Chapter 9

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Long ago, before the humans, titans walked the earth, well, some of them flew as well and some swam, but the fact remains that they were titans. Huge creatures of myth and history, they were called dinosaurs in general and then given names according to species, but that wasn’t what they knew themselves as, that wasn’t how they regarded themselves. Back then, there were three major classification of races, the Pluorians, the Carvians and the Eldrians, all three races had their distinguishing features and characteristics and behavioral patterns. The Pluorians were peaceful, herbivores, and they were closer to nature, well they mostly ate nature but yeah, they were in a bit more than that sense closer to nature. The Carvians on the other hand were carnivores, they fought over everything and always tried to exact dominance on all things in their path, well they mostly ate most things in their path as well. Then the Eldrians, they were the wiser race of the three, they were omnivores and knew when it is right to eat plants and when it is right to eat meat, they were civilized as well in a sense, they lived in groups, they had leaders and they erected structures for themselves as well, this race converted nature to serve them when they needed it and for them things were usually more balanced. The Pluorians were docile and hardly caused any fuss or hiccups, they were like monks who had given up the things of the world and violence. They got along well with the Eldrians who sometimes use them for hard labor, but to the Carvians they were just the occasional menu, delicacies if you will. Naturally the Carvians and the Eldrians didn’t always see eye to eye, there was always something to cause a huge fight or battle amongst them, one of such battle occurred involving elder Carvians and the Eldrians. The Eldrians of course usually had the upper hand, they were more civilized and better organized and they communicated well and smoothly, they obeyed their structural chain of command and had the tactical advantage as well. Apart from these, the Eldrians also had the advantage of the air, their races consisted of mostly gigantic creatures with huge wings as well to help lift their immense body, granted that not all had the huge wings, some had smaller wings useful just for gliding and some had no wings at all. But then this feature due to a higher population that had it, also enabled the Eldrians to win most of their disputes especially since their counterpart, the Carvians, while they had winged creatures as well amongst their races -the Pterosaurs or Pterodactyl especially as they are known today- but then these couldn’t compare to the winged Eldrians in terms of size and bulk, so they only made up for it in numbers. The Carvians on the other hand were not as organized and the communication was poor amongst themselves, they did not have a fixed structural chain of command, after all, anyone can kill the present leader, captain or commander and assume the post, that is till someone else decides to vie for the post. Usually, those who led the Carvian’s charge were usually the velociraptors as they are know today, mainly because they have a form of higher intelligence amongst other Carvians, but then the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Spinosaurus as they are known today also led the Carvians a lot of the time. This particular battle which would turn out to be the last of the battle between the Carvians and the Eldrians, was also the most brutal for both sides, the Carvians came with all their might against the Eldrians who were not expecting such a turnout from the Carvians, this initially brought a huge loss on the side of the Eldrians before their backup arrived and refilled their ranks to push back against the Carvians. The battle ended with most of the bold, strong and powerful leaders of the Carvians dead, at that their rank structure crumbled and they left the battlefield taking different routes. The Eldrians, having suffered an unimaginable loss as well retreated to an even farther side of the earth and at that they started to erect structures that will make life easier as well as peaceful for them. Amongst such structures, arguably is Stonehenge, but then most of what the built was underground, they dug and beautified a whole many places under the earth, partly to guide against the Carvians coming to meet them there as well and crumbling their work, and partly because to them it was better. After quite a while, a whole long years of peace and tranquility and growth amongst the Eldrians and event occurred that tore into the fabric of life as they knew it. The beautiful blue sky they were used to, turned into a foreboding fiery red, they at first felt the sky was burning, later they realized something not meant to be on the earth was forcing it’s way down into earth. They knew at that point that only their deep underground structures could be a safe haven for them at that point because the incoming doom promised devastation on the highest scale imaginable. The Eldrians then went to the Pluorians and the Carvians, to inform them of the situation they envisioned and their solution for it. The Pluorians were in different, they chose to stay with nature, claiming it will protect them as it had always done no matter what was coming and despite the best efforts of the Eldrians to change their minds and save them from the doom that was sure to come, the Pluorians rejected it. As for the Carvians, their own reason for rejection was that the Eldrians were only just looking for a way to completely wipe them out, hence the lie they cooked up about escaping underground from the blessings the saw coming from above. A battle almost broke out in the process of trying to convince the Carvians, they adamantly believed the Eldrians were just up to no good. As the Eldrians were about leaving though, a few amongst the Pluorians and the Carvians decided to join up with the Eldrians because they believed them. All together, the Pluorians and Carvians that joined made up about one fifth of the whole of the actual Eldrian population, and with haste they went away and down into the Earth, deeper and deeper, to the furthest reaches that they had dug and built their mini new world. What happened after was what is now known as the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event (also known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) extinction) which was a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters (eighty percent) of the plant and animal species on Earth after the impact of an asteroid the size a mountain hit the Earth. Deep down where they were, the Eldrians and the others who were saved as well felt the impact and could very well predict what had happened up above the earth surface. It affected them as well down in the earth because it closed off the way in or out of their haven locking them in for a very long while and it’s impact and rebound of the earth reverberated all about the haven. Being locked in for longer than anticipated meant the food would run out after a while, and as that happened the first to turn against the others were the Carvians, the Eldrians quickly snuffed them out though lest they cause unintended consequences as well. Despite working do hard though, it still took really long to break through to the surface, this resulted in the Pluorians giving themselves up as food for the survival of the Eldrians whose numbers were already dwindling from starvation. The Pluorians did this because their own food had long since run out and they as well were just dying off, so rather than be a waste, they gave themselves up to increase the survival rate of the Eldrians who made maximum use of their sacrifice. Finally they broke free into the new world changed to an extent by the event, but while the aftermath was really devastating, there was a mysterious element to it that no know could really explain. A sort of radiation left over from the asteroid and the whole collision met with the Eldrians, they were bathed and soaked in the radiation which changed a lot of things about them. It increased their intelligence, it gave them different abilities which ranged from fire breathing to shape shifting (although they quickly found out that their shape shifting was limited as they could only very easily transform into whatever creature was the dominant race living on the earth at any point in time) When the humans came and started to get dominant, the Eldrians could shift into them as well and they made first contact, showing and teaching them a lot, especially the harnessing of the fresh and thick mystical energy that still surrounded the earth. But then it was quickly realized by the Eldrians that the human nature was not to be fully trusted, and before long their suspicions were made true by the humans who betrayed them and almost wiped them out. Once again the Eldrians retreated to a far corner or the earth, a place of great cold, which they knew the humans detested, using their super intelligence, they converted nature again to make the place conducive for each of their kind and as well decided to hide out and away from the humans who had tagged them as dragons and regarded them just as monstrous creatures of the dark. “Now you have an idea of just how long the Eldrian race has been around for” Damien said to an awed Ryoka who nodded her answer, she was marveled at the briefed out history of her ancestors and totally believed it even though he claimed to have heard it as well from the original Eldrians. “And now you know why you have got to be angry enough at those responsible for the current halt in their existence only because they were and still are trying to wipe them out” Damien said through gritted teeth. “I do, I am” Ryoka said with closed and tightened fists “Angry I mean, believe me I am angry enough” she answered. “Good, we will start up your training as soon as we can once we land” Damien responded to her as well.
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