Chapter 4: Past Revealed

1585 Words
LACIE POV: “I bet you are ready to see that baby just as much as we are,” I smile and click my tongue as Daisy slowly stands up and leans her head into my shoulder. Daisy is our only pregnant mare this season but she has been my favorite horse since I helped deliver her 5 years ago. “Come on girl let’s get you moving, we want to see a baby this week!” I coo as I grab her halter and lead from the fence. She dips her head as I place them on her. She honestly doesn’t NEED the halter and lead because she follows me everywhere I go but I still do it out of habit. I take her out to the pasture gate and let her go to mingle with all the other horses. It’s summer so all 20 horses are out to graze the pasture, Daisy is the only one we bring in at night so we can watch out for the foal. I close the pasture gate behind me and walk up to the other horses as they all come to the front to greet me. My mom always jokes I’m the horse whisperer with how they just naturally come to me and follow me. I snort maybe it’s cuz horses are predictable, unlike humans. I go and sit under a tree in the pasture and smile as the horses come up to snuffle my hair and give me kisses knowing I’m their family. I sigh in peace as I lean my back against the tree and enjoy the sunshine on my face. I hear the gate open and I look over to see Billie coming towards me. Oh jeez, here comes the lecture. I sit up and smile patting the grass next to me. “Now Lacie here me out,” she says as she sits beside me cross-legged. For a woman her age she sure is nimble. “Tom and I didn’t mean to offend you or scare you or plan anything malicious. We know Liam very well and he is such a great guy just let me explain!” I blow a raspberry as I flop to the ground and lay by her lap, “Billie, you KNOW how I am with men, I appreciate the thought but I can’t do it. I can’t go on a date with him, hell I don’t think I can even be alone around him! Did you see how tall he is an- and he just kept staring at me!” I ramble as I throw my hands in exasperation. “Sweetie, I know you and I know Liam, and I have a feeling just by the way you looked at him you’ll be okay, just try to be calm and let him be around you while out in the stables, small steps baby girl, small steps,” Billie smiles and pats my cheek before standing up and dusting her pants. “I have to go into town and check on some possible new rescues and I might not be back before you leave, you can stay past noon like always and can do whatever you feel is needed for the animals. Remember, Liam won’t bite,” she winks as she walks away. I stay laying on the ground and rub my face, uuuuugh why do I have to be like I am?! It’s all HIS fault, I hate him, I hate him so much and wish I could be normal like all the other girls my age. It’s been over 15 years now, why does he still affect me? —-___*FLASHBACK 15 YEARS PRIOR*___— LACIE POV: “Momma said I can go to my friend's house for a sleep over tonight. Can I please be excused?” I ask my stepfather Philip, I don't actually have a friend to go to but I know I can hide in the shed without him knowing I'm there, sparing me from the terror of his beatings. “You think you can talk to me that way with no respect?!” He slurs as he reaches out to the table and takes another gulp of his beer. “I’m your parent that’s home and I say what you can and cannot do.” “But momma said I -“I start to say but before I can finish my sentence he growls as he grabs my throat in his hands and lifts me off the floor. I scratch and kick trying to escape his grasp but it’s no use, I’m only a child and I’m already exhausted from the previous fights earlier this week. It’s always like this when Momma goes to work, the beatings never stop until my screams and struggles stop. Philip wasn't always like this, when they first got married, he was so nice and charming. he would buy us fancy things and take us to lots of fun places but two years ago he lost his job and his true colors were exposed. The drinking started and the beating soon followed, mom tried to find help with the cops but no one would help. The teachers stopped asking about the bruises and the kids started making fun of my appearance thanks to the frequent black eyes. Philip blamed me for the beats calling me a bad girl and that if i was better neither me or momma would get hurt. Philip pretends to be nice and acts loving when we go out in public but the second, we are home it's a total 180. Momma has tried to save me from the beatings but she only gets them in return. She tries her best but can’t quit her job and put food on the table at the same time. Momma bear promises me a better life as soon as she can save up enough for divorce, I just have to push through being her brave little girl till we can escape. Going back to my current situation, like all the other nights tonight seems to be headed down the path of a very dark night. I can feel my lungs burning from lack of oxygen as I try and breathe, I start seeing black spots and can feel the warmth of unconsciousness try to take over, I let out a single tear knowing I failed once again at being a good obedient child. As I feel myself slip under, I hear the door burst open with other adult men yelling. I finally wake up with a woman sitting beside me trying to put an oxygen mask on my face. I squint at the bright pen light she is holding, who is she? What is going on? I try to turn my head and I’m so tired I can’t move. The ringing in my ears is finally starting to dull and I can hear the woman clearly now. “Lacie are you with us? Come one sweetie open your eyes that’s a girl. ROBERT SHES AWAKE GET THE GURNEY!” I squint and try to turn my head again and this time I’m able to see the dark hallway, I see Philip facing the ground with his arms handcuffed behind him, there’s two cops standing beside him about to pick him up. I look back up to the woman holding an oxygen mask to my face and tears of joy fall down my face, finally. They finally came to take him away. Momma finally figured a way out, we are safe and we are free. —-___ **END FLASHBACK **___—- LIAM POV: I look at Tom in realization and I feel a rage building inside, Dante growls in the back of my head as a small growl slips from my lips. No, he can’t be telling the truth, my mate has been abused in the past and THAT'S why she is skittish around me?! Tom holds his hands up in surrender. “Now Liam you asked for the truth and I gave it to you, I was gonna spare the nasty details but you demanded them saying that she is your Mate. This all happened more than 15 years ago, it’s not happening anymore and Philip is in jail for his sins. Please take a breather and calm Dante before he tears up my house.” I see him look at my hands that are visibly shaking in an attempt to keep Dante in. I clench my fists and take a steadying breath, raking my hands through my hair as I look back at Tom. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted like that. You are right it’s in the past and there's nothing I could have done.” I smile a small sad smile to Tom. To think the mate the Moon Goddess blessed me with is this strong even as a human. I feel a sense of pride fill me as I remember Tom saying she fought for her life and won every time. My little mate has the nurturing and protective attributes to make a strong Luna. Now I just have to convince her to give me a chance. Well give me a chance and figure out how a human will be a Luna… “Easier said than done” Dante snorts as he shakes his fur, he knows this won’t be an easy ride trying to get Lacie to see the mate bond instead of her fear of men.
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