22 - Pine Tree Pack

2027 Words

Alexandria      When Liam pulled the car up in front of the pack house, it was obvious that his pack was one of the older ones.  The pack house was clearly built a long time ago, and the trees seemed to stand taller and fuller than any other trees I had ever seen.     Within seconds of parking the car, we got surrounded by so many of the pack members that I couldn't even consider trying to count how many there were.  I glanced over at Liam with wide eyes, but he didn't seem to be the least bit fazed by the mob surrounding his car.  In fact, he appeared to be nothing short of amused by everything.     When he looked over at me, he immediately started chuckling at the bewildered look on my face, before he enthusiastically asked, "Are you ready to meet our Alpha and see your brother?"    

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