Chapter 2

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“love you too mama.” I call out to her. “bye.” she says distractedly as she slams the door. Throwing myself backwards on the bed with a sigh. I need to get up and prepare for school. This dream I had, it is reoccurring. I have had it three times this month and that means screaming and waking up drenched in my own sweat and sobbing. This has to stop because if it continues mama is going to have me go see the shrink and I don’t want that. Not that Miss Clarice is not a nice, polite woman who tries her best to understand me but that’s where it is. I am not kidding myself into believing that she’s really interested in what is going on in my head… she’s getting paid to poke into my head. Shit. This is not how I wanted to start my first day as a senior in high school. Sitting up and rubbing the remnant of the sleep out of my eyes I make a decision to make the best of today. I mean I am not expecting the day to go perfectly because even when I am on the cheer team and have the very best friends in this world there are still forces that just always ruin things for me. Happy thoughts, positive thoughts. I chant. Standing and stretching. I drag my feet to my vanity table. “what are you wearing today?”| I call out to myself. Dragging my hand through my blonde hair, I stare at myself. I am pretty without even saying too much. With my ice blue eyes, long blonde hair, c cup breasts and slightly flared hips. I used to feel like my boobs are a tad too big. Now with the attention I am getting from the male population in school I don’t know If I should be grossed out because Howard in History wants to ‘fondle my nice pair of tits.’ but all in all I am loving my body. I really wanted my mamas red hair though. It is so sexy and long and shinny and I am super jealous that I didn’t get them. She is part Irish and it is Fully obvious with her banging body and shinny red fire hair. Instead I got this shade of near white blonde hair from my dad. My facial features fortunately are from my mama. I have her petite nose, like a cute button, my eyes are big and mama calls them her cornflower eyes, my lips are shaped like a bow. This has had me catcalled way before I was legal and by grown ass men who thought it was okay to hit on me because I have ‘d**k sucking lips’. I grunt in disgust. One of them was our neighbor Roberto, he is middle aged and jobless and the last thing on his mind should have been the lips of an under aged girl wrapped around his genitals and because I didn’t want to make a big issue of it I let it slide. But I make sure to give him the stink eye whenever our eyes meet and he has the gall to always rake his eyes up and down my body. The f*****g creep. I sigh and shake my head. Enough of that. I need to dress up for school so I won’t be late and so I’ll get a good parking space. Walking into my closet. I think about what I want to look like this year, there is always this vibe about the way you start your year is how It is most likely going to continue in. I need to look good for me. To look good for myself. Dragging my fingers through the array of skirts I settle on a cute back to school blue skirt that match my eyes. It is a light blue skirt that is very tapered. It fits my body snugly and sits high on my thigh. I pair it with a white crop top and drape on a nice royal blue over-sized football jacket. It is a good fit and it is going to look super nice on me. Instead of my usual safe option of my combat boots I pick up black cute soft kitten heels. They are comfortable and fit the soft girl aesthetics I am going for. I drape everything across the seat. My eyes meet the clock and I have just less than thirty minutes to take a shower, do my hair and my makeup and grab a quick bite. Fuck. I take a super quick shower and head back to my vanity table. Putting on lotion and sunscreen because I need it. I have really sensitive skin and I easily burn in the sun. I blame it on my mamas Irish blood. We are as white as snow. Pulling out undergarments and putting my clothes on I dress quickly. My make up consists of just plain black mascara for my lashes, pink lipstick for my lips and gloss for shine and blush for my pale skin. I let my hair just fall around my shoulders in soft waves. I thank God that I washed and styled it the previous night to make it ready to go this morning. With one final twirl I am ready to go. I am just stepping out of my room when my phone goes off with Ariana Grande’s positions filling the air. The lit up screen tells me that it is one of my best friends Kimberly Hanson. I met her when I am and mama moved to this town. On my first day of middle school she offered me her apple juice and like they say the rest was history from then onward. “hey babe. Whats up?” I say once I hit receive. Slinging my bag across my shoulders and grabbing my Air pods on the way out I head downstairs to make myself a bowl of cereals. “Elsa!!! this is our first day of being seniors!! I am so frigging excited!” she squeals. I laugh. her excitement is contagious. “i am too.” I tell her entering my large kitchen and standing on my tiptoes to reach the box of lucky charms. “i am looking forward to the best year of our lives. We are going to have a wonderful year!!” she squeals again. I laugh. “enough of the squealing Kim. don’t make my ears fall off. And why are you so optimistic?” I ask. “what is there not to be optimistic about? Come on Elsa. We are have a brand new start and a whole year to make memories before we are off to college. it’s now or never to determine how we want to be remembered.” she says. “i hear you. Memories, determination and college. Heard you.” I tell her. I drop my phone on the counter and pour milk into my bowl. “have you heard from Haley yet?” she asks. “nope. I haven’t. she’ll meet up with us at school.” it tell her. “sure she will. I mean it though Elsa. We are going to make this year unforgettable and nothing is going to stand in our way. I heard Hades and Emily broke up during the summer break.” she drops that last tibbit. “Kim sweetie. Why did you feel the need to tell me that last piece of information?” I ask her. “well….because I thought you should know and now maybe he will be too heart broken that he might not have time for you so we can actually have fun instead of watching our backs for him and his pack of sexy wolves.” she says. “did you just call his annoying friends sexy wolves?? you know what forget I asked.” I laugh. This girl is a certified crazy person. Not her calling those boys that have practically tormented and picked om us since we got into this school. They have made it their lives mission to make our lives a living hell. “i am serious have you seen them? Levi is a total hunk now. I don’t know what the summer break did to them but you know my dad has this thing with Levi’s dad so I was over at their place two weeks back and woah...” she sighs. “what is woah? Is that a good woah? Or a bad one?” I ask stuffing my mouth with spoonfuls of cereal. “definitely a good woah. Yeah.” she sounds lost. “earth to Kim. I am still here.” she gasps and mumbles and apology which makes me wonder where that filthy little mind of hers wandered to. “i am done eating now so I headed to school. Where are you at?” I ask her as I drop my bowl in the dishwasher, grab my bag and keys and head out. “i am heading out now too. See you in a couple of minutes okay?” I tell her. “yeah babe. Drive safe. Love ya.” she chirps happily. “love you too.” I call out before I end the call. She is right about one thing. This year is going to be full of memories… some I would have never imagined of in my wildest dreams.
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