'Your Majesty...'

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"And just when she thought she had seen everything, life brought the upside down once more and she... Became strong!" ~two months later~ Cora's pov It has been two months since I met Mischa and came with him to Russia.  Two months that I am living in a small castle with him, his younger sister, Rosana and some of his servants. Mischa is a great and very kind man. He is 23 years old and he treats me like I am his sister. He and Rosana helped me a lot with everything. He asked from a teacher to come and give me lessons here at this castle, he helps me with my studies, he took me to some doctors for my wounds and he brought me everything I need. He is also training me in order to get stronger and feel better with myself and my body. Mischa is one of the strongest lycanthropes and in a high rank. It's a duke for them, very wealthy and respectful. His and Rosana's parents are alive but two years ago they decided to pass their title to him and get away from everything for some time to get rest and spend time with each other. I have talked with them some times and they are both very sweet and caring with me. They also have companies and hotels here in Russia and some other cities in America and Mischa is taking care of the most of them as well as his duties as a duke of the lycanthropes. Rosana is 20 years old and like a sister for me. She is blonde with big dark green eyes and a beautiful body. She is helping me as well and she is getting trained with me from Mischa. Most of our free time we watch movies, we go shopping and walking with guards accompanying us. They both haven't found their mates until now and they have a very strong bond. I am like a like a natural member of their family and they know everything about me and my past. Mischa got very angry when I told them how I had been being treated and wanted to kill Owen, Noah and my father but I asked him to forget about them if he wants to help me. They assured me that nothing is going to happen to me from now on and they will never leave my side. I feel very good with them, I manage to forget and start all over again erasing the past from my memory. Also, I accepted Noah's rejection and after some minutes with the worst pain I have ever felt I got up on my feet stronger than before and more optimistic.  I cried a lot for Miles, I know I will never get over the pain from his loss but I am getting used to it and I try to keep myself busy with other things when I think about him. I do it because if I continue crying every night I will get crazy or I will try to die again and I promised I won't. Except from Mischa and Rosana I have some more people that love and help me. These people are the most trusted servants we have at the castle and know Mischa and Rosana from when they were babies and raised them with their parents. The guards are also very protective with me and ask me if I need anything all the time like I am a child but I like their loyalty and affection. Tonight I am turning 18 and I haven't tell anyone about it as I am not ready to celebrate or go partying. I am sure that they would have held a party for me and I am not in mood for all these things. I stare outside my window and smile. It is beautiful here. The castle is in the mountains and everything around is covered with snow as we are in the middle of the winter. It is peaceful and quiet, the view is breathtaking and I love playing snowball at the garden with Rosana and the guards while it is snowing some evenings. My room in next to Rosana's at the top floor of the castle. It is very big and cozy. The colors I decided I wanted it to be are dark green, black, grey and white. My bed is a black double king's size bed with a soft mattress and velvet dark green covers and lots of pillows. I also have a big office with a pc and everything else I need for my homework and a library full of books. The walls are light grey and white with lots of modern paintings and there is a big modern fireplace right opposite my bed. I also have a small living room and a massive dresser which Rosana supplied with makeup products and jewels. My closet and my bathroom are two separate rooms and their doors are on the right and left side of my bed respectively. I sigh pleased from the day and walk to my bed. It is late and I need some rest as today Mischa trained us one more extra hour. Once I reach two steps away from the bed I jump on it and giggle lightly. I cover myself and bury my face in the pillows. I take a deep breath and soon I fall asleep... ~two hours later~ I open my eyes and stiffen from the pain I feel all over my body. "Mischa this is your fault!" I murmur annoyed and turn around trying to ignore it and fall asleep again. The pain is not decreasing, it is growing and soon I jump and stand up ready to go downstairs and ask for a painkiller. I don't reach the door because a big wave of pain hits all over my body and I fall on the floor screaming and asking for help. God! This is a lot! "Cora what is wrong?" Rosana asks rushing in my room panicked. "Make it stop! The pain is killing me." I scream shaking. "Mischa!" Rosana yells and gets out of the room running. "What the hell?!" I scream when the pain grows even more. "Cora you are shifting!" Mischa shouts getting inside the room with Rosana and one from the oldest servants behind him. It can't be, my wolf is dead. She never came the last two years, she is not alive.  