Chapter 2

1345 Words
Sophie In the morning, I woke up with my head beating terribly. The night before, after returning to my room and getting ready to get into bed, I wrapped myself in the covers and began crying inconsolably. The hiccups had beaten my whole body, and I had never stopped, I had not succeeded until I fell asleep crying. When I took that deal, all I thought about was saving my father from bankruptcy and prison, I didn’t even consider what my reputation would be. I hadn’t thought about what people would think of me. Dealing with that reality hurts, it hurts like hell. Being considered a bad girl, a w***e, and sold for money made me sick to my stomach. Would my life have been like this from that moment on? Would people only have seen a prostitute when they looked at me? And then there was what the twins said about getting pregnant. The last thing I wanted was to bond with that man for the rest of my life and, above all, to have a child with him. But their arguments made me think. They both talked about that possibility, but why? Why were they so afraid of that? What did Alexander really want? The more I thought about it, the more I was dizzy, I couldn’t answer all that chaos, and I couldn’t talk to anyone. I didn’t even have a cell phone to talk to my friend. Alexander promised that he would give me a new one, and his concern made me think that he also wanted to check my cell phone and make sure I didn’t talk to anyone. I was locked in a f*****g cage, and the worst part was that I locked myself in it and left the key to my jailer. I stared at the window in front of me, the white curtains were closed, and I could not see the city's skyline, but I remained with my eyes fixed on the white fabric, hoping that they could swallow me. I missed my dad. I just wanted to hear his voice, but I couldn’t call him, not until I had a phone, and even when it happened, I was sure I would be checked, and every conversation would be heard. I sighed and decided to get up, maybe a hot bath could calm me down and make me buy some strength. I went to the bathroom and undressed, leaving the huge tub to fill. I was used to luxury, my father had always been rich, but that was on another level. The bathroom was gigantic, made of shiny tiles, under a large window overlooking the skyline was placed the bathtub, while on the opposite side, there was a large shower that could fit even three people. I left my clothes in the laundry basket, put on a bathrobe, and then perched on the tub's edge. I dropped some essential oils in the water and waited for the tub to fill. Just then, the intercom rang and forced me to get up. I turned off the water and went to answer. "Yes?" "Miss," said the maid, "Mr. Williams is waiting for you in the dining room for breakfast," she said. I closed my eyes and cursed everyone mentally, "Now?" I asked instead. "He wants to see her before he goes to work," answered the maid. "I'm Coming," I said, defeated. I closed the intercom and looked at the tub, and then I got closer and removed the plug to empty it. I returned to my room and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top with sneakers from one of the few boxes they had left in my room. I wonder where everything else went. I looked around and then went down to the dining room. As soon as I entered, I found Alexander sitting at the head of the table next to the twins on the right side. I did not think they had stayed for the night. Both had a pair of sunglasses that covered their eyes and definitely the signs of the previous night. Alexander held a cup of coffee with one hand while the other held the iPad. I wanted to run away. I felt uncomfortable, but I took a deep breath. "Good morning," I said in a cordial tone, approaching and sitting next to Alexander right in front of the twins. "You’re late," Alexander said without looking up from the iPad. I put my hands on my lap, clenched my fists, "I’m sorry," and immediately said, "I didn’t know we were having breakfast together," I admitted. I wasn’t used to it. At home with Dad, we never had breakfast together. Dad was always early and preferred to go to work early and see us for lunch rather than force me to at his pace. "Now you know," Alexander drugged me, "I expect more appropriate behavior tomorrow," he said, looking away from the tablet and looking at me frowning, "And a more appropriate outfit," he added. I frowned and looked at my clothes. What was wrong with them? "Today, Orion will accompany you in the boutique, and Sandra will help you choose decent outfits," he said later, looking back at his tablet. I opened my mouth to answer, to say that I didn’t need clothes, but then I closed it by biting my tongue fiercely to stop myself from speaking. "All right," I said. I just shook my hands on my thighs, put my nails in my flesh, and I tore my skin, but I didn’t say anything. The maid came over and placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me, and just looking at them made me sick to my stomach. "Just tea, thanks," I said, refusing the dish. The maid put it back on the tray and placed it in front of me, filling it with boiling water. I dropped the sachet inside, and stared at the liquid in the cup. "I had your stuff brought to the villa," Alexander said, making me raise my head. I watched him in silence, waiting for him to explain what the f**k he meant because I didn’t understand anything anymore. "On the weekend, we will return to the villa, the penthouse is only momentary, and next week I will leave for a business trip," he always explained without looking at me. I sighed and looked again at my tea, "Ok," I said without adding anything else, and then remained silent. The breakfast continued like that, without anyone saying a word, you could hear only the ticking of Alexander’s fingers on the screen of the iPad while my mind whirled. A villa. A new cage. At least I’d have a garden to hang out in, I had other years to spend there. "Did you get a chance to read the documentation on Tecnokind?" one of the twins suddenly asked. I looked at them. They had their heads turned towards their father, and he slowly looked up from the tablet and looked over the glasses he was wearing. "Arian will report to me today," he replied. "I left it for you to look at. If I wanted to talk to Arian, I would do it myself," said one of the twins. "Arian knows how to evaluate proposals better than you can ever do, and I don’t have time to waste," Alexander replied, closing the iPad’s custody and getting up, "I have to go," he said, facing me. He turned and left, closing the door behind him. At that moment, I took a breath I didn’t know I was holding. The twins slammed their mugs on the table violently. "Spend your money well," said one of them. Then they both turned and left, leaving me completely alone in the hall. I stared at the table for a long moment, then I got up and left, going back to my room and the bathroom, I had left hanging just before. If every morning looked like that, I wouldn’t have had a happy awakening.
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