Chapter 1: Family

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Qoutasburg 9:30 p.m. It was dusk when I arrived at Quotasburg. I sat behind the steering and my heart pounded in my chest. I felt like I was seriously going to pass out, my lungs hurt, and my broken wrist ached too much. Lucky enough for me, Norman had applied his rub on my wrist to avoid it from swelling so much. The only thing that ran through my mind right now is that I have to be in the hospital. I do not know how, but then, I need to be there. Whosoever had called me must have had his house number, or maybe he had given it to inform me that he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. 'I will be back in an hour," Norman had said. "Hahaha! Norman you are just a bloody liar. How stupid could you be to fool me in this manner?" I blurted out to myself in anger. At first, I was laughing, but then, the joy was temporal because it ended up in tears. There is no way that I could make things better than to stop crying and focus on the road. Well, there is no point now, because I packed in the central hospital. I found a good and comfortable spot for the car, and it was Norma's truck I used to come here. I had not to notice till earlier when I left the house that Norman had not used his car while leaving for Peter's house, it seems like he had known something like this had happened. For a moment I could not even leave the car, I had the urge to see Norman, but when I think about it, how his face will be pale from pain, I screech my forehead in anger. There is no way that I can be comfortable leaving this way, absolutely no way at all. Finally, I unbuckled my seatbelt before opening the door, and the cool evening breeze cool my tanned skin. It made me shudder. My body still ached from the fact that Peter had molested me badly, and although I hated it so much, there is nothing I can do about it. The journey to this place had not been easy too, It was quite long and I had spent most of my time on the road sitting as I would never arrive at this place while trying hard to focus on the road. That is the most important thing right now. "Daisy Pearl," I heard someone call me with that familiar tone. Making sure the car was secured, I swirled my head around to take a look at who had called me. I consciously slipped the key into my pocket, making sure it was there before lifting my head to meet the familiar figure. "Nathan?" I called out sounding more like a question. Even though it was not up to two weeks that I had seen him, but then, he had changed so much that I could barely recognize him__ apart from the fact that we share the same family name, he Is my brother and he looks so cute today than ever. He wore faded jeans, a polo t-shirt, and running shoes. It seemed like he has been here all day and I wonder why. But then, it was silly because the person I live with is in here, why wouldn't he come here. Staring at me with bright eyes, he felt sorry for me, there is no way that no one is going to feel sorry for me, but then, I am not the one who has been injured, so, all the sympathy does not need to go to me but in the man lying in there. Today, it is going to be the worst day of my life, my head hurts so much, and as Nathan rushed to me, he murmured the words he knew I longed for. "We have been waiting for you, dad said you shouldn't come if you weren't up to the task, besides, it's late already, Daisy, you are too stubborn," Nathan blurted out. I wished I was in a good mood tonight like I would have punched him right across the face to let him know that they don't joke with me, but then, I brushed the whole deal aside. There is nothing more to do now but to go inside. Because of the fact that it is Nathan and no other person that is in front of me, I decided to brush the boiling anger that is already rising in me. It wasn't directed to me, but to the man that had lied to me. Sometimes, I thought that I had misdirected my anger, it is supposed to be towards Peter, he is the one that had caused this whole fiasco, it just so bleeds my heart to know that so many things had happened in just a short time. "What? you thought I was going to spend one night in Bernie's Ville when Norman is here? of course not, unless you must be joking, I need to see him, where is him?" I asked staring at Nathan with bright big eyes. There is nothing I could do right now but to think and stare at the positive side of things, to me, there is no point in making issues worse, and my heartbeat was accelerating. Nathan glared at me, his eyes were as weak and red as if he had been crying too, I wonder if that was the case, well, it made my heart bleed so much, more than what I can even think about. "Daisy, you need to calm down, like seriously, you are going to see him, but for now, you have to be with us in the waiting room, the doctors and nurses are working on him," Nathan explained. Hearing this my muscles suddenly became tanned. I couldn't still believe that Norman has been shot, like seriously, just thinking about it made a light shudder to creep through my body. It was late already, Qoutasburg