I scream and cry, I try to breathe but I can't. As the time passes I am in more pain and some minutes later I feel my bones cracking. I open my eyes widely and let out the loudest scream I have ever made and feel ready to pass out. She is here, my bones are cracking, I am shifting!? "Cora be patient just a bit longer. It is almost done, try to breathe, your wolf is almost here!" Mischa shouts kneeled next to me trying to make me focus on his words. "Ouch!" I scream and I feel ready to die as the pain is out of every level. I fall on the ground completely and close my eyes leaving my whole body free from my control. I stop resisting the pain, I feel nothing. I stay like this for I don't know how much time when the pain slowly stops. "Finally Cora!" a deep female's voice says and I open my eyes slowly. Mischa and Rosana with the servant are staring at me shocked with their mouths and eyes widely open.  What is happening? "Nothing is wrong dear!" the same voice tells me. "Who are you?" I ask out loud. "You don't have to talk out loud. I can hear your thoughts." "Who are you?" I say inside myself and listen to her giggling. "Cynthia." "I am Cora. I thought I had lost my wolf..." "Wolf? Who told you that you are werewolf honey?" she asks and appears in front of me from the back of my mind. "You are a lycanthrope Cora. And not any lycanthrope." "What do you mean?" I ask still confused and dizzy from the pain. "Stand up, see ourselves and you will soon know." I nod unwillingly and try to stand up. I manage to stand on my feet with a bit difficulty as everything is too sore and look my paws amused. They are the darkest red there is and they are enormous. I lift my head up and look Mischa. He is pale with a big smile on his face. Next to him Rosara is shocked and the servant whose name is Mollie is crying emotional. I take one step closer to them and Misha walks to me slowly. "I can't believe it's you. I know why you were so familiar to me from the first time I saw you. Cora I am so happy for you!" he says and points the mirror on my dresser behind me. I turn slowly and stop staring at me speechless. I am enormous and my fur is so thick, soft and shines under the light. My eyes are light blue and they are big and expressive. They are no wolves or lycans with this dark red color. It is darker than my hair but still it is obvious that it is not black or brown... "How?" I ask Cynthia still amused. "We are not a usual lycanthrope, we are not like the others, that's why." "But how?" "You will soon know. They will explain you later." "Thank you for not being dead!" I whisper ready to cry. "I was never dead but I know everything. We have a lot to talk about my lady. I am happy we are together, I am here now, don't worry about a thing." I nod to her and turn again to Mischa. I walk to him and rub my head on him. I reach his chest, I am too tall. He caresses my head and I hear his voice in my mind. "It's an honor I found you, Your Majesty!" "Your what?" I scream surprised. "You are the next Queen of the lycanthropes Cora. You are our lost Princess' daughter!" he says and I gasp. Shit! ~next day~ "Mischa I told you it can't be me!" I yell for the 100th time from last night. "This mark on your shoulder and your color prove it. You look like the Queen, your mother's name was Nadia, everything leads there." He explains once more and I sigh desperate. I turn and look the mark I have on my right shoulder from after I shifted last night.  It's a crown.  I get up from my bed and look myself in the mirror. My eyes are lighter blue now, just like Cynthia's and I have no other marks on my body. She healed even the smallest mark I had from the abuse I was suffering for years immediately. "And what if I am?" I ask terrified. "You are and you will be our Queen!" Rosana states and I cough surprised. "Are you kidding me?" I yell. "No, I am not. And now get ready because we are leaving." Mischa announces and stands up. "Where are we going?" "To the Palace. Your aunt and grandpa want to see you immediately." "Have you lost your mind, you didn't even tell me, I can't go." I shout panicked. "Cora will you come or I will drag you there?" he yells serious. "Stop telling me what to do!" I scream but it is not me, it is Cynthia who took control without my permission. Fuck! My lycan is crazy and dominat! "Your Majesty I am sorry but her Royal Highness can't wait. She is very happy." He explains and bows. "Leave me, I will get ready and I will come down in a while." Mischa and Rosana bow and get out of the room quickly. "And now we are alone Cynthia. What did you do? I don't want to go!" I scream. "Oh shut up Cora. It's in our blood. Nothing and no one is going to stop us. Stop being afraid and trust me, I am here!" she says through her teeth with determnination. I just nod and she gives me control again. "We have to get ready..." ~two hours later~ I am walking through a big, long corridor with a long, red carpet with portraits on the right and left side on the walls and golden ornamentals and chandeliers everywhere up to small shelves.  