Chapter 45

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“What do you want to do about this?” Letty asked Ryoka after she explained who Lilith was to her, they stood there facing each other doing nothing else, both these people were on their way and they needed to get past them to get to their goal but then these people aren’t to be trifled with, Ryoka personally knows how scary Lilith was in combat, and then Caleb himself had just confirmed that the man as well was called Boulder and he was a very dangerous foe too. “Oh my, oh my, I can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you again girl, who knew you could actually pull it off, we got word that you were setting the prisoners free now, which is why I guess you had to hit my former base first, gathering provisions to feed an army, that sure is wise, but when we were told to be on alert, I just huffed and said you’d never try to come here of all places, because that is juts foolish, so tell me, are you foolish or wise as I first thought?” Lilith said directing her words to Ryoka. “To be honest, I had hoped you would survive our first encounter, just so I can come again to put you in such a sorry state as. I did the last time, that was fun wasn’t it? Now, you see we’ve grown in numbers and power, so would you still take your chances against us, go for a rematch and have me outwit and outsmart you, and maybe this time I wouldn’t be so merciful as to let you live, the other option is to give up calmly and lets us avoid a fight altogether” Ryoka replied hoping to see if there was any chance that such a bluff would work. Lilith chuckled wickedly, “Oh, Bring it on then, I’m calling your bluff, I’ve wanted nothing more than a rematch with you after humiliating me in such a way, so now I get to return the favor, you’ll have to go through me, through us, to get to where you’re going” Lilith answered calmly, Ryoka actually respected and feared her a little as well for her ability to always be calm and composed, even in the face of defeat the last time they fought, she was calm. At that point some of the team that took the stairs were there already as well, and as they arrived, two other teams were formed, the first was of those who would be responsible for ensuring the way to escape, the route and the extraction point as well was clear, and the second team was the sabotage team, whose job it was to cause as much damage as possible to the facility, now just about six people including Ryoka was left for the extraction of the dragon queen. “We can’t let them delay us, the longer we wait, the harder the mission gets, so what do you wanna do?” Letty asked Ryoka again, at that point a splitting five seconds headache passed through Ryoka’s head and she had to hold her head, something or someone was tampering with the hold she had on her draugh fuh, and she was sure it could be none other than the dragon queen herself trying to come into her plane on draugh fuh, but she was weakened, too weak to make it into another’s plane, Ryoka knows this because she had tried to bring her in before, both the dragon queen and her mother, both trials failed at all the times she tried it, for the dragon queen it was because she was too weak for her to move her subconscious, and for her mother, well she just couldn’t find her. “The dragon queen stirs, she is still weak, but she knows of our presence, we need to be fast with the extraction, I can’t fight, lest I lose my hold on draugh fuh, I’m already under a lot of mental strain for using and holding it for so long, even though the ability itself seems boundless, I would have offered to fight Lilith seeing as I had once fought with her and I am a bit familiar with her tactics” Ryoka said, it would have been a wonderful rematch, one that Lilith herself would love so much seeing as both of them couldn’t shift into their dragons in this limited space, it would have been a full hand to hand combat to see who was the best. “Leave Lilith to me” Letty said confidently, “We need to get done with this once and for all” she added looking seriously stern, right now she wasn’t talking as Ryoka’s partner, she was talking as one of the generals of the revolution. “I’ll take Boulder on as well” Caleb said, he was as well confident, but there was some element of doubt to him, seeing as he knows his opponent very well, well enough to know he can’t take him, Ryoka felt pity for him but she as well commended his bravery and courage, she spoke to him using the link draugh fuh gave her to them, ‘Thanks’. Then to Letty, she spoke to her and asked her softly, “Are you sure?” Ryoka knows Lilith’s fighting prowess since she experienced it herself, but she had only heard of Letty’s and from what she heard though, Letty was a good match for Lilith. “Yes I am, now all we need is to get them away from that entrance so that y’all can go through” Letty noted but that wasn’t the only issue, the doors in question were so thick and from the looks of it, it seems to be made out of a really strong metal, breaking it down would be another work. “I’m sorry Lilith, but I won’t be the one to fight you today, the mission is way more important that that, because we’ll eventually save you too when we succeed in the revolution” Ryoka pointed