CHAPTER XIV: Against a Reptile

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Aeon’s encounters couldn’t be queerer. Seemingly, he’s a favorite of the exploits of fate. Indeed, everything thus far was unbelievable—Antoinette’s passage, Sister Lita’s ability, his subordinates’ demise and now the strange trio standing unwavering before him. In his entire life, never had he condescended about his good looks, and he was not one to judge the physical features of others. However, in that situation, he questioned the verity of biology.  The woman appeared normal, yet there was something in her which screamed otherwise. Her two companions, furthermore, were a sight to wonder, and if he may say so himself, they were horrid to look at.  Undeniably, the human civilization has come a long way and has advanced more and more in the second millennium. With that advancement, is it possible to create monsters?  There was too much to process for the lieutenant, and a few minutes to do so won’t calm his mind. Nevertheless, he had to recover from his stupefaction.  Still pointing his gun at the large mammalian, he warned them for the second time. “I said ‘Put them down.’”   Zard beamed. “No way, sir. We came here to get them.”  At this juncture, there were no more words exchanged.  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!    Aeon was furious, and he made his fury felt through his calculated shots, mostly aiming for their heads. There was no chance to be considerate seeing the compromised state of the Sisters.  On the other end, Pyrus crossed her arms, and a high solid blockade composed of sheets of paper defended them.  Aeon confirmed something and glared at their direction. Though startled, he diminished any more opportunity to be shocked, and continued his shots.   Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!    Ksshk. He released then reloaded another magazine.  Pyrus scowled and had then decided to counterattack. Zard, at her side, stopped her.  “Pyrus, Buff.” He glanced at the big guy behind them. “Take our haul back to the boss, and let me deal with this one.”  Accordingly, the sheets were scattered.  Aeon noticed their plan through the rain of papers and rushed forward towards them. “You’re not getting away!” He yelled, but then retreated when something slick and dangerous intercepted his pursuit.  Hhhht!  To his utter astonishment, he evaded a stretched tongue that made a hole on the wall to his left. His eyes followed where it returned and saw Zard, on all fours, plastered on the opposite wall.  It still wasn’t late to chase after the other two, but the person who chose to stay surely won’t grant him the liberty.  “Aaahh! What happened?!”  Unexpectedly, there were two female nurses who arrived. One of them heard the gunshots clear from two rooms away, so she came to check the commotion; the other one chanced to be there.  “What is that?” asked the latter when she saw the grinning Zard.  Aeon’s eyes widened. They were at a narrow place, and he was against someone who had nothing and no one to worry about. He considered the odds, and he might be at a disadvantage.  Bang! Bang!    There couldn’t be an opportunity to waste. That’s why he aimed his shots towards the reptilian who, in turn, escaped his bullets and with terrifying alacrity, crept towards the newcomers.  “Get the hell out of here!” Aeon shouted at them and matched his opponent’s pace.  The nurses obliged. On the contrary, to taunt the policeman, Zard went after them and snickered as he did.  Bang! Bang!    He shot at him again, yet unsuccessful still.   “Aaaah!” The nurses shrieked. The lieutenant was then just in time to save them from getting whipped by the reptilian’s tongue.   The two women were already nowhere nearby. Good for them, but he was in no position to be happy.  He clenched his teeth. He had lost hold of his gun, and both of his arms were stuck together on his chest restricted along with his entire body by the long tongue of his opponent.   “Heheee,” Zard managed to utter and his eyes were mocking him. It seemed—to him—that the acclaimed lieutenant is nothing like what he had expected.  Among his boss’ men, Buff is the most superior when it comes to physical strength. Zard, nonetheless, took pride in being seen as the most sly and most abrasive. He relished in exasperating people, cunningly pulling pranks to toy with their patience or scaring them until they faint. And he always gets away with it. However, the aforementioned details are not what make him distinct from his co-workers because his tyrannical sadism is an exact copy of his boss’.   Frightening and cruel, he takes pleasure in the act of menacing and brutalizing his targets until they cower and submit just like what he was doing at the moment.  He tightened his tongue around the lieutenant particularly around his neck to cut off his breath.   On the contrary, Aeon only seemed composed. He didn’t struggle; instead, he only scowled at him. He was, in fact, at a disadvantage, but it didn’t mean he was weaker than his opponent.  Zard then could only watch in startlement, for he couldn’t keep him within his primary weapon anymore.   It happened abruptly. Pwak!  The lieutenant, with unwonted strength, stretched out his arms, thus, breaking free from his tongue. The reptilian, along this, was yanked to one side and almost fell from the wall.  His eyes widened; no one has ever broken away from his tongue before. It looked like he shouldn’t have underestimated him. Yet, it wasn’t the time for him to dwell in awe towards the officer. He acted fast and aimed his tongue to his face.  Rrrp! Aeon caught his tongue—but not for long; it was coated with saliva that he couldn’t keep it within his palm.  “Tsk!” The lieutenant uttered.  Zard grinned at him and attacked again. This time, he almost got his head. He continued his assaults, randomly damaging the walls, the floor and the lights illuminating their battlefield.    Aeon needed to improvise. The dimness around him was sullying his chances, and he had to avoid the reptilian’s tongue. After all, whoever and whatever his opponent was, he is formidable.  The lieutenant found temporary refuge in a wall next to a set of stairs. There were only two options for him: run and let the reptilian get away or devise a plan to take him down. Obviously, he went for the latter. So he took off his jacket then his shirt which he ripped apart. And then, he wrapped a ripped cloth around each of his hands. With this, he exposed himself, yet to his surprise, his opponent was nowhere to be seen—at least from his perspective.  He couldn’t have left. He thought. This was followed by uneasiness. He may not see him, but he felt his eyes on him—watching him and waiting to strike.  Zard smirked. He was on the ceiling looking down at him—his tongue slowly swaying, waiting in excitement.    Tttwss! Off his tongue go.  Aeon didn’t evade and did not even glance at where he was coming from, for he couldn’t see it clearly. And he didn’t have to. If there was something his opponent missed out to be prepared against, it has to be the lieutenant’s reflexes. The setting may have inconvenienced him, but it made him more cautious and alert.  Zard was the one who didn’t see it coming. With his left hand, Aeon caught his tongue. He wasn’t able to escape since the fabric around it worked against the slipperiness of his flesh.  Nnnngh! He grunted.   Aeon turned around to witness him struggle. Suddenly, he twisted the reptilian’s tongue around his arm and hoicked him towards him. It was too forceful that it made him detach from the wall. The next thing Zard saw was the lieutenant’s racking fist right at his face.  Blaaag!   The slug caused him an abrupt delirium. His tongue was still tied around the lieutenant’s arm, and there was no chance for it to be released.  Aeon did not stop there, nonetheless. Aiming for the opponent’s ear for prolonged discombobulation, he spun and sent him a kick. The reptilian floated unconscious for a millisecond in the air, and the lieutenant saw this as the endgame.   He locked his neck within one palm and with eyes that can burn that instant, he pinned him to the floor. “You have a lot to tell me, lizard, but first, where are the nuns?”
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