Awkward Experience

1490 Words
I jolt awake as my phone incessantly buzzes, waking up me from my sleep. It must be Lauren who dropped it off, considering my car keys are conveniently placed on my nightstand. I reach for my phone and discover a flood of messages from Lauren and Katy in our group chat. ?BIG 3? Lauren?: Elaine and Katy, are you home? Haven't heard anything from you guys. Katy?: I'm home, and so is Elle. She got dropped off by that hunk. ? Lauren?: She got laid? Katy?: The bed was practically hitting the wall. He was going at it. She was thoroughly satisfied. Lauren?: You're such a liar! ?? I need to hear this from her. Katy?: Would I lie to you? ? Lauren?: Yes, you would. Me?: Why are you losers talking about me? Lauren?: Well, well, if it isn't Miss Morning Glow. ?? Me?: Lauren, f**k off. Katy?: So, was he well-endowed? Me?: We're not having this conversation. ? Lauren?: Why not? Me?: Because it was just a one-time thing. Katy?: YOU GOT LAID! OH MY! Lauren?: *typing...* I set my phone aside, attempting to force myself back to sleep. But thoughts of Jason's cheating invade my mind. Despite my deep love for him, he cared only for another woman. I poured my heart and soul into our relationship, and it shattered me to realize he didn't reciprocate those feelings. Deleting the photos of him from my phone feels impossible, as it serves as a constant reminder that his love doesn't match mine. Determined to escape this depressive loop, I climb from my bed and prepare to face the day. ... After a severe day of paperwork and chatting with my girlfriends, I decided to treat myself to dinner at my favorite restaurant. As I dress for the occasion, flashes of my passionate night with Chris invade my thoughts. He awakened feelings within me that had long been inactive. However, the embarrassment of stopping the encounter lingers, preventing me from fully embracing those desires. Thankfully, Lauren had brought my car and belongings over, so I retrieved my car keys from the nightstand and headed out. I'm a single woman who engaged in a one-night stand, an experience I don't wish to repeat, even though the intensity of our connection surprised me. It's unsettling to think that I allowed myself to be so easily swept away by a stranger I'll likely never see again. I'm just another conquest to him, and that realization leaves me feeling uneasy, despite the absence of any genuine feelings for him. I seat myself at the restaurant and order a drink, a place where I often ponder the complexities of my life. Glancing around, I notice my favorite couple, regulars who visit every Sunday. They've been together for nearly four decades and once believed Jason and I would be an everlasting couple. I offer them a smile, but their return smile feels more like pity, leaving me with an unsettling sensation. "Why am I here?" I murmur to myself, rising from my seat and making my way to the bar to settle my tab, a routine I've grown accustomed to. "Leaving so soon?" the bartender remarks. "Yeah, I'm not feeling well," I reply. "Everything will be okay, trust me." I offer a smile in return and pay the bill. As I walk toward the parking lot, I catch sight of Jason's car parked next to mine, causing my heart to race, and a wave of dizziness washes over me. He opens his door, followed by the passenger door, and my blood turns cold as I observe the presence of another woman. I've never seen him with her before. I stand frozen as he notices me and our eyes lock. "Elaine," he says, his voice sending chills down my spine—the voice I had heard for five years—the man who professed his love for me, only to break my heart. Before I can speak, his new girlfriend joins him, shutting the car door behind her, and snapping me out of my daze. "Elaine, this is Lisa. Lisa, Elaine." "Jason?" My pain transforms into anger and frustration. It's only been a week since we broke up, and he introduces me to his mistress as if it were nothing. Before he can say anything, I catch a glimpse of someone approaching. I already know who it is—Chris. He doesn't see me at first, but when he sees me, he starts walking in our direction. It feels like a scene out of a movie, with the tension building and my heart pounding in my chest. Chris reaches us just as Jason opens his mouth to say something. "Elaine, there you are," Chris says, his voice filled with genuine concern. He places a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile. "Is everything okay?" I take a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. "Yeah, everything's fine," I reply, realizing that I don't owe Jason any explanation. "Chris, this is Jason, my ex-boyfriend. Jason, meet Chris." Jason's eyes widen as he takes in the situation, clearly caught off guard. He stammers for a moment before extending his hand towards Chris. "Uh, hi Chris. Nice to meet you." Chris shakes Jason's hand, but his grip is firm, revealing a subtle display of dominance. "Likewise," Chris replies, his voice carrying a hint of underlying tension. Sensing the awkwardness, Lisa steps forward, breaking the silence. "So, Elaine, you're the ex, huh?" Her tone drips with a mixture of curiosity and superiority. I glance at Lisa, her confident demeanor triggering a surge of defiance within me. I smile and do not say a word. This b***h is trying to get a rise out of me. Chris's hand tightens on my shoulder, offering silent support. There's a flicker of anger in Jason's eyes as he realizes the depth of our connection. The realization that he's truly lost me, that someone else is stepping into the role he once held, is a blow to his ego. Even though that's not the case yet. "Well, I hope you two are happy together," Jason says, his voice tinged with bitterness. With a newfound sense of confidence, I respond, "I hope you found what you were looking for too." There's a tense silence as we stand there, the weight of the moment hanging in the air. Then, without another word, Chris takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. We turn and walk away, leaving Jason and Lisa behind, their presence fading into the background. "You're welcome," Chris says. "For what?" "I saved you from this whole f*****g thing. You looked like you were about to fall out of your skin." He says and smiles. "What are you even doing here?" I change the subject. He did save me even though I won't admit it. "Here for a date." He says with a straight face. "Oh," I say and it gets awkward super fast. "Anyway. Let me go." I say and he looks at me from top to bottom. "You're not giving me a hug?" He says when I turn to open my car door. "No," I say and he smirks and grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him with my ass facing his front... "Oh my god! What are you doing?" "I am coming over later." He whispers in my ear. He turns me to face him and hugs me and grabs my ass. "No, you're not," I say and he lets go of me and walks in the restaurant backwards. "I'll see you later." He winks and turns on his heel. "I can't believe he just did that," I say to myself and get in my car. .... I get to my apartment and I can't believe that I just met my ex-boyfriend and the girl he has been seeing while he was with me and I also can't believe that the guy I met for the first time last night, who also f****d the life out of me joined the awkward conversation and grabbed my ass while his date waited for him inside. Who the f**k have I become? I feel different but I kinda like it. I lay on the couch and think about the weird ass night I had. I know Chris said his coming over and I don't know if I want to sleep with him again. I hear a knock at the door and my heart begins to race. I haven't even kissed the guy but I know how good his d**k feels inside me. I run to the door to open it and to my surprise, it is a familiar face. Drunk as f**k, he stumbles into my apartment. "f**k. You should have moved that f*****g couch!" He says "What the f**k are you doing here?" "I came to see you." "Jason, what are you talking about?" "I miss you."

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