Chapter 2

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And Abigail turned around, taking a good look at the man and I heard Cole whistle. "Damn. You want me to be your wing man Nissi?" Cole looked at me playfully and my eyes widened. "No! Keep your voice down! I just bumped into him, that's all. He seems a little intimidating, no?" I asked Abigail who nodded, still looking at the man. "Wow... Look at that jawline.. And that body.. Women must kill to be with him, don't you think so?" She looked at me and I just shrugged, straighterning in my seat and finishing the last of my brownie and coffee. I ate in in silence except to answer Abigail when she asked me something. By the time I was done, I picked up my cup and brownie plate and carried it to the counter. I hated it when people had to clean up after me. "Mark, here you go." I handed him the plated and the cup and he smiled. "Always the angel." He gave me a wide smile before his smile disappeared as he looked at something behind me and paled. A shadow loomed over menand an intoxicating scent enveloped me, making me dizzy. I turned around and looked up to see the same man staring down at me. "Uh.... Can I help you?" I asked him but he didn't move a muscle, just looked deep into my eyes. I squirmed under his gaze but held it for as long as I could before moving away from his path. "Oh, you must need to order something. Sorry, I'm in your way." I moved aside to let him order and he moved forward, scanning the menu like it was his prey. "Il take the black coffee." He spoke and I couldn't help but feel attracted to his deep, velvety voice. I shook my head, and turned around to walk back to my friends when he called out to me. "I never got your name." I turned around and found him looking at something behind me before his gaze settled on me. "Uh.. my name?"I asked him puzzled, and he gave me a quick nod. "Nissi... My name's Nissi." I gave him my most dazzling smile and he nodded. "Nissi.." He repeated it and I was mesmerized by the way my name rolled off his tongue, staring at his full pink lips. I shook my head, chasing away all wrong thoughts. Quit it! You just broke up with Someone! "What's your name?" I asked him with a hopeful glint in my eye. He smirked while paying for his coffee and I noticed the black card he used to pay with, engraved with something in golden. A VIP card, with unlimited balance. He must be someone important. "Nico." He told me, now taking a sip of his coffee and looking at me intently. "Nico." I repeated, liking the feel of his name on my tongue. "That's a nice name." I smiled at him and then looked at the time on my phone. "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late!" "It was really nice to meet you, and I'm sorry once again for bmping into you, twice. But Ill get you a coffee sometime if we meet again as an apology. Bye." Not sparing another glance to the man, I quickly ran to Cole and Abigail to tell them I was going home. They told me they'd come in a while and I ran out of the café and back to my house. Shit, I hope I make it in time. I sighed loudly, and jumped on Cole's bed. "You done with everything?" He asked me, looking up from his phone. "Yup. Submitted everything." I told him and faced him. "Saw you talking to the hot dude. What did he say?" He asked me, still looking at his phone. "He asked me my name.." I trailed off, remembering how close he was standing behind me and how my name rolled off his tongue. "And you told him?" Cole asked me, looking at me with an unreadable expression. "Well, yeah. He told me his name too." I pointed towards Cole who nodded. "What was his name?" Abby came and sat on the free chair in Cole's bedroom and looked at nme expectantly. "Nico." I repeated his name and liked how it felt to say it. Both Cole and Abigail repeated his name at the same time then looked at me for more information. "What? That's all I asked him.. He looked like he was someone important though.. He had one of those black and gold cards, he used it to pay for his coffee. I've seen many VIP's have them." I told them and they both started thinking. "Did you catch his last name?" Cole asked me and I shook my head. "Don't you know him? You usually know every important person there is." I looked at Abby who just shrugged. "Nope. I might've heard of him but nothing I remember. Oh, and before I forget, I booked a booth for us at the club tomorrow okay?" She told us and both Cole and my head snapped towards hers. "How did you manage to book anything at all?" Cole asked her and she gave us a wicked smile. "I have my ways." She grinned. The next day, I came out with Abby from our psychology class and saw Cole already leaning against the hood of his blue car. "Hurry up ladies!"" He called to us, waving his hands frantically and then running over to us, taking our bags and tossing them into the trunk. "What took you guys so long?" "Sorry Cole, Professor Roland made us wait extra because he couldn't remember what assignment he was supposed to give us." Abby told him and he nodded in understanding, sitting in the car and we followed suit. We were out of the college's parking lot and on our way home, singing on the top of our lungs to our favorite Songs. Before the clock struck 7, Abby was already rushing here and there, getting ready to go to the club. I was lying on the couch in the living room with my legs in Cole's lap, reading a book while Cole watched television. "You guys!" Abby came and put her hands on her hips, snatching the book from my hands and turning of the television. "We're going to be late! Get your asses in the shower. Now!" We both snickered at her before she shot us a glare and we both scrambled off the couch, running to our respective rooms to get ready. "You guys have less than 20 minutes to be standing at the front door!" I heard Abby call out as soon as I came out of the shower, and walked towards my closet. I