Chapter 11

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“Ooww!!” Ryoka cried out as Damien hit her with the stick he was holding yet again, she was in a meditation posture as ordered by Damien so as to learn how to rightly connect with her core. Damien had said the core was her true self, her dragon, and the human for she currently had on was just a cover for the core, he told her she needed to break through the layers of flesh surrounding her core to break it free, but she needed to do that without the powers from the core seeping out. That was how he explained the heat wave she does as well when she gets emotionally overwhelmed, he said it was just the power of her core seeping out. Ryoka wondered if the heat wave was just a slight power seeping from her core, then how exactly would the core’s full power look like. Because of that she hasn’t been focused and the power keeps seeping out earning her a lash from Damien’s stick, when he hits her, the seeping stops, he has to do this because if he doesn’t the heat wave would come out, burning the house along with him and her in it. Although as they have discovered the heat wave always leaves her in a safe circle at its center, even Damien couldn’t answer as to why or how that happens. “Why are you getting distracted, you are so close, just focus, would you please?” Damien said, they had been at it for two days now and he was getting frustrated at being on one point of the training since, the very first point in fact. “Maybe I need motivation, how about we go to that awesome mall we saw in the town before this, that could really motivate me y’know” Ryoka said with one eye open. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to do it, it was that she had gotten herself scared by thinking of how powerful it might turn out to be, what if she couldn’t handle it. Damien though, had other thoughts on how to motivate her, she had asked for motivation and he was going to give it to her. “Do you want to disappoint your father? What if he cane here right now and needs your help, would you have to just start learning what you ought to have known and mastered or would you rather become a dead weight for him to lug about when you guys meet again, him always having to run and hold you along because you can’t stand for yourself, can’t defend yourself, heck, you can’t even run away properly by yourself” he said to her. Tears welled up in Ryoka’s eyes at those words, they were true, but she needed them to stop being true, she blinked the tears off her eyes and closed them focusing once more on the meditation, if it was going to be too powerful, let it be, maybe too powerful was something she needed at this point even, especially if she was going to go along with her father to try and achieve the impossible. She broke through to her core, it felt as if she was hugging the sun at first, really hot and uncomfortable, but eventually it got cooler and reduced to just a warm and bright hug. Her core, her true self was accessible now, no more blocks in the path from her mind straight to the core of her very being, she wondered if humans had such a core they could tap into as well, she doubted it though, else the lot of them wouldn’t be so dubious and cruel, even if they had, it was just very few of them who could access it, those were the actual good ones. She opened her eyes and it was dark already, “Whoa, how long was I gone for?” she asked knowing time had sped across even while she had been in that mode. “A little over five hours” Damien said with a smile, he was really satisfied with her at that point, he figured all she truly needed indeed was motivation after all. “What?! Ooww” she said as she tried to stand up and her joints complained with aches having been in one position for so long. “C’mon, let’s have dinner before trying to figure out which type you are, although I have a vague suspicion as to which you might be” Damien said and they moved to the dining where he had set up a delicacy of home cooked meal and side dishes. Seeing the menu, Ryoka truly believed she must have been out for long, seeing as he had the time to set up such extravagant meal. “I did not know you cooked” Ryoka said as she sat and started to dig in without a pause, she found it funny that she hardly feels the hunger until she sees the food and starts eating. “Amongst other things” he said coyly and smiled. “So what are the types of special generation dragons?” She asked, she wants to know which she could turn out to be as well, besides who knows if there is a type she wouldn’t want to be as well. “Hmm well, the special generation dragons were something unprecedented, so the naming wasn’t official, they were just given a general term according to the three dominant abilities which has been seen so far, Ash breathers, Fumers and Flamethrowers” Damien said and then chewed some more. “Ash breathers are known to be the copy of the original Dark froth breed, as their name implies, they breathe ashes, burning and scorching ashes, but the ashes are just like the foundation for their fire, because with a click of their teeth, they can ignite the ashes which then burns in very bright and intense flames that are almost inextinguishable, this trait cones from the Dark froth breed as I have said and it is said that they breathe ashes because the fire is too hot for even they themselves to handle” he said and again stopped to take a drink of water. “Ash breathers are rare though, same as the Dark froths, then the Fumers, these guys are freaks of nature, the breathe noxious gas out from a different tube that runs along parallel to the tube of their fire, they can kill off an entire town just by releasing the gas only consistently into the town, because of their toxicity their fire is usually tinted green though” Damien still explained never stopping his eating unlike Ryoka who had stopped having being fascinated by the explanation. “Lastly the Flamethrowers, it isn’t clear which breed these ones truly come from, it could be any amongst the Volcanis, Rouran or Braemen breeds, all breathe fire, just like the Flamethrowers except for the fact that their own type of flames are quite different from the Flamethrowers, the Flamethrowers are a huge well of fire, they are known to be able to continue to breathe fire for a very long time whereas the other two breeds don’t have such consistence with what they breathe, ash or gas” Damien finished. “Whoa” Ryoka stated as Damien finished “I have so many questions, like what if an Ash breather ignites the ashes and there were some in it’s mouth or throat? And why does Fumers have two tubes, wait do they all have tubes? Also how long is the record for the longest fire breathing of a Flamethrower?” she asked bringing a chuckle to his throat. “Well, Ash breathers have been known to hurt themselves by igniting their ashes while they themselves are still in its reach, the ashes doesn’t hurt them like it will hurt others, but the ignition of the ashes make it stop being friendly to even them and it burns like the fire in the furthest reaches of hell, or so I’ve heard” Damien started to reply. “Only Fumers have tubes for breathing their flames and gas amongst the special generation dragons and I believe they have two because the gas and fire can’t come out of the same place, as for the Flamethrowers, the longest straight fire squirting period is three days, the Flamethrower died right after though” he said much to her shock Ryoka wanted to sneeze, she had ate the chili sauce covetously and the pepper had gotten to the back of her nose from her mouth. “Acchhooo” she sneezed along with a rolling stream of fire straight from her mouth. Damien rushed up as the flame came for him, burning all their remaining food along the way, but the flame died out before getting to him leaving just the table and it’s content burning. “Well, now we know you’re a Flamethrower” Damien said and sat back down.
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