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“Let’s just assume that he didn’t mean what we’re thinking right now” I tried to brush off kalian’s words “ Yeah, let- let’s do that. Um, I’m going to see Hawkins, I’ll be back later” Peter gave me a quick peck on the cheek, “wait, have you called Mrs. Fitzgerald to come weed the cemetery”. I walked towards him as i used my hands to aid my back “yeah, she’ll be here soon. See you later” Peter waved, “Dad, wait let me go with you so you’d drop me off” Juniper quickly grabbed her back to join peter who was already outside I sighed and rubbed my temples as I walked back into the kitchen to see the kids already done with their food, “okay, everyone go get your coloring books and continue from where we stopped. I’ll be back and help Cameron get his too” I yelled as the kids ran into the living room to check the pile of books stacked behind the door. I walked back upstairs to bring down the laundry so I could dry them outside, I walked past Cameron’s room and saw a kid standing on the window, about to jump down. The kid turned and it was Dagwood, one of the kids in the orphanage. “Mrs Martha help me” he cried “No!” i dropped the basket of laundry and dashed towards him, but he chuckled and fell from the window and there was a loud crash as he fell on one of the cemetery stones “dagwood!! No” I cried. I looked down, but his body was no longer there and the tears quickly dried from my eyes, “Mrs. Martha” Dagwood tapped her from behind and I flinched and moved away from Dagwood, hitting my back on Cameron’s wooden bed and i yelped in pain. “Ma’am, are you okay? Do I need to get help?”He moved close to me and i quickly got up, “I’m what’s wrong?” I managed to say “I couldn’t find the crayons and I came to ask if you'd seen them” he answered in his British accent, “I-I would get you another pack darling, please go join the others.” I gave him a slight push towards the door, I walked back to the window and looked down, “my eyes are staring to deceive me” I muttered under my breath I closed the door to the room and gathered the laundry before taking them outside to dry them, placing the woven basket on the floor, I started to dry and peg the white bed sheets and I caught a glimpse of Mrs. Fitzgerald walking towards the door “Mrs. Fitzgrald”, I called as I walked towards her and Mrs. Fitzgerald moved towards me to shorten my journey. “How are you doing dearie?” she gave Me a quick hug and a big smile, revealing her two big tooth . Mrs. Fitzgerald is Scottish and you could tell from the Plaid on most parts of her outfit, her accent and the familiar smell of oatmeal. “Mrs. Fitzgerald, good to see you once again. My husband told me about the incident with your son” I had a concerned look plastered on my face as i remembered the news of Mrs. Fitzgerald’s son drinking a bottle of antiseptic. “Oh, thank the gods he’s doing better now, I don’t know why he wanted to take his own life, sometimes with the behavior he exhibits. It’s as if my own eyes deceived me, he’ll be going to stay with my mother in Scotland till he’s better” she smiled brightly and I couldn’t help but feel pity for this woman who weeds cemetery to earn a living and yet her son wants his name to be engraved on one of the cemetery stones. ‘That’s good, he needs a watchful eye. I would have come to check on you but my conditions stops me from doing much” I sighed, “ Don’t worry about it dear, I should be checking in on you and I will” Mrs. Fitzgerald patted my shoulders slightly “now let me get to work ” she continued. as she walked to the back of the house to the cemetery, she caught the figure of a boy standing and staring in one of the windows and she stood for a minute before walking away. I kept spreading the clothes, I bent to pick another bed sheet and i saw a pair of dirty pale looking feet standing behind one of the clothes and i quickly removed the bed sheet but there was no one there, my doctor didn’t tell me hallucination is part of my pregnancy symptoms because there is no way any of the things I’m seeing here is real
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