put my hand on my hip, examining my clothes. "Wear the new dress we bought. You looked so sexy in it." Abby walked from behind and took out a short dress from my closet and threw it on the bed. "Abby its too revealing!" I whined and she clicked her tongue. "That's the whole purpose, to mingle! Now shoo, hurry along!" She closed my bedroom door and I groaned in frustration before slipping on the dress and looking at myself in the mirror. "What the-... this wasn't so revealing before.. Right?" I whispered to myself, practically gawking at myself in my full length mirror. I heard a whistle and saw Cole standing in the doorway wearing a blue dress shirt and black pants. "Daaaaamn Nissiy, you try and kill all the men there?" He looked at me with a big grin and I scowled. "Why does this seem more revealing and shorter than before?" I looked back at my reflection. "No idea, but you better hurry because we are getting late and Abby is waiting outside." He told me and left, closing my door and I quickly opened the messy bun on top of my head and finger combed through my hair, which was a mixture of platinum and ash blonde. I dyed it after my break up because I felt like I needed to change something about myself desperately. Quickly smearing a little lip gloss and taking hold of my purse and phone, I put on my heels and walked out of my room. "See, I told you you'd look nice." Abby commented when we parked in front of the club. "Yeah right." I looked over at the line while Abby handed out us our passes to enter. "Here. We won't have to wait in line now. We're VIP's too." She squealed and both Cole and I covered our ears. "Okay, come on." Cole grabbed both our hands so we wouldn't get separated and we walked to the front of the line. I could see the men staring at me but I ignored them. Some even whistled. "Just ignore them." Cole whispered to me and i nodded, and we showed the bouncer our passes who let us in. Music blared through the speakers and neon lights flashed. People were dancing on the dance floor and the bar was filled with people. "Come one, this way!" Abigail shouted so we could hear her and she dragged us to what I assumed was the VIP section as we walked up the stairs, and settled onto the empty booth there was. I looked around a bit as a waiter came to us. "Good evening Ms. Hill. May I take your orders?" He asked us and Abigail gave him our orders. She knew what we liked. He went a returned a while later with our drinks, and I could feel his gaze lingering longer on me. I sipped my drink, letting its sweetness take over my taste buds. "This is really good." I pointed to my drink. "Yeah the drinks are good. Did you order anything to eat?" Cole asked Abby as she was sipping her drink. "Yeah I did. I told you this place was legit." She winked at us and we drank our drinks, chatting happily. After we had a few drinks Abby suddenly got up. "Come on Nissi, let's dance!" She shouted over the music and I smiled, getting up and followed her to the dance floor. "Be careful!" Cole called out to us and we reassured him we were fine. Both of us danced to the beat and lost ourselves in the music, moving our hips to the rhythm and laughing at each other. "I need to use the bathroom! I'll be right back okay?" I told her and sh nodded, already being pulled away by some stranger and dancing with him. I laughed at her and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my hands and ran my fingers through my hair, refreshing my gloss and stepping out into the array. I walked with my head low, trying my best not to bump into anyone, but as if on cue, I bumped into someone's back, who turned around and I looked up to apologize, my breath catching in my throat. "You." "You." I looked at the man, awestruck. This has got to be a coincidence. He raised his eyebrow questioningly before looking deep in my eyes and I saw recognition flash across his beautiful features. He frowned slightly and looked me up and down, his eyes darkening before he looked back at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked me and I shook my head, collecting my thoughts before speaking. "I... um... I came with my friends." I pointed to the VIP section and he nodded, still observing me and I took a good look at him. He wore a black dress shirt with a grey coat and pants, and a black tie. He looks so hot. I looked back up at him and realized I'd been looking too long and averted my gaze quickly. "Sorry, I didn't see you, it's pretty crowded in here." I chuckled nervously and quickly went around him and made a beeline towards the bar, and ordered a drink, breathless. I muttered a thank you to the bartender who looked at me questioningly. "Don't ask." I told him and he went back to work. I took a couple shots to calm my rapidly beating heart and when I felt like I couldn't get any more drunk, I went to the dance floor, towards Abby who was now dancing with a different guy. She pulled me by my hand and I danced with her, closing my eyes and raising my hands above my head, slowly and sensually moving to the music, swaying my hips. I felt someone's arms circle me from behind. My eyes shot open in alarm but then I closed them again and continued to dance with the stranger with a new found confidence. We danced for what felt like hours and I stumbled up the stairs to the VIP section to go back to Cole. I walked over to what I assumed was our table and lost my balance, but quickly held onto someone's arm. "Ah... I'm sorry. I thought you were Cole." I looked up to see whose arm I had held and gasped. "It's you again!" I tried to let go of his arm but swayed dangerously, so he held both my arms to steady me. "Why do I keep bum-bumping into you?" I asked him with half-lidded eyes and reached out to poke his chest. "You're real." "Of course I'm real." He replied with his deep voice and I swooned internally.
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