17 - Brady's Eyes

1087 Words
Alexandria      Watching Brady do his puphood dance was like winning a prize.  He looked so damn sexy swaying his hips and shaking his butt, that I found myself feeling a little aroused just from watching him.  It was definitely one of those moments I would always remember.     As soon as he was done with his dance, he plopped down beside me on the loveseat, then he glanced over and nonchalantly asked, "Are you happy now?"     Instantly, I giggled in response, before I leaned over and pecked a kiss on his stubbly cheek, then I affectionately replied, "I am.  You are a great dancer.  I enjoyed dancing with you at the celebration, but not as much as I enjoyed watching you dance just now."     Brady draped his arm over my shoulder, then he pulled me against his side, as he thoughtfully remarked, "You are an amazing dancer, too."     "I know, but thank you for noticing," I cheekily replied with a pleased smile plastered on my face.     He chuckled in response, then he placed a soft kiss on my temple, before he huskily murmured, "There isn't anything about you that I haven't noticed.  Like the way you shrug your shoulders all the time.  I think it's absolutely adorable."     I snuggled against my sweet mate, as I happily mumbled, "I really am overjoyed that you are one of my mates."     "Darling, I'm not just one of your mates.  I'm your fated mate.  The best match for you," Brady confidently replied with a proud smile stretching across his handsome face.     I gazed into his beautiful, baby blue eyes that were swirling with love and adoration, but I had to look away after a few seconds, because of the sheer intensity of those emotions.  I knew he loved me and wanted to be with me, but I had to take my other mate's feelings into consideration.  I couldn't just pick only Brady.  That wouldn't be fair to Liam.     I was the one who casted the mate spell that bonded me and Liam together.  What kind of witch would I be if I walked away from something I had created.  That would leave Liam devastated, and I couldn't fathom the thought of causing that kind of heartbreak to either of my mates.     Brady could sense my sudden hesitation, and it didn't take long for him to cup my cheek in the palm of his hand, then he anxiously asked, "Why did you look away so quick?"     Instinctively, I leaned into his palm and closed my eyes, as I enjoyed the sparks that were flowing between us.  After a few seconds of thought, I opened my eyes and locked them with his baby blues, then I honestly admitted, "I'm worried, Brady."     "About what?" he immediately asked with wariness.     "I don't want to hurt you or Liam, nor do I want to lose either of you," I nervously stated.     "Mate, I will never turn my back on you.  Even if you were to choose Liam over me, I would continue to fight for your love.  You are the only female for me," he adamantly replied, then he smashed his lips to mine and gave me a toe curling kiss to prove his point.     Instantly, I tangled my fingers in his hair and returned the passionate kiss.  As we continued to kiss, Brady laid me backward on the loveseat with his body hovering over me, then he tore his lips from mine and immediately started trailing featherlike kisses down the curve of my neck.     When his lips reached my sweet spot, there was no stopping my body from trembling, as a chill ran down my spine.  Brady placed a few soft kisses there, then he groaned before he huskily mumbled, "My wolf wants to mark you so bad right now."     That was all it took to snap me out of the trance I had gone into.  I pushed Brady to the floor, then I abruptly stood up and started straightening out my clothes, as I anxiously mumbled, "I'm so sorry, Brady.  I can't let you do that right now."     Brady groaned again, except this time it was a pained groan, and that made me feel so bad.  I glanced over just in time to see his eyes start flickering between baby blue and gold.  I couldn't pull my eyes away from his, as he struggled to regain control over his wolf.  It was such a stunning sight to see, I felt like I became momentarily entranced by the sight.     I hadn't realized before that his wolf's eyes could change to gold, and I was nothing short of pleased by it.  I loved gold eyes, and I hoped to see his eyes turn that gorgeous color more often.     His eyes continued to flicker for nearly two minutes straight, while I stood there and stared at him with what I could only assume was a look of shock on my face.  As soon as his eyes stopped flickering and remained his normal, baby blue color, he sheepishly mumbled, "Mate, you are going to be the death of me."     Right away, I closed the gap between us, then I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around him.  Brady was quick to wrap his arms around me, as I timidly mumbled, "I'm sorry, Brady.  I didn't mean to upset your wolf, but I must say... your wolf has the prettiest gold eyes."     That made Brady chuckle, which gave me a sense of relief.  I was worried, he was going to be mad about me pushing him off the loveseat, but I guess it was just his wolf that got mad.     He buried his face in the crook of my neck and took a few deep inhales of my scent, and I did the same to him.  I loved the smell of his sweet, intoxicating scent, and I knew it was a scent I would never grow tired of smelling.     After almost a minute of scenting each other, Brady started tickling my sides, as he playfully chirped, "Payback time."     He had me laughing and rolling on the floor, as I tried to get away from him, but that seemed to be impossible.  I swear, he was an expert tickler, and there was no getting out of his grasp.       I laughed so hard that my sides were aching by the time he stopped, and it took me several minutes to get my breathing back under control.  However, I enjoyed the moment, and it was obvious that Brady enjoyed it, too.
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