Chapter Eighteen

1136 Words
MARTHA’S POV I paced around in the motel room uncomfortably and the kids kept staring at me, I just got a call from the hospital. Something terrible has happened to juniper, her fingers were cut off in her ward. Right under those stupid nurses nose, the so called demon went after her again. She’s not safe, we need father Matthew and he’s not even picking up. Nevertheless Kalian has been screaming and heating up like crazy, I’ve turned on the A.C and the Standing fan but his temperature keeps increasing. I don’t know what to do “what is wrong with you? Don’t do this right now please” I dipped a rag in cold water and placed it on his head, he kept trying to unbutton his shirt and I dropped the rag and helped him take it off His upside down cross was heating up really bad, I think that’s what causing all of this. It started to bleed as if it was being freshly carved and I placed the rag on it and added pressure on it The door opened and peter stormed in, “babe?”he called quickly as if he had been rushing, “what’s going on?” he asked still panting I removed the rag from Kalian’s chest and he walked over to take a look at it, “wh-what , how is this even happening?” he started panicking “this isn’t even the least of our problems right now, juniper is not safe in that hospital. The demon went after her and cut off her fingers, we’re in trouble here and we need Father Matthew” I added more pressure on Kalian’s chest and I dipped the rag in water again “we have bigger issues than that too but right now I don’t even know what to do” he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair “we have to figure something our peter!  We just have to! Peter we have seven kids and I’m scared to death” I yelled “figure something out please” I added Kalian continued screaming and I could hear peter sighing in frustration, “fire, fire” I heard screaming from outside and peter and I looked at each other before he ran out There was a fire in the second room before ours, “what’s going on?” I asked from where I sat and the television set caught on fire “Peter! Peter!” I screamed as I got up swiftly, he ran back in and staggered by the door as he stopped abruptly “Outside kids!  Out now!”  Peter yelled and the kids rushed out, He carried Kalian and I pushed Anthony with one hand and held Cameron with the other as we rushed outside and the whole room caught on fire My eyes widened as I watched as fire engulfed the whole building and people who were able to run out quickly were murmuring amongst themselves as there was no tangible explanation for the fire. “What just happened?” I asked still in shock, “I have no idea but just get in the car” he said and we got in and drove out of the place.   ************************************************************************************** There was silence in the car as peter kept driving, “where are we going? Because I know we can’t go home” he asked, finally breaking the silence in the car “maybe we should stay with my sister for a while, other than that I have no idea right now” I rubbed my temple and I looked back to see Kalian finally sleeping peacefully “will she accept all of us? Will there even be enough room?” he asked as he took a quick look at me before paying attention to the road “peter I don’t know, anywhere is better than home right now. We can’t stay at home or we’ll die, our motel mysteriously caught fire and honestly staying with Mabel is the best because what’s the worst thing that could probably happen?” I shrugged “alright then but shouldn’t we check on juniper first?” he added, “let’s just drop these kids off, I mean look at them they are exhausted and they haven’t even had a proper meal. I’m so worried about them” I didn’t even know when tears dropped from my eyes and I felt peter patting my back with one hand “it’s okay” he whispered, I sniffled and wiped my eyes with the hem of my top and I noticed that my wedding ring is missing “my ring? Where’s my ring?” I looked around in the car and on my seat as I adjusted to check, “you can’t find it? where did you drop it?” he asked “I don’t know, must have dropped at the motel or something” I kept looking on the floor confusedly, “don’t worry we’ll get you another one” he said “but that one is special, that was the first ring you gave me when you proposed to me” I added, “I understand it’s sentimental but we have bigger problems right now” he said still focused on the road “I know but that rin…” he cut me off, “stop it Martha, just stop” he yelled as he stopped the car abruptly, he turned to me sharply and I flinched “stop worrying about unnecessary stuff and focus on what we have on ground, our lives is worth more than a useless ring okay? So stop- just stop insisting on it” he yelled “why are you yelling at me? I’m only worried because the ring is important and because it’s the ring you first gave me” my words came out sharp “oh so you expect me to turn back and start looking for your ring in the shambles of a burnt building?” he said sarcastically and I just stared in shock This is not my husband; peter will never raise his voice at me. but he’s been doing it now and I don’t understand. He exhaled deeply, “Martha, I’m so…” I cut him off, “just- just drive peter, drive” I said and he continued. 
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