Chapter 4

1625 Words
Rose’s POV The next few days go by quick and before I know it, it’s time for me to go back to work. I work part time in a bakery. I’ve worked here for the past four years. It’s my most favorite thing in my life right now. I go into the shop early to start baking. I work on the chocolate dream squares first. Recipe: Ingredients: • 16 oz of laminated dough, divided into 2 equal squares. • 8 oz of cream cheese • 3 oz of dark chocolate ganache •1/2 cup of white chocolate shavings • 1/4 cup sugar •egg for an egg wash Directions: 1. Set oven to 350° and spray a 16”x25” baking pan with nonstick spray. 2. Roll out both squares of the laminated dough into a 16”x25” square and fit 1 into the bottom of greased baking sheet. 3. Whip cream cheese with ganache until fully incorporated, adding a splash of milk if necessary to reach desired consistency. 3. Spread chocolate mixture onto dough and top with chocolate shavings and 2nd square of dough 4. Beat egg with water to create egg wash and add on top of dough then sprinkle surface evenly with sugar 5. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until fully cooked then allow to cool slightly before cutting into small squares. While they were baking I set out the assembly line of cupcake liners. I dawn a fresh pair of gloves and a pick up each pastry square and nestle in gently in it’s parchment hammock. I set it each tray full of chocolate dream squares ready to be served, then I work on the next recipe. This one I wrote myself. It’s my secret chocolate and mint tart. The owner Flora walks in while I’m working on the tart. “Oh Rose it smells delicious in here.” She says coming around the counter and checking the ovens. “I’m just finishing up the chocolate mint tarts.” I tell her. “Ooo! Im about to get started on some madeleines.” She says. She catches a glimpse of my eye. “Ooff. How does the other girl look?” She asks. “Worse.” “That’s my girl.” Flora knows about the fights. I had to tell her when I kept coming in with bruises or calling out of work. Now she gives me extra days off around my fight nights. Flora has been the best boss. She lets me be creative and try new recipes and I’ve really enjoyed working here. Flora and I bake together until the shop opens and Amy comes in, she works in the front with the customers. I stay in the back and bake any catering orders that have come in. “Good morning Rose.” Amy says. “Good morning Amy.” I notice Amy staring at my eye. Amy does not know about the fighting. Im pretty sure she thinks I’m in an abusive relationship and she never brings it up. I do my best to cover it up with makeup, but it’s not perfect. I make a few cakes and by early afternoon all the orders are complete. “Im going to go for lunch, then I’ll come back and work on the early order for tomorrow.” I tell Flora. “Tell Pete and Jace I say hi.” Pete is the owner of the sandwich shop next door and Jace is his son. “Maybe you should come with me.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. They are both in their fifties and single, they would be adorable together. “Oh stop. You know my only love is this bakery.” She says. I walk next door to the sandwich shop and order myself a BLT combo. I go with salt and vinegar chips, and a lemonade with a splash of sprite mixed in, my favorite. I put the lid on my drink and take a seat waiting for my sandwich. “Rose. How are you?” Pete asks noticing me. I know he’s always wanted to ask me about my bruises, but he never has. “Busy working as always.” I say. I try to keep it light. Jace brings makes my sandwich. “How’s Flora?” He asks. “She’s great! And actually she wanted me to ask you if you’d like to come over for some coffee after your lunch rush.” I lie. “Well I’d be absolutely delighted.” “Great I’ll let her know.” Jace hands me my sandwich and smiles at me, he sees through my white lie. The weather is really nice, so I decide to sit outside and eat. The part of town I work in is quiet and well taken care of. The streets are clean and there are a lot of shops around. I watch people shop and walk around town. Jace comes out halfway through my lunch and joins me at my table. “Did she really ask him over?” “I mean not in so many words, but close enough.” Jace and I have become mild friends over the years. Well more accurately acquaintances. We’re friendly and we talk, but not outside of this setting. Jace is the same age as me, and he’s not bad to look at, but we’ve been working next door to each other for years. “Rose, are you alright? And don’t say you ran into something.” This is the first time in a while he has asked me about my bruises. “Jace, I’m fine. I’m not in a domestic violence relationship. You’d have to be in a relationship for that. I do kick boxing and it always makes me look like this.” “Oh, wow. Where at?” He asks. “Powerhouse fitness.” I tell him, I work out there so it’s not a complete lie. “Over by the movie theater?” He asks. “Yup, that’s the one.” Please don’t invite yourself to my gym. “That’s cool. But you should be more careful, especially with your face. Don’t they provide padding or something?” He asks. “Yeah, but I prefer not to use it. I find it just gets in my way.” “Fair enough. You know if you need anything, just say the word.” “Thank Jace. I’m going to go set my plan in motion.” I gather my trash and walk back to the bakery. “Oh Flooraaa.” I say in a sing-songy voice as I walk into the back. “How was your lunch?” She asks as she frosts a cupcake order for tomorrow. “It was great, Pete asked if you’d join him for a cup of coffee after his lunch rush.” She stops frosting. I walk over to the sink to wash my hands. “What? Here? How do I look?” “Give that here and go freshen up.” I take the piping bag from Flora and get to work. After Flora leaves, Amy walks in. “Why does Flora look as pale as a ghost?” Amy asks. “Pete will be joining her for coffee after lunch.” I say flashing her a smile. “Did you do that?” “I have no idea what you are talking about.” I say overly dramatic. “Oh you did. Thank god. They would be so cute together and then when you marry Jace, you and Flora will practically be family.” Amy says. “Yeah right.” The bell to the bakery rings and Amy goes out to the front. Like I could ever have such a normal life. Amy comes back in. “Rose, it’s Pete.” “Oh!” I smile and walk to Flora’s office. “Flora. You have a visitor.” I knock on the door. She opens it up, I can smell her perfume and I see that she’s applied a touch of red lipstick. “How do I look?” She asks. “Like he’s seen you everyday for three years. Gorgeous.” I say. She glows and heads out to the front. I peek through the window in the door and watch their awkward but cute interaction. After watching for a moment I get back to baking. I start to work on the Blue Hour cookies. Ingredients: • 1 cup brown sugar • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened • 1 egg • 1 1/2 cups flour • 1/2 cup cocoa powder • 1/2 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp. baking soda • Dash of salt • 4 drops blue food coloring (optional – to make the cookies look more like the twilight sky) • One jar of white nonpareil sprinkles, for decoration. Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. In a medium bowl, cream together sugar and butter with an electric mixer. Add egg and beat well to incorporate. 3. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. With electric mixer on low speed, gradually beat the flour mixture into the butter mixture until well blended. Add blue food coloring (if using) and beat until well incorpo- rated. 4. Drop by the heaping teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle each cookie liberally with white nonpareil sprinkles, pushing down gently to make sure sprinkles stick to dough. 5. Bake for 10-12 minutes, then remove from oven. Sprinkle liberally again with more white nonpareil sprinkles. Cool 10 minutes on baking sheet, then gently move cookies to cooling rack. 6. Serve with a nice glass of cold milk, or a cup of coffee.
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