7 - Brady's Home

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Alexandria     When we pulled up in front of the pack house on the Silver Moon Pack's territory, I wasn't the least bit surprised to see that nothing had changed since the last time I visited my cousins.  Ace and Brady unloaded the luggage, then we all chipped in to carry it to their house that wasn't far from Aunt Chelsea's cottage.     I had only been to Brady's home a few times over the years, but I had never gone any further than the living room and kitchen.  That being said, I was a little surprised to see how big his bedroom was, and to learn that he had his own bathroom.  In addition to that, I was shocked by how clean he kept his bedroom and the bathroom.  Everything seemed to have a place, and even his bed was already made.     After I set down the suitcase I was carrying, I walked around his room and admired the different trophies that lined his shelves.  I had always known he was the athletic type, but I hadn't realized how competitive he was, or how good he was in the athletic department.  He must have had at least thirty trophies for several different types of sports.     When I was done admiring his achievements, I walked into his bathroom and noticed right away that it looked absolutely pristine.      There wasn't a single spot of dirt or soap scum anywhere, and I was happy about that.  I had always liked our bathrooms at home to stay as clean as possible, even if it meant I was the one keeping them clean.  I guess you could say I had always been a bit OCD when it came to cleanliness.     His bathroom was a lot bigger than I had expected.  There was a garden tub against one wall, and a standalone shower in one corner.       The sink was surrounded by a long, cream colored, marble countertop, and there was a large mirror hanging above the sink.  The walls were painted a light blue, almost silver color, and the floor was covered with cream colored tiles that matched the countertop.     I decided to be nosy and started opening the cabinet and the many drawers that were under the sink, then I heard Brady's deep voice ask, "Are you looking for something specific?"     I glanced up at him through lowered eyelashes and sheepishly replied, "No, I was just seeing what all you had in here.  I'm gonna need to make room for my cosmetics and stuff."     "How many drawers will you need?" he curiously asked, as he closed the gap between us.     I shrugged my shoulders and nonchalantly responded, "One or two should be good."     As soon as Brady reached me, he pulled the top left drawer out and dumped it in the drawer below it, then he did the same with the top right drawer.  When he was finished, he flashed me a genuine smile, as he happily chirped, "There you go, beautiful."     "Thank you, handsome," I cheerfully replied while returning the genuine smile.     After that, I walked back into his bedroom and looked around a little more.  The walls were painted with a medium shade of silver, and his carpet was a dark blue color that matched the curtains he had hanging in front of his windows.       Brady followed me back into the bedroom, then he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his closet.  When he opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise.  He had a walk-in closet that was every bit as big as his bathroom, and there was a ton of space left for me to store my belongings.     When I was done taking everything in, he curiously asked, "What do you think?"     "I love how much space you have in here," I cheekily remarked.     Brady chuckled at me again, however, this time I felt my body shiver with delight, as a pleasurable chill ran down my spine.  A second later, Brady pulled me into a warm embrace and huskily murmured, "You're so cute."     Right away, I wrapped my arms around him and returned the warm embrace, as I happily mumbled, "I like it here.  You keep it nice and clean." Chester      I almost couldn't believe it when I saw Alexandria get out of the Ace's car, then I watched Ace and Brady unload all of their luggage, before they carried it to their house.  I couldn't hardly take my eyes off of that disgusting hybrid for some reason.       I guess it must have been because she was absolutely gorgeous.  She had the shiniest black hair, and the same light brown eyes as her mum.  Not to mention, she had a slamming body that I found myself wanting to touch.  However, I couldn't think about her that way.  At least, not for the moment.       I had to keep my attention centered on getting revenge on her parents.  Her mum was the reason why my original pack was attacked and dismantled.  If she hadn't run away and found her stupid mate, then my dad would still be alive.  Not only that, my mum and I would be living in the pack where we belong.       Neither of us wanted to join the Silver Moon Pack, but my mum didn't see any other good option.  At that point in time, she had to make sure I had a roof over my head and food in my belly.  However, there was no guarantee that she would be able to do that without the help of being part of a pack, so that's why we ended up here with all of these damn hybrids.  I loathed every one of them, but I could never let my true feelings be known.     My eyes followed their movements until they were all inside the Shultz home, then I walked back into my house and went straight to my bedroom.  Once I got there, I grabbed the framed photo off my nightstand and sat on the edge of my bed.       I gazed at the picture of me when I was a very small pup.  My dad was holding me in his arms and smiling down at me.  It was the only picture I had left of him, and there was no stopping the tears that betrayed me, as I gazed at that picture.  He looked so happy to be holding me, and I had really missed seeing his smile over the years.       After gazing at that picture, I found myself feeling even more motivated to get revenge.  It fueled my desire to seize the first chance I got.  I decided right then, that I would keep a close eye on the Shultz home, and when I got the chance, I would nab Alexandria and take her to the city, where nobody would be able to easily track her down.          
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