was as bright as always, this is the central hospital and it is vast. The hospital is divided into four sections, each having one or two-story buildings, and there is a special ward for the maternity section, another one for emergencies, and even a psychiatric ward was opened some years back. The government was working so hard in making this place the best for the people to leave in very comfortably. The walls were painted in white, and a shade of light green to accentuate the color. There is no doubt that the state had to invest so much money here, and the services were top-notch. Norman works here too, but it is only when a neurosurgeon is needed for brain surgery to be carried out if not, he will be contented to remain in his sphere at the other hospital where Mrs. Tanyi had been operated on a while ago, and the tragedy of my life had started. I slapped myself mentally for calling that a tragedy, if it truly was, I should never have been entangled with the surgeon, the fact that I hate him doesn't mean I don't care about him, nope, unlike that one, I admire him so much__ well in secret__ that's bad but I can't do otherwise. I didn't notice I had zoomed out of the present until Nathan placed his right hand on my shoulder, bringing me to consciousness. "Hey! Daisy are you there? I just said something but you seemed to have been so far from the present," he said watching at me keenly. Blinking severally, I tried to figure out what is going on, and he was right, so many thoughts piqued my mind right now, I can't even think of anything good, my heart was going to fail me if my eyes don't especially as I had so many emotions bottled up in me. Pretending a fake smile, I looked at my junior brother and I felt the love in his voice, it is like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, but then, I didn't want to try anything funny, so I just let the sleeping dog lie, that is the best that I could do. "Nathan, I am so sorry about that, if you do not mind, can we go inside? by the way, are you here alone?" I asked blabbing. I bit my lower lip in anticipation, I prayed so hard that he had not noticed it too, because if he had, I will be forced to answer his one million and one questions with no gap to breathe or even sigh. It is so annoying, more than anyone can notice, and simply thinking about it made my mind ache. Lifting my chin to meet his, I enjoyed his grey eyes as he perused mine with it, but then, it was just a mild reminder to me that he is here. As if he had already my mind, Nathan swirled his free hand in my uninjured own, and I felt like I was at home, it made me feel secure, more like I was at home. "You are here now, Daisy, I promise you, everything is going to be alright, okay? you have us now, we are ready to stand by you through this stage in your life, and please, I am simply begging you, do not let this come over you, just be brave confident and everything will be alright, I assure you about that," he said calmly. Hearing this, a wave of fresh tears gathered in my eyes, and I had to force myself not to break down here, I needed so much willpower, it was required, and thus, there is nothing else I can do other than to stare at his young and handsome faces. At first, I did not respond because it was so easy to make tears flow freely from my eyes, but when I had controlled myself to an extent that I know I wouldn't cry, I decided to brush the things from my mind, that is the best I can do. "Thank you," I said to him. Entering the hospital, I allowed Nathan to lead the way to the reception room, it was a short way from the massive doors, and the pungent smell of drugs filled my nostrils. The hospital was busy tonight, and this is block number three, which is made up of the emergency wards, operation rooms, and lab surveys and tests. I can't even explain those things, but then, I know it has to do with all those things. Finally, after about two minutes of walking, we arrived at the waiting room. It was bigger than the other hospital, there were benches, and it was arranged in rolls and columns. There was also a table where at least, four to five people could comfortably squeeze into it. As I perused the entire room, I searched for any face that could seem familiar. As I glanced through the room, I noticed father and Benedict. Father stood immediately staring at me, it made my eyes weak, I knew what I had to do, and he confirmed it when he opened his arms widely waiting for me. "Come here Daisy Pearl, come to daddy," he called out to me gently. For a moment I hesitated thinking it wasn't real, but then, Nathan used his elbow to tug my ribs with it, urging me to go. Raising my head, I stared at him with many hues in my eyes, and as he met my gaze, he nodded his head lightly. "Go, babe, just go to him, now I promise he wouldn't harm you," Nathan muttered calmly. Nodding my head lightly, I decided to rush towards father. As I ran towards my father, I burst into tears, I knew I had to release that weak lady in me, there is no way that I could just bottle up so many emotions in me because it was just not me. I have played the