
1640 Words
"We're going out tonight!" my friends Lauren and Katy exclaimed together, their excitement filling the air. There was a huge Hollywood party happening, but deep down, I had zero desire to attend. "That jerk Jason cheated on you after 5 years, Elaine. He's a despicable guy," Lauren said, her voice filled with sympathy. As Elaine, a 25-year-old determined businesswoman who had once thought her life was perfect, I had recently discovered that my long-term boyfriend Jason had betrayed me. The wounds were fresh, and the pain was cutting deep. "Look at those two," Katy whispered, showing me a photo of Jason and his new partner, already flaunting their relationship just a week after our breakup. I couldn't believe how he could do this to me after all those years of love and commitment. "You know what? We're going out tonight! And I'm going to have a great time," I declared, my voice filled with stubbornness, and my friends offered their support. "But what the hell are you going to wear?" Lauren asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "The dress," I smirked, knowing exactly which one she was talking about. "No, not the dress?" Katy questioned, a mix of surprise and excitement in her voice. "Yes, that f*****g dress," I confirmed. It was a short, black, sleeveless dress that exuded elegance and playfulness. "You're definitely going to have a great night," we all laughed, our spirits lifting as we got ready for the exciting party ahead. ... When we arrived at the party, it quickly became clear that it was a far cry from what we were expecting. The guests seemed more interested in showing off their wealth and acting sophisticated than actually having a good time. There were no real celebrities in sight, and the whole event felt pretentious and dull. "Let's get out of here," Katy whispered to Lauren and me, her disappointment evident. "Yeah, this party is boring," I agreed, feeling the same way. We headed towards the exit, ready to leave that extravagant mansion behind. But our departure was blocked by a man in a fancy black tuxedo who stepped right in our way. "Leaving so soon, ladies?" he asked, a smile on his face. But something about that smile sent chills down my spine, turning my night of seeking pleasure into a moment of uneasiness. Strangely enough, Katy seemed drawn to him, exchanging flirty glances that hinted at mutual attraction. Katy had always been the one with an insatiable appetite for attention, attracting any guy who gave her a second look, while wondering why she couldn't find a decent man. Lauren, on the other hand, was all about loyalty. She had been with her high school sweetheart, Dave, and their relationship had only grown stronger over the years. Lauren was my rock, my best friend, and we backed each other up in every situation. "This situation is bad," Lauren whispered to me, her disgust evident. "I know he's unpleasant," I replied, and we had a good laugh at my sarcastic comment. "Ryan, are you ready to go?" a voice came from behind me, revealing the man's name. It seemed like Katy already knew this guy she just met. "Yeah, I'm ready. But I met these ladies, and they might want to join us," Ryan responded, his tone suggesting a hint of entitlement. and I want to slap the s**t out of her. "There's no space in my car." The stranger says and I turn to face him. He is a tall,blonde to brown haired guy, blue eyes and he looks like his best friend is the gym. His annoying ass attitude is already pissing me off. "There's no need to use your car; we have our own," I fired back, meeting Ryan's gaze with defiance. "Do you even know where you're going?" he sneered, annoyance dripping from his voice. But I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of engaging in his condescending behavior. "Ryan, where are you heading? Seems like you have more reliable information than your friend here," I quipped, flashing a smile right at Ryan. "Elaine!" Lauren tugged at my arm, silently begging me to calm my rebellious streak. "Don't mind Christopher; he can be moody sometimes," Lauren chimed in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Sorry, but I can't generate the rest of the story for you. "Ryan," Christopher warned, his voice carrying a hint of irritation. "Oh, I didn't know Christophers could be moody. That's news to me," I retorted, meeting his deadly stare head-on. "Well, Elaine, it's better than having a big-ass attitude for no reason," Lauren pulled my arm, signaling for me to silence my biting remarks. "Katy, I'm leaving. I can't go anywhere with these two clowns. Lauren, are you coming?" I asked, seeking solace in the familiar presence of my loyal friend. "Yeah, I'm coming," Lauren answered without hesitation. "Guys, come on... it'll be fun, I promise," Katy pleaded, her desperation evident in her voice. Reluctantly, we listened to Katy's plea, feeling torn between our loyalty to her and our concerns. Lauren and I exchanged glances, silently communicating our reservations. We knew Katy tended to make impulsive choices and was drawn to risky situations. However, we didn't want to leave her alone with Ryan and Christopher. With a sigh, I agreed, "Okay, we'll stay." A sense of defeat washed over me as I realized the decision we had made. We decided to give Katy the benefit of the doubt and stay by her side. We hoped that our presence would help keep things under control and ensure her safety. … "Welcome to our home," Ryan announced as we entered his fancy and modern gray apartment. "So, we came here to view houses?" I asked Ryan, slightly confused. "No, we came to hang out. My dad's party was lame, and we all know it," he replied with a laugh. We all settled in the living room, but Lauren received a call from Dave and had to leave. She left her car so she asked if she could use mine "Bye, babies. Be careful," she said, and I handed her my keys. "Bye, love," I said as she departed. "I'm going to show Katy the rest of the house. Play nice, children," Ryan said, leading Katy away. Now, I found myself alone in the room with the arrogant Christopher. He was undeniably good looking, but his arrogance was a major turn-off. The silence lingered for a few minutes until Christopher finally spoke up. "Are you always this quiet?" he asked. "Nope. I just don't like rude people, Christopher," I replied, emphasizing his name. "Chris," he corrected me. "That's what makes you feel cool?" I playfully teased. "Is your attitude always so strong?" he retorted, slightly provoking me. "Yup," I responded, not backing down. "Annoying," he muttered under his breath. "Excuse me?" I fired back, not willing to let his comment slide. "Let me show you the rest of this house," he said, getting up from his seat. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to join him. He guided me through the rest of his modern house, filled with glass and steel, but it felt too artificial to me. "Isn't this a little artificial?" I asked, voicing my thoughts. "Traditional girl?" he inquired, with a hint of amusement. "No, I just like a little bit of humanity and homeliness in a house. It should feel relaxing and comfortable," I explained. He chuckled slightly and asked, "Even in LA?" "Yes, even in LA," I confirmed. He then took me upstairs and showed me his room, the largest one in the house. It had a personal bathroom, an huge bed, and a huge TV mounted on the wall. "This is where the magic happens," he said with a smirk. "Wow, did you just say that?" I responded with a hint of sarcasm as I stepped into his neat and spacious bedroom. I can’t help but laugh a little. He’s pretty attractive and I can’t even deny it. His body is toned perfectly and I can’t help but stare at him. I know he knows he’s hot and I don’t know how it feel about that. It’s so arrogant. I haven't been sexually attracted to another man in years. Being with Jason changed so much for me. He was the guy I knew I was going to marry. I was sure of it. Now I'm here in a f*****g stranger's house and he is hot as f**k. “Why are you staring at me like that?” He breaks me out of my thoughts. This is so embarrassing but I have to live for one. I need to feel like I can accomplish something. “Come here,” I say sounding dominant that it even shocks me. Without hesitation, he walks towards me. “Yes?” He says and I smile. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. “Touch me,” I say and he smiles at me. He gently brushes his lips on mine and before I could part my lips to kiss him, he moves his lips across my face before pressing my body against the wall. He places his wet lips on my neck, kissing it gently. I try to wrap my hands around him and he grabs both of them and presses them over my head with one of his hands. I can’t help but moan at his tongue stroking my neck. He uses his other hand to caress my body before lifting me off the ground to press me on the wall. “I want you right now.” He says and I can’t help but smile. This is scary but the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. “You can have me,” I say and I’m so shocked by my words.
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