Chapter three

1483 Words
As Maddie hurried out the room, I found myself sat before most handsome man I had ever seen. I could feel my tummy turning, as excitement rushed through me. What was that? All I could think about was running and jumping onto this stranger before me. It felt as though the whole world stopped and we were the only two people left. His smirk turned into a devious smile, as he stepped towards me. My heart was pounding through my chest, I’m certain even he could hear it regardless of the distance between us. “Welcome to Amaris, Serena”. His voice was calm and soothing, still walking towards me. “I’m Nate, it’s a pleasure to meet you”. His voice was creating a fire between my legs. His voice, alone. Heaven forbid I saw what rested beneath those clothes, I think I’d suffer a heart attack. I tried to respond but I seemed unable to make a sound, feeling almost starstruck. Instead, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and watched him continue to stride towards me. I didn’t know what to say, all I could focus on was his emerald eyes piercing through me whilst enjoying the sweet smell of vanilla which appeared to be coming from him. “I’m told you aren’t too pleased to be here?” Nate asked, clearly enjoying my inability to communicate. “I’ve had a sudden change of heart” I told him, starring back into those gorgeous eyes. “So tell me, what was it you wanted to see for yourself?” His smirk told me he already knew the answer to that question, he had heard mine and Maddie’s conversation. Still unable to answer him from shock of the feelings I was experiencing, I remained frozen in my place as I tried to fathom some form of excuse. “Don’t make me use my alpha voice to get an answer from you, Serena” he threatened. Wow, that was a d**k move. I’ve only just met him and he’s talking to me like a child. Isn’t he supposed to be making me feel welcome? “I really don’t think it’s appropriate that I say”, hoping he would leave it at that. His eyes were lustful and I knew he wasn’t going to drop it until I admitted the truth. But I am stubborn and I couldn’t admit it was him I was asking about. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed, but more like I didn’t want to give him the upper hand. He seemed like the type of guy that would run with that kind of information. Anyway, with werewolf hearing there was a 99% chance he had heard the conversation I’d been having with Maddie about him. Why did he need to hear me say it out loud? Perhaps it was an ego thing. I looked back into his eyes and wondered if he felt the warmth in his heart that I had felt the minute I felt his presence. But without asking him, I couldn’t be sure. What I could be sure of, was that he wanted to challenge me and see how confident I was. From the look on his face, I was convinced he either wanted me or he was trying to prove a point. I decided to reciprocate the attitude I was receiving from him. This may backfire, but I was willing to do it anyway. Maybe it will get me chucked out of this damm place quicker. I stood from the bed and turned towards him. I was now only inches away from him, but he still towered over me. Willing to play with fire, I decided to test the limits I could go to. “Clearly you aren’t trying to be appropriate here, so fine,” I told him, refusing to break the eye contact, “I wanted to see how good looking the men at the academy truly were, I’ve heard a lot about them. I could have a lot of fun here,” I shrugged. I suddenly questioned if I made the correct choice by telling the King this when I heard a deep growl escape his lips. But regret soon faded and instead, my arousal grew at the sound of his dominance. Before I knew it, the King slammed me against the wall. His hands were pressed against the wall, either side of my head, but I wasn’t scared of him. In fact, I was more turned on than ever. However, I couldn’t help but be shocked over the sudden change of direction this conversation was taking. What the hell was this sudden display of dominance about? Still towering over me, his eye contact never withdrew, but I could see desire and anger dancing in the green orbs. Clearly, he was having a mental battle with himself. To say this had escalated quickly, would be an understatement. “You’ll do no such thing, Serena” he growled. Okay, quick retraction. Now, I’m the most turned I’ve ever been. “But, Your Majesty, you can’t tell me who I can engage with outside of my studies. It really doesn’t have anything to do with you,” I grumbled, hoping he wouldn’t know how wet I was for him. He lifted his nose and smelt the air around me. The side of his lips turned upright as he pressed his body into me, whilst I was still between his arms against the wall. “I can smell your arousal, Serena”. He slowly ran his fingers down my neck before trailing his fingers down my arm, leaving goosebumps in every spot he touched. What the hell is wrong with me? Why have I got no control right now? All I want is for him to take me, right here and now. Was this pull one sided? Maybe, I’m just attracted to his authority. I always did have a thing for men who I’d end up having a dominance battle with. “I can feel how desperate your body is for my touch” but as he told me this, my attention was soon drawn to the large bulge pressed against me. To his surprise, I pushed him off me and down to the edge of the bed. I lent down, so our faces were centimetres apart, placing my hands on his thighs. “But it seems the King also wants me” I winked at him, before letting my eyes divert to the hard bulge in his trousers and then looking back up at him. Within a blink of an eye, his arm slithered around my waist as he turned me so I was laying flat on my bed. He hovered above me, clearly satisfied he had managed to shock me. He lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered “you will not be paying attention to any other man here, do you understand?”. A small moan slipped out my mouth as his breath tickled my neck, sending shivers through my body. “And if I don’t?” I toyed with him. “You’ll be punished”. His mouth nibbled on my ear before he went on to seductively kiss every inch of my neck, forcing numerous moans from me. “Why do you care?” Did he feel the same burning desire for me as I felt for him? Or maybe he just liked having all the She-wolves fawning over him. The feelings were indescribable, all I knew was it would pain me to see him leave. I’ve never experienced feelings like it, it was like I had no control over my mind, body or heart. “Don’t worry about that for now, you’ll understand when the time is right” he whispered, nibbling on my neck. My body ached for his touch, to feel his lips on mine and his hands on my body. “f**k Serena, we can’t. I can smell how wet you are and I want nothing more than to take you and make you mine,” he shook his head, “but we can’t.” He growled. He let go of his hold on me and retreated to the other side of the room. “3 weeks” he told himself, quietly, but I still heard. “Miss White will do your tour, without me” “What’s in 3 weeks I asked?” My body was still aching, desperate for him to return to me so I could feel his touch once more. Nate straightened his shirt and turned on his heels towards the door. “Nate, what is in 3 weeks?” I huffed. He turned and looked deep into my eyes. I could see the desperation he was trying to fight when looking at me. “Your birthday”.
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