Chapter 03

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NURI POV It was my grandmother with two grand fathers. She is radiating like an angel. Indeed, she really is an angel with two devils beside him, loving her crazily. My mother and aunt are also same with my fathers, and my uncles beside them. I hope that, I’ll also be lucky to be like them with Ke and Kev. My uncles and mother ran towards the grandma and hug her with their almighty.  “We miss you momma.” Uncle Seth murmured to her while kissing on her cheeks. Ah! They really are momma’s boys. “I miss you all too.” When my mother and uncles went to greet grandfathers, my fathers and aunty hug the grandmother. As soon as they also move towards grandfathers, grandmother’s eyes gaze towards me, Kev and Ke. “Aren’t my grandchildren going to hug me?” All three of us hug her together and Kev murmured a thank you to grandma. “Thank you, grandma, for giving another life to Nuri.” “It’s my duty as moon goddess to do my best to protect the supernatural world. But this time also, you didn’t make the right choice and two innocents lose their lives because of that.” Grandma’s words shocked me to the extent and I break the hug. It seems like her words do the same effect to everyone present in the room.  We all look at her with a question, and that’s when it comes in to my mind. “My mother’s second and her mate. Did Ishi killed them?” “Yeah!” Shit! Tears pool in my eyes. I do the same mistake as my previous life. Because of me, two innocence lost their lives. Why am I working this much careless? “Hey, Nur…….. Please calm down, it’s not only your fault. All of us were careless. From today, onward we’ll be careful enough to avoid her from destroying any innocent life.”  Ke and Kev hug me to them while Ke murmurs pacifying to my hair. “We thought that, Ishi fires her house in the previous life, to gain sympathy from Nuri by allowing her to thin that Ishi’s adoptive parents get killed by trying to save Nuri’s life.” My mother said while looking at the grandma. She looks devasted. “No, her previous life attempt was to kill Nuri and her adoptive parents, and then take Nuri’s place in the castle, and you selves.” “Like hell she can take the place of Nuri. She is simply a scam. Then how can she take the place of Nuri?” Kev gritted his teeth angrily. “Yeah! I know. But in the previous life her plan changes slightly because her adoptive parents protect Nuri. But because of that, she gets the trust from this family and loyalty from Nuri. By using it, she come here and destroy all of your relationships. I can’t address any further. It’s your choices and please be careful enough, not to make any mistake which will cause number of innocent lives.” Grandma instruct us by gazing at all of us. “I’m not going to visit her till the funeral is over. She’ll try to contact me. but you guys have to say that, you guys are punishing me for disobedience and no one is allowed to meet me till a month. That month will be enough for me to calm downs myself to face her calmly like I don’t know her real intentions. Mother, as her queen you have to take the responsibility of her. Instruct her to live in the orphanage till her house rebuild and prepare it as soon as possible. After one month lets our game begins. Till then, I’m going to spend my time with my family.” After instructing my ideas, I look at my grandmother silently inquiring about my decisions.  “Good choice, Nuri. It is one of the best choices from your available alternatives, at this time. Now, I have to go. Please, work carefully and make right choices. The world depends on you guys’ decisions.” After saying that, she hugs all of us with a good-bye hug. After grandma leaves, my parents, uncles and aunt’s attention turned towards me. “We’ll visit Ishi and take care of the situation. You three can enjoy your time together.” After uncle Seth exclaims that, they teleport themselves. Our attention was suddenly grab by the ringing tone of my phone, and when I saw the caller, a sinister smile comes to my face. I show the caller identity to Ke and Kev, who looked at me with a knowing smirk. “That b***h! She is going to learn her lesson very soon. Till then, we have to punish the naughty girl, who ignored us for a scheming bitch.” Kev’s intense filled words cause pleasurable waves to make my core wet and n*****s to get erect. As soon as they smell my arousal, their eyes darken with lust. “We may be not feel the mate pull yet. But you are ours and no one is going to distance ourselves from you. Even yourself can’t do that.” After exclaiming their possessiveness, Kev grab my lips with his demanding ones by stoling my first kiss with a punishing intense kiss.
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