Chapter 12 - Jaed

860 Words
“Jaed, I’m going to go get Jane. I’m going to ask you to stay here. I will fill you in on everything when I return.” A portal opens and finally he’s gone. I stay seated and let my thoughts roam. I kept them caged while Michael was here, scared of what I might do or say, but now they fly out of their own accord. Jon, Mikkas, Kadis, Michael, Alya, Jane. Everything that has happened and everything that has been told to me, assaults me in a jumble of emotions. I feel my nails biting into my palms and realize that I’m clenching my fists. I force my hands to relax and rub at the indents left behind. I’m tired. I’m tired of everything. Tired of not knowing, tired of being angry, but mostly tired of being alone. No, I’m exhausted.  I make my way to the bedroom and stare at the bed.  Michael’s bed. My bitter laugh falls heavily in the silence. What a joke. Like I ever had a chance to follow that road. Even if he didn’t do what he did, it just wouldn’t work. I see that now. He would never sway that far, he’s too bound-up in rules. I’m just a means to the end. And that’s all you’ll ever be. I drop heavily onto the covers and lay staring at the wall. The stupid thing is is that Zean warned me. Sure he did it to hurt me, but he did warn me. A thin trail of tears fall to the pillow and I angrily wipe them away.  What the hell is wrong with me?! And this is the second time it’s happened. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. I can’t even describe it. Anger, hate, lust, and betrayal I understand. But this, this is something else. And I hate myself for it. -------------------- I wake up in darkness. I can feel my heart pound in my chest when I don’t recognize the room I’m in. The feeling fades when I realize where I am. Michael’s room. A growl from my stomach reminds me that I haven’t eaten since Alya’s. My stomach rumbles again and I wander back into the kitchen. Michael said there was food, but so far I’m not seeing anything but coffee. What I wouldn’t give to have some of Alya’s stew right now. Why not get some then? Could I go? Michael didn’t specifically tell me to stay here, he just asked me to. I go over the rules of my binding and see no problem in going. Plus I’m starving. Michael would be ok with me going to get food, as long as I come back quickly and do no harm when I’m gone. I open a portal to Alya’s place and step through. A familiar smell hits me as I appear on the other side and my stomach goes from rumbling in hunger to turning in fear. The lights are off and the shadows twist and turn in my peripheral. I can hear my heart pound in my ears as I try to look in all directions at once. One shadow detaches itself from a kitchen chair and stalks towards me. Stepping back, I trip and fall. My body refuses to listen and I end up scrambling backwards on my ass as the shadow approaches me slowly. I hit the wall and squeeze my eyes shut. It’s not real! It’s not real! But the feeling of terror doesn’t leave. I force myself to peek through my lashes. Nothing! “Are you done?” A voice drifts from the darkness. My jaw is locked tight or I would have screamed. But all that comes out is more of a whimper. The shadow at the table shifts again. “Pathetic. Weak.” The shadow waves it’s (hand?) dismissively at me.  “Even the disgusting human put up a fight,” it casually kicks the pile that I tripped on, “but you, a Demon, can’t even stand and face me. Coward.” The pile shifts with the blow and a hand falls into the puddle on the floor. I can see my crawl marks through the puddle. My skin crawls as my brain connects the dots. The shadow turns it’s head in my direction, and I can’t look away as it steps over the body of Alya. Walking towards me it leaves a trail of bloody footprints. “I always knew you were weak. I can’t understand why I never saw it before. But now, now I see. We were all weak, but not now. Now I am free.” Kadis crouches down beside me, and pulls me to my feet. He holds me up and I feel his fingertips run along my arm. He chants an incantation. The words are all too familiar to me, as I have repeated them myself many times. I finally get my legs and arms to listen, but it's too late. I can only stare in horror at the sadistic grin on Kadis' face as he brands his mark on my arm.  “And you, my friend, you will take me to her.”

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