Settling In

1090 Words
After enjoying a much-needed bath and taking a short nap, Cielle was awakened by a gentle tapping on her door. Quickly regaining her composure, she sat up on the bed and ran her hands through her hair, trying to make herself presentable. "Come in," she called out, and the door opened slowly, revealing a maid carrying her dinner. "Is it that late already?" Cielle's stomach grumbled in agreement as if to answer her question. "Good evening, Miss Cielle. For dinner tonight, we have mashed potatoes, roast beef, and greens," the maid announced, curtsying politely. "My name is Maya," she added, offering Cielle a small smile. "I will be your maid from now on. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ring the bell," she pointed to the conveniently placed bell on the bedside table. Cielle smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Miss Maya." The maid hurriedly left the room, and Cielle's attention turned to her dinner. She was famished. Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang, and Maya returned to retrieve Cielle's plates, bidding her good night. She mentioned that Cielle needed to sleep well as she had an early morning the next day. Cielle didn't even get a chance to see the maid leave as exhaustion overcame her once again, and she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of home. Morning arrived with the warm sunshine, the chirping of birds, and the rustle of skirts. "Miss Cielle, it's time to wake up," a soft voice called out, rousing her from her deep sleep. Grumbling and growling, she pulled the pillows over her head, hoping the disturbance would go away. Not being a morning person, she was ready to unleash her wrath upon the person attempting to wake her. The sheets were abruptly yanked off her, and she snarled at the intruder in a very unprincess-like manner. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at the person who seemed to be on the verge of death. A few feet away stood a terrified-looking maid, clutching her skirts as if rooted to the spot, unwilling to flee. "Oh my God!" Cielle exclaimed, realizing her aggressive response. "Maya, I'm so very sorry." She got up from the bed to console the frightened girl, lowering her hands and voice to show that she posed no threat. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Cielle assured her, understanding the maid's confusion and unease. This was Maya's first time serving as a handmaid, and she was clearly overwhelmed. No amount of training could fully prepare her for this situation. Glancing at the time, Maya realized that, scared or not, the princess needed to be at breakfast in a few minutes. "Princess Cielle, I'm here to escort you to breakfast. You'd better clean up quickly and meet me in the hall in five minutes," Maya said sternly, though internally she was shaking like a leaf. She turned around and headed outside to catch her breath. Any longer, and she might have succumbed to an anxiety attack. Prince Clementine would unleash his wrath upon her if she didn't fulfill her duties, but she hadn't expected the princess to react with such aggression. True to her word, Cielle managed to get ready in five minutes and stepped into the hall. She curtsied to Maya, who promptly led the way to the Dining Hall where Prince Clementine and Prince Donovan patiently awaited their little cousin. Maya curtsied and excused herself from the scene. "Princess Cielle," Prince Clementine greeted her in an official voice. "It is a pleasure to have you join us for breakfast." Cielle curtsied in return. "The pleasure is all mine, Prince Clementine." She paused and addressed Donovan. "Prince Donovan." He nodded in acknowledgement. A butler swiftly pulled out her chair, and she gracefully took her seat. "Thank you," she expressed her gratitude to the man who had assisted her, only then realizing it was Cole, the same person who had given her the tour. "Cole," she acknowledged with a polite smile as breakfast began to be served. Trays and platters filled with an abundance of food were placed before her. Her stomach grumbled with delight as she politely helped herself to a small portion of vegetables, meat, warm rolls, and a chilled glass of fruit juice. She smiled at the maid and then turned her attention to her cousins. "This place is quite lovely," she commented, savoring a bite of juicy steak. "Yes, it is rather marvelous," Clementine agreed, a slight smirk on his face. "We've made a few changes over the decades, but the overall ambiance remains the same, with some modern touches." Donovan chuckled, and Cielle smiled in response. "Did you enjoy your rest, Miss Cielle?" Donovan inquired. "Ah, yes! It was much needed, and the bedroom and bath are exquisite," Cielle replied, savoring her meal and taking a small sip of juice. "I'd like to extend my regards to the interior designer. They have impeccable taste." Donovan nodded sincerely, while Clementine appeared highly amused. Clearing his throat, Clementine brought the conversation back on track, reminding them of their circumstances. "The other children should be arriving today or tomorrow. There will be about six or seven of you. You'll have the rest of the week to get acquainted and build rapport," he explained. "You will be staying in the same house as the others, as per the request of the church and your parents. However, you'll have your own private room," Clementine continued. The maids began clearing the table as Cielle took her final sip of juice. She smiled at the maid who came to retrieve her plate and then turned her attention back to her cousins, who were now looking at her intently. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact us," Clementine offered. "It will be our pleasure to work with you, cousin," Donovan added. Clementine got up, and the others followed suit. "Excuse me, I have some unfinished business to attend to. I'll have your maid escort you back to your room," he nodded at Donovan. "He will come for you when the other children arrive so you can join them later." Clementine rang the bell, and Cole promptly appeared. "Sir?" "Cole, please fetch Maya and have her escort Miss Cielle back to her room." "Yes, sir," Cole acknowledged, disappearing momentarily and returning with Maya, who quickly curtsied. Maya then nodded at Cielle, signalling her to follow, and when Cielle glanced back, her cousins had already departed, along with Cole. She followed Maya back to her room, where Maya dismissed herself for the time being.
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