03: Traitor

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Third Person Flion started to run as fast as he could, afraid to be caught by the other wolves because have a leader had a reputation that needed to take care of. He turned his gaze if someone follows him when he confirms that there is none; he started to transform into a wolf. He is now at the gate of the Lair of the Kracht when suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of him and it is the Turf Alpha, Amaruq. “Amaruq, it’s been a while, my co-alpha. What are you doing here?” Flion asked while hiding the letter he gets from Arantxa lucks, Amaruq didn’t see it. He started to jump in the gate and sit on it, “Well, my dearest friend our tribes needs the help of the Drottghes because of the Aqua family that wants to steal our power,” He stated while staring at Flion from the above. It’s the first time in history that they’re seeking the help of the other tribe before, they were called the “Unbreakable” because of the past leader that is handling them well. Maybe, Amaruq started to think to get them as their alliance well, even before there is no such thing, they only know that they are the four great families in the history of a werewolf but, even before the Drottghes are keeping their title as the Rank 1 in all of the pack. Every someone will hear about them, and they are starting to bow because it’s a sign of respect. “Why not bow first?” Flion raised his voice because this is a sign of disrespect to him, sitting above him is a rude attitude, and he is doing it. He doesn’t care about what is his status, but, there is a strict rule to bow to him whenever he is that wolf. “We are both an Alpha, why should I?” Amaruq said teasing Flion in what he said, but, that’s the wrong thing to do. “Yes, but I’m much higher than you. Know your position if you don’t, you should be punished,” Flion angrily stated while starting to wield his Claws of Chaos when suddenly, Amaruq jumped from the above. “Chill, I am only joking,” He said in an unbothered way when he started to laugh like a crazy man. “What you will do when I say that even the others of your tribe were caught?” He continued while playing a knife in his hand, but, Flion chooses to stay quiet for the safety of his tribe. “Show me the way,” He gritted his teeth while saying the word because it’s like he eats his pride in what he says. He needs to be punished for the way he acts, but, can’t do anything because the other wolves are in danger. “Then, come. I will show you,” Amaruq plastered a smile on his face because he succeeds and it will not last long the Claws of Chaos will be in his hand by a second. They started to open the gate when they see a bunch of wizards, “What are they doing here?” Flion inquired, and Amaruq faked a smile. “They caused no harm because I tried to get help from them,” He said, it’s okay if the wizard is white because their Goddess is Aceso— The Goddess of healing but, this is the black wizards who are ruling by Algae— the Goddess of pain. They fought a century ago who will be the ruler of the Wizards that’s started why it’s divided into two but, some using the magic to make a profit or to joke about someone emotions and that is the Green Wizards that are ruled by Oizys. Still, they are not considered to be one of the members in Deshaun, and right now, they are in the Sphere of Mortals disguised as one of them. “They are the black wizards, and you’re saying that they don’t cause harm?” Flion roared but, Amaruq started to shake his head. “How can you be so sure that they are enemies?” He responded but, Flion didn’t satisfy with his answer and started to wield his Claws of Chaos but, Amaruq sway his hand, and the Wizard of Devilry started to attack by throwing fire at him. What a traitor. He transforms into a wolf and runs as fast as he could; this isn’t the time to fight them. They need to get away in the Lair of Kracht so, that the other wolves will not be involved in their madness. He started to howl when he approaches the mountains trying to get help in Artemis, but, there is no response. “Flion?” A familiar voice spoke, and when he looks back, it is Arantxa Diem— the only woman in Deshaun that caught his attention and the mother of Flitiarn. The beauty she has never faded, it’s like when they meet for the first time. “Arantxa,” He said while his eyes sparkled, but this is not the time to chit-chat with her. When they heard a footstep, Arantxa was alarmed and get the portal to her pocket. “Jump!” She exclaimed while holding his hand, “This is not the time to explain, but, this will save you!” She continued, the only thing that didn’t change for her in the past decade she is living is her feelings for him. That will be infinitely like she lives. “Save yourself, take this us my apologies,” She said while tears shone in her eyes still, Flion started to carry her with both his hands and jump with her in the portal. He will rather die with her than leaving her with the black wizards. The feelings they are feeling are so terrifying; the portal started to separate both of them to get the consequence in what they do, which is prohibited. One person can only jump into the doorway in a week because it can’t hold many people and once they break the rule, the part of their past that hurt them will show to the both of them and will suffer for an hour. The brightness of light started to get in their eyes; Flion was now in his past. He doesn’t have any idea that the portal will show his past—a terrifying moment in his life when their parents decided to split them apart because they can’t be together. The werewolves and vampires can’t be together because they were born to despise each other. They are forbidden to be with each other because they need to accept their fate— that the mate for them is in the Book of Prophecy and even, what is their position they can’t change the fact that the werewolves are only to one of the same goes with vampires. Take Note: Arantxa Diem - The Vampire Mother of Flitiarn. Flion Drottghes - The Alpha of the Drottghes Family. Amaruq Turf - The Alpha of the Turf Family. Wizard of Devilry - Black Wizards Wizard of Angel - White Wizards Wizard of Clown - Green Wizards Algae - Goddess of Pain Aceso - Goddess of Healing Oizys - Goddess of Misery Sphere of Mortals - World of the Mortal.
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