Chapter One: Snow

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Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock I snapped my eyes shut and gritted my teeth at the sound. At first, it was a non-issue, like the sound of a baby cooing or a bird crooning; natural noises, the kind that reminds you that you are alive. Now, the sound had become irritable, a cruel reminder that any minute now, my life as I know it would be over. Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock I frantically began scouting the room for any object that was heavy enough to destroy the irritating device that was seemingly enjoying my current state. There it sat, high up on the wall staring down at me in a condescending manner. Or perhaps it was pity? After all, who would not feel sorry for the boy who had been locked up in a tiny room for three consecutive days with nothing to eat or drink? Slowly, I dragged my eyes towards the metallic container at the corner of the room. I saw myself sluggishly standing up and moving towards the direction of the pungent-smelling container. I saw myself bending slightly to examine its contents. I saw myself curving my palm to create a humanoid bowl and dipping it into the container to retrieve my urine. I saw myself bringing the foul scented liquid near my mouth and sticking my tongue out. All I needed was a little taste, a little relief from the thirst. If only I could drink some of it, enough to cool the scorching sensation in my throat… Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock “Arrrrgh!” I sprang up from the floor and dashed towards the clock. I leaped in an attempt to grab it, but it was not within my reach. This did not stop me from repeatedly jumping up and down while wildly flailing my arms; I did this for quite a while. I only stopped when my legs began to protest. Panting, I crawled towards the spot I had immediately identified as my sitting area when I was brought in. I leaned against the wall and craned my head upwards. I then began taking in huge lunges of air through my nose and letting them out through my mouth. Slowly, I brought my left palm to my chest and began rubbing it until my heart regained its regular palpitations. Closing my eyes, I started painting the image of my happy place. A smile teased my lips as I spotted a humongous oak tree with large, wide branches surrounded by fresh, green leaves. A tear escaped my eyelids when I saw a river with clear water across from the mighty oak tree. The flowing water sparkled under the sun, like little stars spread across its length. I saw myself sitting under the enormous tree, enjoying its cool shade while appreciating the sight before me. I saw myself yanking my shoes and my t-shirt off, my eyes fixated on the river. When I tried to lift myself from the ground, however, I could not do it. I saw myself panicking when I attempted to stand once more, but for some mysterious reason, I could not. I saw myself plant my palms firmly against the grass before I started pushing myself off the ground. Still, I could not move. When my eyes meandered to the river, I spotted a silhouette lurking at its edge. I saw myself frantically rubbing my eyes, wanting to see who the shadow belonged to. It was Ron. A croaky scream escaped my throat as the figure began moving swiftly towards me. “Open your eyes, kid! Open your eyes it’s not real! You hear me? It’s not real!” I fluttered my eyes open. There was a man crouching before me. He had intense, green eyes and hardened facial features. His mouth seemed to have a permanent scowl, as if everything in the world frustrated him. His hair was white, and so was his goatee. I had never seen someone so gloriously frightening. As he stood up, he offered me his hand. I stared at him for a moment before using it to hoist myself from the ground. “You are so…tall.” The man frowned before darting his eyes around the room. I found myself comparing the color of his hair to that of the walls. I decided they were the same shade; stark white. “Three days without food or water, and your first remark is about my height?” I shrugged. The man c****d his head and ran his eyes all over my frame. I had always been small; perhaps that is why people had been underestimating me all my life. Perhaps that was why I had needed to prove myself to my schoolmates by confronting my bully. But you went too far. “Do you know what will happen to you?” I shrugged. The man sighed before retrieving a cigarette and lighter from his pocket. I watched as he lit and took a long drag from it; I was mesmerized by the fact that another person was standing before me. Who knew human contact was just as important as water. Water. “Ermm, sir? Can I please have some water?” “Not yet” “But I am thirsty and tired-“ “Then you should not have used what is left of your energy trying to reach the wall clock.” I opened and closed my mouth successively. Had they been watching me all this time? I suddenly fell sick, but when I bent down and opened my mouth, nothing came out. “You have nothing to vomit. You have not eaten or drunk anything for over seventy-two hours, remember?” As I straightened my back, the room began to spin. I leaned against the wall and dragged myself to the floor. I then buried my head in between my folded legs. A few seconds later, I felt a presence beside me. “Let’s start over, yes? My name is Snow-“ “What?” “Snow…my name is Snow. Now-“ “Like the girl?" “What?” “Snow White…the fairy tale queen or princess or something.” “I…What…Hmmm.” “Oh…I get it. It’s because of your hair.” There was silence after this comment. For a moment, I was afraid that I had pissed off the only person who could give me water, actual water, not the urine I had been obsessively fantasizing about. And then he laughed. Stunned, I lifted my head from its lowered position and watched in awe as Snow incessantly slapped the white tiled floor as he laughed. After what seemed like an eternity, he brought his hand to his eyes and wiped his glassy eyes. Sniffling, he placed the cigarette between his lips and took another long drag. I watched as the smoke lazily departed from his mouth. “Most of the people I have met are too scared to share their real thoughts about my name. Not once was I bullied in school or teased at work because of how bizarre my name is. Who knew that the first person to ever call me out will be some scrawny kid in the White Tower?” I shrugged. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t beat you senseless Blake…” He knew my name. Is that what you are worried about right now? The guy saw you take a piss! Multiple times! My inner voice had a point . “Would you give me water then?” Snow sniggered before pressing his cigarette butt on the floor. I scarcely wondered if he was about to beat me. It was not that I was callous or unafraid; I genuinely believed that Snow had the ability to hurt me extremely, but I was too exhausted to care. “You pissed off a very powerful man Blake.” Ron’s voice suddenly echoed in my head, “My father…my father will…m-make your life a living-“ Hell. That was what he had wanted to say, that was what I had stopped him from saying. There was no question about it; I was in hell. I had been immediately isolated with no food or water. I had no idea how my family and friends were fairing. I had no way of apologizing to Serah, and worst of all, I had no idea whether Ron was… “Why are you here, Snow?” My voice came out low and emotionless. If breaking my spirit is what Ron’s father desired, he had effortlessly achieved this in a matter of days. I had a feeling, however, that the CEO of WIC wanted to do more than rob me of my resolve. What was it the laymen said all those years ago? An eye for an eye… “I am here to relay the court’s ruling regarding your case.” Wait for what? Had they really held proceedings without me present? “Don’t tell me you are surprised, I mean…you do know that Mr. Liamson has the whole justice system in his pockets, right?” This was not that hard to believe. Ever since the Apocalypse, WIC has been in control of the economy’s finances. Control the money, control the world. “The court ruled that you are a dangerous individual who brings no value to the New World. Your existence only jeopardizes what everyone is working hard towards, that is, a prosperous and peaceful civilization. In order to ensure that you are never in a position to harm anyone else as you did, Mr. Ronald Liamson, your life should be terminated with immediate effect.” What the actual f**k?
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