out, Lilith only had time to be shocked by her words before a torrent wave of flames came towards her, she dove sideways to avoid the superheated flames of Ryoka’s fire that was aimed at the door and by so doing she moved away from the door and Letty rushed to her to engage her in combat, Caleb as well was already on the move, heading towards Boulder who had also dove away form Ryoka’s inferno splurge. As the four clashed in battle, Ryoka and the four rushed to the door, then she backed the door in an attempt to cover the rest, she did this so she can use her flames to send back anyone who would try to come close to them, Christine and the remaining guys started to work on finding a way to get the door open and right about then, Darius showed up, Ryoka had called to him through draugh fuh when she noted the door issue. “Get on it, quickly!” Ryoka shouted through the raging battle, the splurge of flames she had blown earlier had activated the sprinkler systems and the showers of fire extinguishing water was pouring consistently, adding to the noise and mood of the whole floor, a few agents came up as well bearing guns, but Ryoka was quick to disarm them by shooting flames at them, it was all she could do not to lose the hold on draugh fuh as she kept those trying get to them back. “Melt it from here, we’ll get through if we can melt through the panel” Christine was saying to Darius, but it was all sounding so far away to Ryoka, she was out of strained, physically and mentally, the draugh fuh was seriously taking its toll on her, everything started looking hazy and dim, she heard the sound of the door giving way, they had done it and gotten through, Ryoka stood her ground br the entrance though, no one was going to get past her, not at this crucial point. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Boulder flip Caleb and slam him to the wall, then he left him there dazed and ran towards her, she thought of shooting flames at him, but then even that was taking a lot from her at the moment, so she let him come to her. “Your father was the only one that ever got the better of me” Boulder said in a gruff voice as he cane for her “I’ll settle for smacking you about as revenge on him for that” he finished and tactically dove at Ryoka with a feign punch, he planned to use any of his three remaining limbs to quickly strike back at her depending on wherever she dodges towards. Ryoka on the other hand read through his move, Damien had taught her that much and apparently he was trained by her father so she could very well say it was her father’s training, so instead of dodging, she moved in to his space, avoiding the feign punch as she did and delivered a power packed punch to his side, she felt a rib or two c***k, then she brought up her knee and hit his crouch really good and hard, he wheezed hard as both hits landed in quick succession but he wasn’t stopped by those hits, he took a good hold of Ryoka and flung her hard towards one of the doors of the entrance to the cave. Ryoka had the wind driven out of her from that hit, she was dazed but she tried so hard not to lose her hold on draugh fuh, that kept her conscious, but Boulder wasn’t done with her yet, he cane to where she laid crumpled on the ground and kicked her hard, drawing from breath away from her lungs and cracking a few of her ribs as well. While still dazed and almost unconscious, she heard a scream, it sounded really awkward, then she looked up to see why, a hand was protruding from boulders chest and the hand held his heart, the scream had come from him when the hand penetrated through his back and came out from his chest along with his heart, Ryoka traced the hand back up and saw Letty, she had a demonic look of rage on her face and was panting really hard. Letty pulled back her hand and dropped the heart, Boulder crumpled on to the floor as well, dead as a fallen log, “Don’t touch her!” Letty screamed at him as if he could still hear her, then she kicked him hard a couple of times just to check for pulse, then she glanced back at Lilith, her actual opponent, Lilith scrambled backwards till she fell on her butt, it was then that Ryoka discovered that both her arms were broken, she also had this horrified look mixed with pain on her face, Ryoka would later learn that Lilith had actually pinned Letty down and pressed her head down so she could watch the fight of Boulder and Ryoka, but at the point that Boulder slammed Ryoka on the door, Letty had snapped and forced herself free of Lilith’s pin down, breaking both of Lilith’s arms in the process. Letty was about to go meet Lilith and do God knows what, but Ryoka grabbed a hold of her hands and stopped het, they looked in each others eyes and Letty got clam, as if on cue, the extraction team came out with the queen in tow, one of the male had put get on his back, seems she was too week to even walk on her own. Ryoka gritted her teeth as they started to make their escape, ‘I really hope we’re not too late in getting her out’ she thought to herself hoping the dragon queen would be able to recover enough to help them after all, else the whole mission would have been pointless if there was nothing left of the dragon queen’s mind.
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