A School Trip?

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*Introduction of someone : Olivia is an 18-year-old girl of medium height, with soft black hair, a white face, and hazel eyes. She lives with her family in America, specifically in New York. She is now a student in her last year of high school. Olivia's family is middle class. She is a kind and friendly girl, but she feels anxious and afraid a lot or sometimes. She is naturally kind, affectionate, and pretty ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « Don't forget your bag, Olivia » said Olivia's mother. Oh ok, Mom thank you, love you. I was going to forget my bag, how hard it is to go to school without it. I got on the bus, and it was a very normal school day, and when it went, I took some of my things from the school locker and headed to class. A teacher entered us, I used to know her, as she manages school trips for the school and some activities as well, and she told us, « We are going to take a trip, children, to Colorado, western United States of America, so it will be a long and enjoyable trip that may take two or three days, so you must carry your phones to be in close contact with your families. Whoever wants to register his name should go to my office after the end of the lesson. » She thanked the teacher who was present in the class and left. I couldn't fully understand this trip and had a lot of questions about it but I think it might be something like camping. I turned to my friends, No, I mean my best friends, Sophia and Sarah who were sitting next to me and we exchanged looks, but we couldn't talk because the class teacher started to explain the lesson. After the end of the class, talk to each of them about the trip and whether will they go to it. Sophia said: I don't mind if you go too I'll come with you. So I asked her about the trip program in detail. Sarah said: We don't know as well as you, Olivia, since the class just ended and we got out of it together, so we must ask the tour supervisor about this matter. I agreed with her opinion, but soon we were going to go to the tour supervisor, my bus came, so I had to say goodbye to them and go to it to go home. I told them to call me when they know all the details and let me know. When I got home I was very tired so I went to sleep for a bit. After more than three hours had passed, I found Sofia ringing and I answered. She told me everything the school excursion supervisor told her, and how the trip would be very long, about five or six hours to go there only, and there would be food also because the trip would be for three days. I agreed to go with her and Sarah and told her that I only needed my family's permission to go. I hung up and started thinking about how the trip would be fun, and I always wanted to go with my best friend on different interesting trips and places, but I was not given the opportunity every time for several reasons, the first of which was studying. I didn't think about anything but going to sleep and when I woke up talking to my dad about the trip. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Everyone in Olivia's class began to form groups, each friend gathering his friends and telling him about the trip that would take place within days, and all the students were afraid that a group of riotous students, headed by Peter, would participate in the trip. They were teasing the students in various ways like laughing at them and telling jokes about them and the like, so no one ever liked them in class. Not even Olivia, but every year she wished that these children would move to another school so that they would not harass her or the rest of the students. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I woke up and it was nine in the evening. « Come on, Olivia, » said my mother, « dinner's ready. » I went and washed my face and headed to the living room to have dinner and I felt that this was the moment when I could tell my parents about the trip. « Father, I would like to ask your opinion about something. » « Well, what is it? » I said, « There will be a trip to Colorado, so I wanted to go there with my friends. » I fasted for a few seconds and said, « I know that there is not much left until the exam date, but there is no objection to making up with my friends for three days, right? ! » My father looked at me while he was eating with the food in his mouth and said to me, “I don't mind, but ask your mother.” My mother was already sitting with us, so she looked at my mother waiting for her reply. « Olivia, you can't go, » said my mother, « there's hardly much time left until exams, and you want to waste three days. » But, mom . . . « No, Olivia, you can't go. » « If I go with them, I promise you that when I come back I will study harder. » « Mm. . . Well if that's the case, I'll think about it. » Thank you Mom, and I hugged her and went to my room after I finished eating dinner to get my bag and tell my friends. The next day, Sophia, Sarah, and I went to register our names with the tour supervisor to confirm that we would go. After a week had passed and it was time for the trip for which the students registered their names. The students all gathered in front of the school and got ready to go.
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