Chapter 2

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"EMILY LOUISE SMITH WHAT THE f**k DID YOU DO" I below out as I enter her garage. Emily's dad is a builder and he converted the space into a little place for us all to hang out in. The walls are covered in tie dye tapestries and old rock band posters with a couple of sofas and thousands of blankets. It also has a mini fridge and a TV which are very welcome additions. "Oh relax, it was just a little prank" Emily sits on one of the sofas with her boyfriend's arm draped around her.  "Oh yeah, just a little prank that SHUT DOWN THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" "I mean is that a bad thing?" Jason asks from beside Emily.  "Yes you t**t. You all know what this means right?" Everyone in the room looks at me in confusion and I roll my eyes. "It means we're all going to be transferred to Middleton's." There is a unified gasp as the realisation settles in and Josh spits out his mouthful of beer. "WHAT?"  "Are you kidding me? Did none of you think this through before you burnt the place down?" "In our defense, it wasn't meant to be the whole school. Just the shed." Ricky grins at me and I glare back. "But Middleton's is 2 hours away!" Josh wines. "Uh huh. You whores have cost me my lie ins. I'm disowning you all." I walk towards the mini fridge and grab a beer, swigging it down like it's water before plopping down next to Emily. "So, how was it?" I turn to Emily. "It was glorious" she grins back at me evilly. "You should have seen the blaze." ----------------------------------------- I look over my reflection in the mirror. I'm wearing ripped mom jeans rolled up so they finish just above my scuffed doc martens and an oversized Led Zepplin shirt that's french tucked into my jeans. My hair is shoulder length and dirty blonde. I always wanted to dye it blue but to be honest I don't think it would suit me. I pick up my corduroy tote bag and my keys, swiping my coffee mug on the way out the door and shout my goodbyes to my mum who I know is still asleep. I climb into my little green car fondly names shrek and start his engine. He groans to life and I pat the dashboard. This car is nearly as old as me but it tries its best. I got it when I turned 17 a year ago and I have fallen in love with it. I drive through town and pull up outside of Emily's house. She skips out of the front door and hops into the car, wiggling in the seat. She wears skinny jeans and a Tommy Hilfinger jumper with her brown hair cascading down her back. I'm not really sure how I got to be friends with Emily but I can't remember a time in my life where she isn't in it. She's very popular and pretty wheareas most people are scared of me. I tend to see through the fake laughs and smiles and I really can't be bothered with it, so when I make an effort to be nice to someone, it's because I genuinely like them. My close friends are Emily, Jason, Ricky and Josh and I like a few other people in my year but only a few. "So are you excited?" Emily chirps next to me. "Nope." "Oh come on, new school, new people, new classes, it'll be so much fun!"  "I'll take the lie in thanks" I mutter and reach for my coffee. It's f*****g 6 in the morning and when I tell you I am not a morning person, I mean it. "Was it a late one at work last night?" "Yeah but Holly helped close up so not as late as it could have been." "Any sign of you know who?" I glance at her and see she's wiggling her eyebrows at me. I made the mistake of telling her about that night 3 weeks ago and since then she hasn't shut up about it.  I roll my eyes at her but can't help but bite my lip where he did.  It was so weird, like he was drinking my blood or something. And what's weirder is that I was enjoying it. A lot. Although I would never tell Emily that. Since that night my dreams have been filled with thoughts of that guy. His clearly toned body, his lips working against mine and those beautiful purple eyes. I just can't stop thinking about him and it's driving me insane. I have more important things to worry about. "I know you're crazy about him." "I'm not! It was just one kiss, I haven't even thought about him besides you bringing it up every second" I grunt. Lies. "Whatever you say" she holds her hands up in surrender. After around an hour of a life we pull in school campus, parking in a spot near the front next to Jason's truck. Emily bounds out and leaps into his arms, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. I want to roll my eyes but I can't help smile. They're honestly the cutest couple ever. I grab my stuff and step out the car, strolling over to my friends. They greet me and receive a thumbs up in response. Talking isn't really in my skill set at the moment. Ricky slings his arm around me and I groan as he guides us to the school entrance.  Everyone's heads turn as we walk through the door. f*****g teenagers. Emily smiles widely and I frown as we walk through the hall, making sure to make eyecontact with people who stare too long.  This was bound to happen as fresh meat. Teenagers are savage.  From the corner of my eye I see two girls with identical long straight hair whispering and looking me up and down like dirt. I turn my head to them and blow a kiss leaving them with there's mouth hanging open like a fish. I'm laughing at their facial expression when I walk into a wall. I look up confused and my eyes widen when I see what said wall is. It's him. And he's smirking at me.
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