tough role for a very long time now, if I don't break out this wall in me, it wouldn't be possible, not at all. Arriving towards father, I swirled my arms around his neck as I burst out crying. I felt dad's hands twirl around my waist protectively, he allowed me to cuddle him, I am glad because his warm embrace was what I needed now, as his fresh arms caressed my back from up to down, and back again. It is soothing, so much that no one can even think about it. For a moment, I didn't care about what the others thought, what was going to happen or not, instead, I was more focused on the life I was trying to protect right now, which was me, I needed to be fine because the shock I received was still evident in my entire body, it made me want to brush my mind away from these things, and focused on crying as if it was a goal I had made for myself. I felt daddy's warm breathe caress my neck, his mint breath which was light kept curling up around my ears, and as I braced my mind around it, only tears flowed through my eyes. Nothing more, nothing less. We stayed like this for two minutes, I know it was uncomfortable and I needed to shift to one side but then, there is no way that I could bring my mind to leave father's side. He was the only pillar I had now, and no matter what I did or didn't do, it is going to always end up in chaos, something that isn't possible to do, my mind just ached me as I did so, there is no way I could even allow them to make things work for me, in fact, I just braced my mind around this. "Stop crying, baby, you should not cry, I heard what happened and I was devastated too. You know there was no point traveling here right? it is late already, you should have stayed at Bernie's Ville and come tomorrow, oh! I forgot I gave birth to a stubborn mare," Mr. Tanyi joked sourly. It didn't mean anything to me, I could not even listen to most of the things he said because I felt like they were daggers to my soul, but then, he was right. I am too stubborn to make things happen, in fact, it was just me. Chuckling, I heard father heave a sigh. "Why did you come?" I asked the father. Hearing the question that had slipped past my mouth, I slapped myself mentally to have asked such a mean question. Like seriously, Why was he here? okay, 'why am I here too?' I asked myself as I rolled my eyes in disgust. Mr. Tanyi pushed me away from his body, making me stand straight and on my own as I looked at him with bright eyes. Raising his brows to show that he was in shock too, he let out gently, anding an extra crispy taste to the edge of his voice. "What a question, Daisy, for Christ's sake, Surgeon Norman is my son-in-law, why shouldn't I come to check on him? besides, I was sure that my daughter__ his wife wouldn't come any closer to this place, so I chose to stand the ground for her," he spat out provocatively. Alright, he was right, but then, no one gave him the right to make such hasty generalizations about me, only if he could know that I have changed so much over the days I have spent in Bernie Ville, I've been so kind to Norman__ sometimes__ the actual truth is, I've been so mean to him, instead, he is the one who has been extremely kind to me, and there is no doubt about that, but what have I done to him? nothing, apart from bringing him so much pain and trouble to his ass. This is entirely my fault, all these things should never have happened if I just went straight away with leaving with the surgeon with no harm inform, I felt so bad about it, I cursed the day I ever met him. Hearing dad's words now, I blushed profusely, it was like none that I have ever seen before, I thought that dad was never going to call Norman his "In-law" that was quite funny to hear the sound clinging against my ears, it was melodious to my ears, and thus I was rapidly turning red. "Father..." I started but trailed when father cut in his words sharp. "Come on, Daisy, I know what you are going to say, so please, pardon me the details. You can have a seat," Mr. Tanyi said sweetly. I glared at his face for a very long time, it was hard, and I thought that he was just being correct, there is no point in hiding how I feel right now. Sighing, I lifted my head trying to stare at him with wide eyes. There is no point trying to do otherwise, instead, it just made me even more sad. Following his directions, I sat on the chair with my arms on my thighs, I felt for the first time that I was at home, this is because part of my family was there. For the first time since I entered the waiting room, I noticed Benedict's presence. He sat beside me, his body was calm, there is no way that he could even do anything about it, and my heart melted so much. Shifting towards my side, he pulled me in his arms as he hugged me in a bear hug. Like seriously, I felt like I was blessed to be part of this family, they love me so much, and I will do everything in my might to love them too. "It is alright, Don't cry," he muttered. I nodded my head lightly, there is no need to rush over things. I snuggled in his arms, staying there comfortably.
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