
1864 Words
“Hey are you ok?” I asked. Isabelle was trembling. I saw how they treated her in the lunch room. Took everything I had not to snap those humans necks for harming her. Isabelle is so beautiful. She is so beautiful with her short brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a body to die for. She smelled like rain and roses. I followed her to make sure she was ok. "Yeah I’m ok” she replied as she sniffled. Mate is crying again. Go kill them for hurting our mate. I wanted to but because of our laws we can not harm humans. I wrapped her in my arms and held her. She stiffened at first then relaxed. When she pulled away I heard her sniffle. Mate likes our touch, hold her again, my wolf responded. I wish I could but she does not know we are mates or that we are werewolves I reminded him. It felt so good to hold Isabelle in my arms. I hate the way her brother and his friend Alex look at her. It’s honestly very disturbing. “Cosette, I need you to go with me to Isabelle’s home and see if she’s ok after school please. Something doesn’t feel right” I mind linked my sister after we got to class. “I’ll meet you after school. You can follow me there” she replied. No one better harm my Isabelle. She’s mine and I’ll protect her no matter what. No one better touch our mate, my wolf, Dexter said. I agree is all I responded. I could feel he was on edge. After the bell I jumped into my truck and followed Cosette to Isabelle’s home. The edgy feeling only got worse today. I had to hurry so I mind linked Cosette “We need to get there faster, please step on it.” We sped towards Cosette’s home and I jumped out of my truck. I ran up the stairs and knocked. “No answer. I can smell her here though.” Cosette opened the door using the spare key. Isabelle had told her where it was. I ran upstairs following her scent. I heard voices and could smell Alex and Tyler in the attic with Isabelle. I broke the door down and couldn’t believe my eyes. “You sick bas****s! Get the f*** away from her now before I kill you.” I ran over and knocked them both out. “We need to call the police, she needs help!” Cosette was next to Isabelle crying. She was in bad shape. “Let’s take her to the pack doctor and I’ll have someone get all of her stuff and move her to the pack house.” I carefully picked Isabelle up in my arms and rushed to my truck. These bas****s are going to pay. I mind linked my dad while driving to the pack doctor. "Dad we have a problem. I am on my way to the pack doctor with my mate. I will explain more when we get there.” “I will be waiting for you there son” my dad answered. He knows Isabelle is my mate. My parents are overjoyed that she is my mate. They have always treated her like family since they first met her. She has such an amazing personality and a fire in her that can’t be helped but envied. We made it to the pack hospital in 10 minutes. Doc was waiting and rushed her to a room. My dad was standing there, rage in his eyes when he saw the condition Isabelle was in. "What did they do to her?” He asked. So I explained what i saw when I busted the attic door open. “Good thing you listened to your instinct son and got there in time.” He saw I was still shaking as he pulled me into a hug. “She will be ok son. Go be with her. I have some phone calls to make. I will come back later to check on you and Isabelle.” That was odd Dexter said. Yes it was very odd. I wonder what he has up his sleeve. He was very enraged over seeing our mate in her condition, I replied. I walked to the exam room as Doc was coming out. “Doc, is she ok?” "She was whipped and has severe lacerations on her back. She also has cuts and bruises everywhere. We checked and she was not penetrated so she is still intact. However, I’m not sure she would have been much longer if you had gotten there a second too late. She is resting now, but you may go in.” "Thank you Doc” I replied as i went into her room. Isabelle was laying on her stomach. I sat down next to her. “Oh Isabelle, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I sensed something wrong but I couldn’t get there fast enough. I will be here waiting for you and make sure no one harms you. Rest my sweet Isabelle.” There was a knock at the door then appeared my dad. “Son we need to have a meeting about what has happened to Isabelle.”Doc came in to check vitals and her bandages. “Alpha Stevens” Doc said and bowed his head. “I need to speak to both of you in the hall please.” My father and I both followed him. “I ran her blood, and she’s not human. I am not sure why she is with a human