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The hall was alive with the sounds of music, dancing and general merriment. There was an abundance of food on display, and all of the rich and finest nobility seemed to have a glass filled with wine or ale. If you had ever found a fun and sober noble it was a rarity, at least that is what Calissa thought.  As the Kings first daughter she was seen as a favourite to her father. The great Wolf King had tried for many years with many women to be graced a daughter after having four sons, and from the moment he set eyes on her he was smitten. Between his women Calissa's mother was seen and praised highly, not only for gracing the King with a daughter, but for having a mind of her own. Teresita was opinionated, determined and cunning, at least in the case of her daughter.  Calissa was pulled out of her thoughts as the Kings booming voice drowned out the music and chatter. "Today we celebrate another victory, not only for myself but for Tarnon. This kingdom had flourished with the strength of its people, and the strength of its Gods. The Wolf Kingdom shall prosper for many more years, being led in wars by its War God!" Cheers could be heard from every person in the room, obviously not going against the leader by questioning if the War God was real. It was a known fact that no one outside the armies and the royal family knew who the War God was and what he looked like. There was legend and myth passed down through generations of families, but no truth could be puled from the stories.  The King had noticed some of the looks from his people but did not address them, rather, he took himself to the food laid out. Grabbing some meat, he ate quickly and then looked for his child. Whilst scouring the room he stopped one of the servers for more ale and turned back to the food, not realising that who he had been looking for was right behind him. "Calissa! My darling why are you not joining in? If I even saw a glass in your hand that would make me smile." Moving to his daughters side, he threw an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. The King was never truly affectionate with any of his other children, but Calissa was the exception that everyone knew.  She moved closer to her father and took his glass of ale, eyeing him slightly she downed the drink and put it back in his hand. "If that is all my father wanted then be pleased. I am not rejecting this merry event, but you know I would rather not be here."  Known for not liking the big parties thrown for celebrations throughout the year, the King dropped his glass and took her arm in his, guiding her out the hall and into the gardens. His daughters favourite spot. They walked for a while before deciding to sit and rest, enjoying each others company. Spending so much time with his daughter he could sense that something was ticking away in her head. "Tell me, what has your head in the clouds. I promise that your old man can listen just as well as he talks." Chuckling slightly, Calissa turned to face said 'old man'. All things considered he really wasn't old, a few hairs were greying, but the King was still in shape that he could fight his own battles. Shaking her head, Calissa had realised she'd gone off into more thought instead of answering. "I'm sorry father it's just, when will this be over." She sighed, looking into his blue eyes. "I know this is done for the protection of the kingdom and myself partly, but I don't want to live like this. I can't keep pretending to be someone I am not." Standing up and turning away from her father, she didn't feel strong enough to talk to him face-to-face yet. "The way those people look at me is disturbing. They do not see a woman with a brain, or even god forbid and actual living being. They see me as an object, something with breast and an ass that is the Kings daughter. Wondering how they could get you to marry me off to them or their sons." Turning to face her father, he could see the tears forming in Calissas eyes. She wasn't one to show emotion, the only ones who had seen her cry were her mother and father. Stepping up he wrapped his arms around his daughter, his treasure. "I can't keep up this facade." Calissa sniffled as she pulled away from her fathers chest, keeping her arms around him as they hugged.  "I know my child, this is not something I wanted to hide but these people. They are not ready for you, nor are they deserving." He stroked Calissas hair as she rested her head against his shoulder. "You will be free soon my dear, my precious War God."
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