Chapter Four: Dinner Interlude

1959 Words
Orion was snoring in the bed when I heard a knock on the door. Had it been two hours so quick? I frowned with unease and slid over to the heavy door. I started to unlock the lock when I realized that Orion’s clothes were still on the ground. I shoved them under the bed with my foot and glanced over at my tormentor. He was dead to the world but at least covered up. The knock sounded again and I unlatched it with an apologetic smile on my lips. Said smile froze in place as I realized just who was at the door. “Ash.” If he was concerned that I spoke in a whisper he didn’t show it. “I came to give you guys some food myself.” My heart warmed and for a moment I wished I had my own room so I could truly enjoy this moment from my kind prince. “You shouldn’t have bothered yourself with that.” I chided. Ash smirked at me. “What kind of ruler would I be if I let those that accompany me to suffer?” He was taller than me and could see behind me. I realized the instant that he noticed Orion on the bed. “Willow, weren’t you supposed to have the bed? Why is Orion sleeping in it?” If I didn’t know better I would think he was actually cross with his adviser. “After my nap, I let him have it.” I took the serving platter from him. “Thank you for the meal.” “He’s still sleeping, you probably shouldn’t eat in here. Why don’t you come to my quarters? It’ll be more comfortable and no one will try to force you to eat with the other servants.” Oh, he knew how to tempt me. Ash was still so innocent he thought nothing of inviting me to be alone with him. It would have been nice if he showed some acknowledgment of me as a woman and not just as a childhood friend. “He’d be worried if he woke up and I was gone. Besides, isn’t the food supposed to be for him as well?” Ash chuckled. “I’ll have servants get him more. Come on, Willow. We haven’t got to spend time together in a long time, not since your mom-” He stopped talking and looked away from me. Did he realize he just admitted it had been years since we had really talked? Years since I was debted away, though he never knew that part, and I’d never let him know. I heard Orion shifting as he turned over on the bed. All I could do was pray he didn’t fling the covers and sheets off of himself as he was sometimes prone to do. I’d never been able to explain away why he was naked in the bed. “Fine, I’ll go with you, Ash. I’m curious how your dinner with the others went.” Ash grinned pleased that he had worn me down. “It’s settled then.” He shut the door behind me and led me further down the hall. His room was very far from my own. As he opened the door and I ducked in, butterflies exploded inside of me. I was alone with the love of my life. I wanted to squeal in joy but at the same time, I wanted to hit the wall very hard. Why couldn’t life be simpler for me? I took a seat at the elaborate table and chair that was near his massive bed and plopped the tray down. “I wasn’t sure what all you wanted, so I tried to get you stuff that wouldn’t spoil right away.” Ash had thought of me? No, surely he had done this originally for Orion and I had been an afterthought. I stared at the endless fruit array and my jaw dropped. “They have so many!” Our kingdom is normally too cold for a lot of fruit to survive and buying it from others has always been a pricey affair. The cook back home would never allow me to eat any of these. “Try the red one,” he pointed to one of the berries. “But don’t eat that green part. Just bite up until you get there.” I did as instructed and stared at him in shock as the juice gushed out and dribbled down my chin. Flustered I put the rest of the berry down and wiped with my fist at the stickiness. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make a mess.” “It’s hard not to,” Ash confided. “It’s really nice here, Willow. Also, I have a surprise for you.” That got my attention. I put my berry-stained fist down and eyed him. “A surprise?” “Uh-huh. The other prince seems like a good guy. While we’re off at a strategy meeting tomorrow, I’ve arranged for your surprise, and no I’m not telling you what it is.” I couldn’t stop smiling. I just wanted to cry at how sweet he was being. I latched onto his words eager to pull myself out of this embarrassing spiral. “That’s all you guys talked about tonight?” “He gave me an outline of what’s going on here, but to be honest we won’t be able to do much until the others arrive tomorrow. From what he was saying, it’s a lot bigger problem than Orion realizes.” He nodded at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Sounds like you were more right on that subject than our adviser was.” “I’m more right than he is usually-” I put a hand over my mouth and stared at Ash in horror. “I mean, I just had heard all about it from the others. You know how servants gossip.” I picked up the platter. “I should get back. If I stay here I’m just going to make a mess of your really nice room and the servants will talk-” “Willow, calm down. I’m not going to scold you or anything.” He gave me a searching look as if he was trying to puzzle out my words. “Stay, eat. I don’t care what people think or say. You’re my friend, my very best friend besides Orion. I want you to keep me company.” I swallowed another lump in my throat as I picked up one of the pieces of fruit I did know. I munched on an apple slice and let my eyes slide shut for a moment at the crisp sweet fruit. Such bliss. Orion was going to be beyond furious if he found out that I had indulged on such expensive fare. Trying to set Ash’s mind at ease I smiled at him. “Thank you, for everything, Ash. For the food, for the surprise, for never treating me as just a servant.” “Just because your mom was, I’ll never consider you as one. You’re not her, I don’t think you should have to live her life. I want you to live your own life, Willow.” He sighed. “It’s a shame that my parents won’t let me let you become another adviser. You might not have the knowledge that Orion does, but you’re just as resourceful and useful if I have a problem.” Before I could answer there was a sharp rap at the door. The kind of knock that no servant would dare. I shoved another piece of apple into my mouth so I could enjoy just one more second of this happiness before it got torn to shreds around me. I knew who it was. Ash opened the door and smiled at his friend. “Orion! How good of you to join us. Did you have a nice nap?” Orion smiled back the very picture of calm. “Sire, I’m sorry to hit your door so hard. I awoke and couldn’t find Willow. The servant that had brought my tray informed me of where your quarters was and I came to check if you had seen her.” His smile included her now. She hated that smile. “Willow, I’m so relieved to find you safe and sound, and with the prince.” “I insisted she keeps me company. This castle is big but a bit boring with you guys so far away. Come in, eat with us.” Orion closed the door behind him and took a seat, right next to me. He grabbed a strawberry and took a slow bite. His rage radiated off him like a fire. I had more than disobeyed him this time. It made me wonder just how bad it would be this time. He could get away with a lot considering how secluded our room was. The only way anyone could hear was if they were right outside the door. Orion smiled at me as he finished. “Why did you stop, Willow? Eat. We’ve all had such a rough day. Enjoy yourself.” Ash grinned and joined in but I found it hard to take another bite. The apples had turned dry and bitter in my mouth but I forced myself to swallow them. I even took a cube of cheese and swallowed it down. As I ate in silence Orion chit-chatted with the prince making the other laugh. Jealousy jolted through me but there was nothing I could do no release for my pain. All too soon Orion had devoured most of the food. “Sire, it’s getting late. I think it best I escort Willow back to her quarters so we can all get some rest.” Ash nodded. “Good luck sleeping on the floor, bud.” Orion chuckled along. “I’m’ not that old, Sire. I’ll be fine. As long as our Willow is comfortable that’s all that matters.” I rose and took my place behind Orion. I didn’t even look at Ash as we exited the room. I couldn’t bring myself to. As we got further away from the door Orion grabbed me and pushed me hard into the stone wall. He had to have been livid to risk his facade like this. “I’m sorry,” I whispered trying to stave it off. The slap reverberated off my face before I even felt it. My cheek stung and I hid my surprise. The face was usually off limits. “Sorry?” He whispered as his nails dug into my arms his breath was a hiss as he pushed me further back into the stone until I felt it grating. “Not yet, my dear Willow, but you’re going to be sorry,” he promised. As he stepped away and pushed me forward so I walked in front of him I agreed with him. I really would be sorry this time.
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