12 - Brady and Andre Talk

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Brady      When Alexandria walked out from behind the tree, I was completely enthralled with her wolf's beauty.  Her fur was the same jet black color, however she had metallic silver streaks.  Her wolf was almost as big as mine, and I assumed that had something to do with the Beta blood running through her veins.       I was quick to walk over to my mate, then I started licking her ears and head.  Instantly, those tantalizing sparks flowed between us, and I loved being able to still feel them when we were in our wolf form.       As soon as I stopped showing her affection, we followed Andre and Lacy.  It was nice to see my mate in her wolf form.  Not only was I awed by her beauty, I was impressed by how stealthy she was.  Alexandria dodged trees and jumped over logs with the agility of a pro.       After we finished our run, we ate lunch with Andre and Lacy, then our mates cleaned up the kitchen, while Andre and I sat down in the living room.  Right away, he got a serious look on his face and asked, "What happened to make my cousin cry last night."     Instantly, I released a sigh of frustration and ran my fingers through my hair, before I anxiously replied, "Alexandria found her spell mate at the celebration.  She wants us to be a mate trio, and he's okay with it, but I don't want to share my mate with anybody else.  I'm her fated mate, and that should account for something."     "Damn, I had no idea.  I can't even imagine how I would feel if I were in your shoes," Andre sympathetically mumbled.     "I always hoped she would be my mate, and I was so happy when I found out she is, then her other mate showed up and now everything is so messed up.  I just don't know what to do or say right now," I sheepishly admitted.     Andre patted my back for reassurance, as he thoughtfully replied, "You just need to be supportive of your mate right now.  It wouldn't take much for her to choose him over you, if you aren't acting like the mate she wants."     "I know, but it's so hard not to be angry about it.  She was supposed to be mine from the start, and now I have to contend with this other werewolf because of some spell," I stated with frustration.     "I wish you the best of luck with this, but don't forget, I will kick your a*s, if you do anything to hurt my cousin," Andre adamantly replied.     I chuckled at my friend before I responded, "She is safe with me."     When our mates were finished with the kitchen cleanup, they joined us in the living room, then we hung out for a little longer, before we headed back to my house.  On the way there, I curiously asked, "How would you like to spend the rest of the day?"     "Snuggling with you," Alexandria nonchalantly replied with a shrug of her shoulders.     I chuckled at my cute mate, then I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her against my side.  Instantly, she melted against me, as we finished walking the rest of the distance to my house, and it felt so nice to have her beside me.     As soon as we got back to my house, Alexandria walked straight to the living room, then she plopped down on our tan, leather loveseat, and I was quick to follow suit.  She immediately scooted closer to me, and I was happy to drape my arm over her shoulders.  I trailed my fingertips along her upper arm and smiled as I asked, "Would you like to watch a movie?"     "Sure," she replied with another shrug of her shoulders.  I was noticing a trend with her when it came to shrugging her shoulders.  It wasn't something I had noticed before, but she definitely did that a lot.     I leaned forward and grabbed the remote off the coffee table, then I turned the tv on and started flipping through the channels.  After each channel, I would glance over to see if she got an interested look on her face, and if she didn't, I would flip to the next channel.  After nearly thirty channels, I saw her eyes light up with excitement, so I left it on that channel, then I sat back and watched the movie with my beautiful mate.    Chester     I was so confused about what was going on between Brady and Coralanna's daughter.  I assumed they were mates, but they weren't acting like mates usually do when they first find each other.  Instead, I had witnessed the gorgeous hybrid cry on Chelsea's shoulder, then Brady called her his mate and carried her back to his house.       The next day, I watched them walk to Andre's cottage, and I decided to follow them.  They didn't catch my scent in the air, since we were walking against the wind, and that gave me the perfect opportunity to get a better look at Coralanna's daughter.  For some reason, I kept forgetting her name, but that really didn't make any difference to me, since I didn't plan on keeping her alive any longer than necessary.     When they reached Andre's cottage, they all went behind trees and stripped their clothes off.  Unknown to the hybrid, I was hiding in the perfect place to get an amazing view of her curvy body.  As I gazed at the cute hybrid, I thought to myself, it's a shame such a beauty has to the pay the price for her parent's misdeeds.     I was quite stunned when she shifted into her large wolf.  She was just as beautiful in her wolf form, as she was in her human form, and there was no stopping myself from secretly wanting to see more of her.       I didn't feel like waiting around there for them to return, so I headed home at that point.  Once I got there, I went through my stash of weapons, which included a silver dagger and wolf's bane.  As I held the dagger in my hand, I had the wicked thought to use it on that hybrids pretty skin.       I wanted to mark her in my own way.  Not in the mate way.  I wanted to mark her with the silver blade, so everybody would know who killed her and why.  It would be one of the first things I did, just in case she did manage to escape.  The silver blade would leave a scar that her wolf would never be able to heal.  That scar would serve as a reminder to her parents that they were the cause of it.     
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