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CHAPTER ONE Kim's pov When I was a little girl, I always pictured my life to be perfect. Have a loving husband, kids, a job and have a happy life. At the age of 25 I was already getting a divorce from the man that I loved all my life for as long as I can remember. Josh and I met in high school and he was the perfect boyfriend, even when my parents died he stayed by my side. By 21 I was married and our life was getting better, I stopped college so he could finish his and start his company. But never in my life did I think I would be sitting in a court room getting a divorce from the man I loved.....I still love him. As I sat by the bench, I saw him with the one person I thought could never hurt me in my life, my little sister Cassie. Cassie was beautiful and every man's dream, she had a body of a model and the perfect long hair. But what caught my eye was the arm she had wrapped around Josh's arm. I tried to be strong until all this was over. After two hours of watching my life come crushing down, I couldn't wait to leave. I got out and quickly got into the car and drove to the place I once called home and I helped build to where it was. As I got to what used to be our bedroom I couldn't help but remember when Josh surprised me with the house a little after his company had started. flashback "Baby just keep your eyes closed its a surprise that's why you can't peep" I heard a door open and then the blind fold was removed from my eyes. My hand went to my mouth as the most beautiful room came to view."Babe where are is a beautiful room and looks expensive" I looked at Josh but he kept smiling at me. "Babe?" "Baby I got the million dollar contract and the construction company is on the map!I got us a house" I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes I was so proud of Josh. I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him and that was the first time we made love in this room. end of flashback I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand that wrapped around me. When I saw who it was I pushed him away as hard as I could. "What did I do to you?! Was I not good enough?! I gave you everything Josh! I could have listened if I did something wrong but this is how you pay me?!" I couldn't help but voice out the hurt he put in me. " Baby,....." " Don't! As soon as you signed those papers you lost every right! The moment you chose my sister over me! Is it because I couldn't keep the babies when I was pregnant?!" I saw hurt in his eyes but he broke me and I didn't know how to fix myself. "Cassie is carrying your child! I hate you! I hate you so much! I never want to see you again" I moved past him and packed my clothes, I made sure to leave everything he ever got me and I walked out the room. As I got down stairs I saw Cassie in the living room looking so comfortable I felt sick. "Cassie!" She looked at me but all I saw was evil in her eyes and a bit of hurt but she didn't let it show. "Cassie, I wish you luck for breaking my home and I hope you get what you wanted" " oh sister! Is that suppose to make me feel bad? I have a baby on the way and a not even a woman.couldnt give Josh a baby...I took care of it" she had a smirk as she said that. I couldn't believe I could give my life for her. I ran out of the house and out of their lives not before hearing Josh shout at Cassie. That night I booked myself into a cheap motel and cried myself to sleep. I stayed in that motel for three days with nothing to do and a broken heart not knowing what to do to fix myself. On the forth day I decided to get on a bus and go to anywhere the little money I had could take me as far as possible it could reach me. I didn't know what I could do but I just had to try and move on. Before I went to the station, I visited my parents grave and said bye. When I got on the bus, I promised myself to never look back and know that I was alone in this world.
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