family but she is a werewolf.” Doc turned to me. “Eric she will be very fragile for a bit and will likely have ptsd from her traumatic experience. Please speak to her about counseling to help her move forward in her life.” With that he walked away. "Let’s go talk dad so I can get back to Isabelle before she wakes up.” "I mind linked Cosette to come sit with her while we have our meeting” dad said. I was so lucky to have my dad and my mom. They have always been so supportive of me and my sister. We walked into dad’s office and his beta, Bruce, was sitting there already along with my mom, Luna Joselyn, and our elder and my grandmother, elder Christine. “Oh Eric, I’m so sorry to hear about Isabelle. How is she?” mom asked. “We need to all sit and talk about Isabelle and what happened to her and what happens moving forward.” Dad had his alpha face on. I sat and told them the events of what happened today and how I found Isabelle. “Those sick bas****s. And her own brother?” My mom was extremely upset and ready to rip heads off. “Doc said she is not human. He ran a blood test and she is a werewolf. Although, I am not sure why her wolf hasn't surfaced. I wonder how often she has been abused in her home.” I just couldn’t understand how anyone could treat someone like they had and I don’t even know everything. Then my dad says, “Cosette knows more about her circumstances at her home and what she’s been living with.” I wasn’t shocked that my sister knew. I was shocked she hadn’t said anything before about it. Maybe she didn’t know how truly bad it was for Isabelle. I walked back to the hospital to be with my mate. On my way to see Isabelle I got a phone call. “Hello?” "I will find that dirty sl** and bring her back and finish what I started.” Then the line went dead. I rushed to Isabelle to find her still resting. I mind linked dad about the phone call. “They blocked the number so I couldn't figure out who it was.” “I will have more patrol added.” I am pretty sure it was Alex. I really hate that guy and Tyler.” It’s been 3 days since I rescued Isabelle. She still has not woken up. I help keep her bandages changed so she can heal properly. Doc informed us that she had several fractures on her cheeks bones from being hit so hard. We also found out that she has been given small doses of wolfsbane to keep her wolf from coming to the surface. I look at Isabelle and wondered how she had survived this long with everything she has been through. I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. How did she end up in a family of humans? Dexter asked me. I do not know but we will find out. I turned to my father, “We need to get to the bottom of all of this. Why has she been living with a human family? Why have they been giving her wolfsbane? The are just humans, how would they know about it?” I said. Dad nodded, “We will get to the bottom of this. She can stay here. Bruce has had an omega set up the room next to yours for Isabelle. She will be between yours and Cosette’s rooms.” Bruce is my dad’s beta. He’s a good beta and he’s always looked after Cosette and Isabelle. A knock on the door made us turn to see Doc coming into the room to do his routine checkup on Isabelle. "Doc, when do you think she will wake up?” Dad asked him before I could. He was such a great alpha. I hope I can fill his shoes when I take over. “The IV should be clearing out the wolfsbane soon and then she should start healing at wolf speed. She should be waking up any time now. I’m sure she will be in shock when she does. Try to go slow with her as she has suffered a lot.” Doc looked at me. I nodded as I understood. Cosette came and brought me food and clothes along with my bathroom supplies. “Goddess you stink! Go take a shower I will sit with Izzy for a bit. It’s not up for debate.” "I’ll be back shortly. Thank you Cosette!” I knew I needed a shower. I was glad my dad had added more patrol and even added guards outside the hospital for extra protection. Luckily there was a shower in the hospital room. When the hospital was built the bathrooms were added because when members are hurt, their mates do not leave their sides and they can get a bit smelly. I got in the shower and my muscles relaxed and I sighed in relief. I kept thinking about what all has happened. Soon I was done and walked out to find food. My stomach growled and Cosette laughed. “I figured you haven’t eaten much so I had food brought here for you.” I ran my hand on the back of my neck, “yeah, Ive been preoccupied. Thanks sis.”
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