440 Words
Hey, myself Isha . This story is a piece of my heart and I am here to make it a part of yours too. I never thought I will share this to anyone as I am a bit of a shy and introverted soul trying to figure out what’s actually happening  in my life so far. This was my first day of my graduation sophomore year in a college which I did not wanted to get admitted in. I was a smart kid but I screwed up in my entrance exams and here I am, in a low graded college of my state. I don’t want to talk about that right now as it is another piece of my heart that builds me and sometimes make me cry. I will share it with you when I will feel ready. But now, it’s a whole different story of mine which I am gonna embed into words with my heavy heart and a stupid smile. A room filled with strangers, some were already friends since high school though and some were talking on the very first day as if they knew each other since ages. All were seated, it had big benches. Each benches were occupied by two mates or a loner by its own. I was alone sitting there and trying to step out of my comfort zone and ask the girl on my front to join me or simply ask her if I can sit with her. She joined others two on another seat as it took me too long to ask her.  This is not the story I am going to share of myself being a weird kid. This was just an insight about my fear. Here the story begins. Its was about couple of days and I got to know a bunch of girls from my class amongst which only one is my good friend till now. Every person you talk to, is not your friend even if that happens on a daily basis. We were having our fresh new classes. There was a guy who used to sit on last bench and yeah I liked looking at him. A good looking, quiet boy being himself, “I’m in”, my heart said. He didn’t knew I existed but for me, all my eyes searched for, was him. I obviously lacked courage to go on and talk to him and as him, “Hey, what’s up? What’s your name”. Okay, I’m good at stalking and I knew his name. I gazed at him without letting anyone know and that felt so pure and heavenly. I never knew if I’m gonna ever tell him “Hey Krrish, what’s up?".
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