Searching for answers

1387 Words

"I'm glad to announce Freddy's recovery. He is slowly gaining security around people and his IQ is unbelievable." Dad exclaimed on the phone. I was seating next to the coffee table doing some home works when I heard Dad on the phone. "No Botch, I don't believe those s**t and he doesn't have any problems as such. He is perfect just a little bit twisted but he is still good and I seriously believe that before the end of this year he would be better." Dad said while putting on a bright smile. Problems? What problems did the person on the other line mean? I thought. Maybe they knew Freddy was a psycho, and dad won't just believe them. I watch him as he hung his phone and turned around when he'd noticed me he flashed a smile. I seized the opportunity to speak out. "Dad? Are you sure Fredd

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