
532 Words
Dear Journal, I am up early because I want to help with 1st meal, since its Halloween.   Aunt Beatrice has let me make a “spooky” meal for the pack pups for as long as I can remember.  I will make monkey bread brains with a raspberry/strawberry puree poured on it to look like blood.  Even some of the adults like my pastries and I will make them my famous cinnamon rolls to go with whatever else the ladies are cooking.  Mom makes the best brownies on the planet and between her deserts and my baking I have heard some of the warriors talking about how they have to train extra hard to keep from gaining tons of weight. Mom is such a great Luna and she still has time for us.  Chris and I are too big to dress up in costumes, but Jared and Sammie are only 9, so they like to still.  I helped Mom sew their outfits this year.  Jared is a big bad vampire, yeah, it’s funny a wolf dressing up as a vampire, but he is so cute with those silly fangs.  Sammie always wants to be a pretty Princess, but this year she wanted to go as Rambo, I think she likes holding a big gun.  I know there is a joke there because when I said it at 3rd meal, most of the table of adults broke out laughing.  When I asked what was funny, Daddy told me when I get old enough Mom will explain it to me, but I’m too young.  I wasn’t happy with that answer so I snuck in Uncle Lucas’ mind and found out I said something that he called a “double entendre”.  He was thinking naughty thoughts about what I said, so I gave him a mental slap and made him think his mate, Megan, hit him.  Uncle Lucas is a wealth of knowledge on the "naughty" things that Mom and Dad say I'm too young to know about.  Chris and I go into his mind all the time to talk to his wolf, Luke, about all the stuff we aren’t supposed to know about yet.  Uncle Lucas said its ok because our parents have prudish ways and we should know what is what in the real world instead of the bubble they try to keep us locked in.  We love that he and Uncle Dominic are always ready to answer the questions the rest of the family balk at. Anyway, after all the pups get in their costumes they do a full parade around the packhouse and then they walk to the hospital and senior center to help cheer up the patients there.  Since we don’t have houses to visit like in a human community and it’s not really about the candy because our families make sure our sweet teeth are happy, we like to help make others happy.  The look pure joy on the faces of the elder Lycans in the senior center is what we crave more than chocolate or candy.  Yep, that is why we love Halloween.
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