Part 2

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He was not going to stare he decided that already but when she descended down the stairs and the way she was shyly tucking her hair was enough to make him groan. He adjusted himself on the chair and cursed at himself for even thinking such thoughts. He sighed and focused back on his breakfast. "Hi, daddy." He sharply inhaled as she rasped standing near his table. She smelled like him and he didn't know what to do with that. He cleared his throat while clenching his fist and then stared back at her. "Did you shower in my bathroom baby?" He asked with a calm tone and she blushed, her cheeks tinted and she nodded her head to which he inhaled sharply. "I didn't know how to turn on the hot water in mine. I'm sorry..." She croaked while biting her lips and he wanted to replace her teeth with his. He squirmed in his seat and then shook his head while looking at her. "That's fine. Marzia can teach you later. Just ask her. Hmm?" He softly said. She nodded her head and played nervously with her fingers. He found that action endearing and couldn't believe that she was so cute. Stop that! He thought to himself and then noticed that she was still standing near the table instead of sitting down. "Babysit down. Marzia will get you breakfast." Xavier mumbled. She nodded her head and quietly pulled the chair and making no sound at all she silently sat and he noticed that she was rolling her lips between her teeth. "What do you want to eat?" He questioned while looking at the variety of food. She shrugged and he narrowed his eyes at her to which she opened her mouth to answer. "I'm fine with anything but steak. I don't like it." She said with a scrunch and shook her head childishly. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. He didn't know her much because they haven't got the chance to talk more but he was loving all these interactions because he got to know more about her and he was absolutely enthusiastic about learning. "Why not?" He laughed and then heard her giggle along with him. Xavier picked the glass of water that was a few feet away from him.  "Once we had fancy steak for dinner and I ate it... I puked a lot after that." She said with a frown on her face as she remembered the incident. He nodded his head mentally noting never to have or eat steak around her. "I'm sorry to hear that baby. But I assure you that there's no steak for breakfast." He assured her with a smile on his face. She sighed and turned her plate up. "Marzia!" He yelled out again. The maid walked out of the kitchen holding a plate. "Sorry, sir... Ermm I was making this." Marzia said and he noticed that she was placing the French toast in her plate. He smiled as she confusingly narrowed her eyes at the plate and then picked the fork from the table and lightly dabbed at the fork to which he bit back his laugh. "You don't like French toast?" He questioned while looking at her. She shook her head. "I never had this before. Is it good daddy?" She innocently asked. The word made him groan. As her sweet voice hit his ears, he could feel his c**k twitch.  "It's sweet... Uhh...You'll love it." He cleared his throat. She looked at the toast and hesitantly bobbed her head. She then cut the toast. He observed her as she took the first bite of that bread. She moaned as she chewed on to that and he palmed his crotch trying not to get hard at that sound. "This is soo good daddy..." She moaned again and licked the fork she was holding. He cleared his throat nodding his head in response instead. "Yeah, it is. So I guess you have a sweet tooth?" He asked trying to change the topic. Anything to not have those thoughts. "I love sweets. But we didn't get to have sweet things back at the home." She sadly sighed. Her face and that sigh made his gut clench.  "Don't worry you can have anything you want here. Marzia is an excellent baker." She nodded her head and that was that. *** "So you ready baby?" He knocked on the door and then looked back at his watch. He promised her to take to the shopping mall where she can get new clothes and whatever she needed. "Sorry" She apologised opening the door and stepping out of the room. He bit his lip looking at her. She looked beautiful with that oversized sweater and tight skinny jeans and for the first, he noticed that she had a birthmark near her left side of the chest. The sweater was a bit deep so he automatically noticed that detail about her. "No worries. Let's go now." He shook his head. She smiled and then together they walked down the stairs. While walking he couldn't help but observe how small and dainty she looked beside him and he had this urge to wrap his arms around her but he held back instead. He asked the driver to drive them because he wasn't sure he would be able to after shopping with her. He wanted her to buy everything she needed so it was going to take some time. *** "This looks so beautiful" She gasped looking around with a bright smile on her face. He nodded his head while keeping a straight face. He just hoped that no one recognised him. It's not like he's wearing a disguise but still, he hoped that he won't be recognised. He was a record label producer but also he did a single four years ago which turned out to be a huge hit. And that's when paparazzi thought that it would be funny to follow him everywhere. "Let's go get your stationery first," He said and she nodded her head, not looking at him. They walked towards the shop. Just as he was about to say something his phone rang and he groaned at that and hastily picked the phone from this pocket. "Baby I'll be back in a minute" He excuses himself, noticing that her eyes widened. She slowly nodded her head. He walked out of the show and towards the less crowded area and that's when he noticed it was Liam calling. He talked for a while and then hung up his phone. As he was roaming his eyes around to look for his sweet angel he stood still. His nose flared looking at the scene in front of him. His Bella, his baby was chatting to someone. Though she was fidgeting and shifting nervously he still couldn't control the sudden anger coursing through him at the thought of that boy even breathing her scent. He leaves her for ten minutes and this is what happened. He should never leave her. With that thought, he stalked towards them. As soon as he was closer to his baby he heard her breath hitch and he smirked at the effect on her. He wrapped his hands around her waist and narrowed his eyes angrily at the boy at the same age as his baby nervously looking at him. "Will you f**k off mate? She's not going to date you" He growled looking at him. The boy nervously smiled and shakily nodded his head while walking away Xavier smirked as the boy trembled and was running away like a scared deer. Everyone was scared of him. "I wasn't..." Bella sniffed beside him and he turned to look at her. Xavier noticed that she had tears in the corner of her eyes. "Yes, baby?" He asked deeply, mercilessly while staring at her. The teen closed her mouth and shook her head. "I wasn't going to go daddy" She whimpered while looking at him. He nodded because of course. She was his and he was not letting her go. "I know baby. Let's go back now."He mumbled in a hostile tone and saw her flinch at that. Because he's always loving and sweet towards her but he was angry at that boy who thought that it was okay to chat up to his baby and ask her out. "Are you angry daddy? Am I in trouble?" She innocently asked looking at him and he noticed that she was purposefully rolling her lips between her teeth and giving him her wide puppy eyes. That minx. "You're in trouble baby because you let that guy talk to you. You are going to get punished." He whispered and started walking with her towards the exit. He already had a great idea in his mind of punishing her and he didn't want to but she needs to learn that she was being a bad girl by talking to someone else. "But I-" She started but then he turned around and glared at her prompting her to close her mouth.  "You want to increase the punishment? Be quiet now baby" She bent down her head and nodded her head.  "Yes daddy" ***
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