world inside my brain. She looked at me as her eyes filled with concern and worry for me 'Snow, please tell me what is bothering you' I questioned and she looked at me sadly 'I don't know Saige but I want you to stay strong for me, for our family, for our mate. Things are going to change and you might not like them but we have to face them. Just know that I may not be able to do a lot to help you but I will still be there for you every step of the way' she said and her words made me worry a lot, she has never been the one to speak like this despite every odd in life she has always been her cheerful self then what happened to her and why is she so sad? I thought but couldn't understand 'Snow, I don't understand and why will you not be able to help me. You have always helped me and I know that you will still always help me when I need you' I said and she gave me a sad smile 'I will Saige, I will always help you whenever you need me but as your wolf soul, it is also my responsibility to make sure I don't do anything against you will. Remember, irrespective of what you decide now or in the future I will respect it without a question and give you my strength and support' she assured 'That's the more than enough for me, we are best friends and we will always be there for each other no matter what happens or whatever decision the other makes' I said with a small smile on my face and responded with one of her own shaking her big wolf head We continued to walk our way back home but we still felt this nagging feeling at the back of our minds, I have shifted so I was able to do better holding the tense feeling while the twins were having a difficult time. Then it clicked me it has something to do with our parents because we are family and we have our own link and the reason I am able to handle myself was not because I have already shifted but because the bond the twins had with our parents was much stronger than the bond I shared with them. I increased my speed as the twins looked at me with confusion in their eyes and I shook my head as motioned for them to walk faster with me. "We need to hurry and reach home quickly" I said as panic started creeping in my heart "What is it? Is about the restlessness we are feeling?" Celina asked and I nodded my head "Yeah, I think so, I feel there is something wrong at the house, we need to hurry up. Come on" I said grabbing their hands as we sprinted in the direction of our house, we reached the front entrance of our home in just eight to ten minutes with how fast we ran, just as we reached home we heard the sound of people yelling at each other and we ran inside the house only to see mom and dad in a heated conversation The twins looked at them with eyes as wide as saucers, they didn't even notice our presence as they continued to blame each other saying bad things. I was about to say something to get them to stop when I heard Celina whimper, she is the most sensitive one amongst us and we love her the most in our family. Eva was looking confused trying to understand what was happening, this wasn't supposed to be this way the twins were never supposed to know not even mom and dad wanted them to know. Dad was already upset that I saw them fighting a few years ago and it took me a lot of time to understand that there was something wrong with them because I was still a kid. I shook my head as tears filled my eyes and I took Eva and Celina's hand leading them to their bedroom, I made them sit in their bed and gave them some water to drink and relax. I had a difficult time trying to stop the tears from dripping down my eyes, I can't cry, I have to stay strong if not for myself then for my sisters. Eva was completely silent as she was trying to process things but my Celina was sobbing as tears streamed down her eyes. I walked up to them and Celina wrapped arms around my waist as she cried even harder as Eva looked at me with sad eyes. "Ssshhh, princess it's okay Celina, baby girl please don't cry. It's just a normal fight they will be fine okay?" I said as she cried even harder making my own tears to drip down my eyes and by this time Eva was also crying, I pulled her in my embrace as she cried on my shoulder and Celina cried with her face in my stomach as I tried to soothe them with my own eyes leaking rivers "This is not a normal fight, I know with the way they were fighting" Celina said sobbing harder "I know this has to be mom's fault, she is always the one to upset dad. She doesn't want anyone to be with her and she has always been like this, the only thing she cares about is her own convenience. She never wanted anything else other than money in her life" Eva said in between cries as I felt anger radiating off of her in waves, I don't know what to do or say "We don't know what happened? Maybe this is all a misunderstanding and they will be fine in some time" I said trying to reassure not only them but also myself. It took some time for them to clam down but they eventually did, they wanted to see mom and dad but I don't think it is a good idea right now "Girls, I know you are both worried about what happened but let me go and see what is wrong, I will call you once I know what's happening" I said and they shook their head "No, we'll go with you" Celina protested and Eva nodded her head in agreement "Eva, Celina, mom and dad don't know we saw them fighting, they'll be upset when they find out. Let me see how are things there, I promise, I will tell you everything and call you as soon as I find things are alright" I said pleading them with my eyes and after a lot of attempts they agreed I asked them to rest while I go and check on our parents, they sat in their bed hugging each other and I made my way downstairs to see mom and dad were still fighting. I stopped in my tracks not because I saw them still fighting but it were the words I heard dad say and I never thought I would have heard such vile words come out of anyone's mouth, I never wanted to hear anyone say those words to their mate. You are supposed to love and care for your mate, forgive them if they do mistakes and do this. "I Marcus Rose, Beta of the Crescent & Silver Moon pack's reject you, Lucy Rose, as my mate" I was stunned as I stood at the end of the stairs, my eyes filled with tears and that wasn't the end "I Lucy Rose, accept your rejection, Marcus Rose" I heard mom reply and they immediately clutched their hearts as they went through the pain of rejection, as the rejection process came to an end so did their bond. What did they do and most importantly why? What am I going to say to my sisters? They are waiting upstairs for me to go back and say everything is fine but when in reality everything is far from fine. Tears were dripping down my eyes as if a dam was left open as I struggled to believe everything that has happened, the thought that my parents are now separated was breaking my heart
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