Sit back down

343 Words
A really tall person decided to sit in front of me so I can't see the board meaning I can't see the notes on the board. To add a cherry on top of this whole situation the person who decided to sit in front of me won't shut up so I can't even hear the teacher. Jessica looks over at me and see's me struggling. "Ray do you wanna switch seats so that you can see the board?" I look up at Jessica and smile while nodding my head. Right when we're about to switch seats the teacher stops talking. I can't really see what's going on but I'm pretty sure the teachers looking back at us. "What are you doing?" the teacher asked, he had that kind of voice that would be really good in a porno. I already forget his name, if he even gave it to us. Like I said I can't hear anything over this i***t in front of me. "Mr Carter, my friend can't see the board so I was going to switch with her since I'm taller." "Well, you should have done that at the beginning of class. Sit back down in the seat you were already sitting in." Jessica looks at me with an apologetic face. "You can copy my notes when class ends" she whispers to me. "Thanks babe" I whisper back. I should have sat in the front to be honest. It would have been so much easier but I don't like when people sit behind me. I feel like people stare at me and i hate that feeling." Soon enough English was over and I was walking towards the door when the teacher stopped me. What was his name again? "Miss if you can't see in the back you need to sit in the very front. With your height, I don't even know why you chose to sit back there." He said while looking into my eyes, I felt drawn to him. It was a weird feeling, a feeling I didn't quite enjoy.
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