A tall, grey haired man near his 60's is leading me and next Mischa and Rosana to the throne room. He is dressed in a dark red uniform and he is very elegant. Once he saw me at the palace's entrance he bowed with tears on his eyes and told me he knew my mother. We are almost in front of the throne's room's entrance and I start getting panicked.  Shit! I am wearing an elegant dark green dress that reaches my knees, black high heels, I have a light makeup and my hair that now reaches a bit above my shoulders are straight and simple as always. Mischa and Rosana are formal dressed as well and they look happy and proud. We stop some steps away from the door and the man turns and smiles to me warmly. "It is time Your Majesty." Your Majesty... I hate it already! I am not a Princess damn it! I shake my head a bit nervously and take a deep breath. The man opens the door, walks some steps in front of me and bows. "Your Royal Highness, Her Majesty is here with Duke Mischa Pavlov and Duchess Rosana Pavlov." He says and leaves at the right side of me bowing. I stare in front of me terryfied and freeze.  A woman near her 35's with long dark red hair like mine, light blue eyes, dressed in a long formal velvet dress stands up from her throne and smiles. She is beautiful, the golden crown on her head is shining and next to her, on her left a tall man, near his 55's with dark grey hair and light blue eyes is crying.  I stay observing them amused, I mean she looks like me, it is true... "моя маленькая роза" she says and I blink my eyes confused yet surprised. "It means my little rose." Mischa whispers behind me. "Cora?" the man of the throne says and walks to me quickly. I stay at my place until he reaches me and pulls me in his arms crying and murmuring. I hug him back instinctually and Cynthia howls excited. The Queen walks to us and stares at me breathless. "Our little girl!" she says with her deep strong voice and a harsh accent. The former King breaks our hug and she takes one step to me. She smiles, raises her hand and caresses my cheek with her soft warm hands. I close eyes and one tear of me falls on her hand. "Thanks Goddess we found you!" she whispers and pulls me in her embrace. "Welcome home baby! We are together now!" she continues. "Is it true?" I whisper still confused. "Yes my little rose. You are our Nadia's daughter, our heir, our blood, our little girl!" the former King says smiling relieved. "Come baby, let's sit!" she whispers and leads me to the three thrones at the end of the room. I sit on the throne on her right, she sits in the middle and my grandpa, I mean the King on my left. They both smile at me and turn to Mischa and Rosana. The guys bow and the Queen signs for them to come closer. They stop some meters away and bow again smiling. "Mischa, Rosana thank you for everything you did for us and the Kingdom. Thank you for taking care of your Princess and bringing her to us when you found out who she is." The Queen says. "Your Royal Highness, it is an honor. Thank you for trusting us." Mischa replies proud and I smile to him thankfully. My aunt turns her gaze to me and takes my hand in hers. "You are just like Tania. So sweet and pretty!" "Um... Thank you Your Royal Highness!" I say and feel that I am blushing. "No baby. You don't have to call me like this when we are not somewhere formal. Now I am aunt Alena and this is your grandpa Nikolai. Okay my little rose?" she asks smiling brightly and I nod. "We lost your mother when she was 10 years old. I was 12 back then, we tried to find her but we never managed to get close to her trails again. We felt her death because as a royal family we have a strong bond. We had never thought she had a daughter!" she explains emotional and with her free hand caresses my cheek looking at me with adoration. "I know she found my father when she was 16. He saved her from some rogues and he thought she was human. They fell in love immediately, he adored her. She gave birth to my older brother some months later and she got pregnant on me again almost immediately. She died before she turns 18 and trying to give birth to me, I am sorry." I say and lower my gaze on the floor ashamed. "Cora?" my grandpa says softly and kneels in front of me. "We love you, you are the only thing we have from her and she would be happy that we are together now. Don't blame yourself honey, she did what every mother would have done. Now we start from the beginning! You have us!" He whispers and kisses my hand as I am smiling relieved. Cynthia purrs proud and shakes her tail. "I think that you have to tell them about the rest of your story Your Majesty..." Rosana says awkwardly breaking the silence and I bite my lower lip nervously. She is... Right? "What is it my little rose?" my aunt asks me worried. I take a deep breath and begin. This is going to be bad...  ~some time later~ "... And then I found Mischa and he took me with him to his castle and treated me with Rosana like their sister." Once I stop my grandpa stands up and starts shouting and cursing in Russian and I don't get a thing. My aunt is crying emotionally and caresses my back gently. "Give me their names now!" my grandpa roars shaking from anger. "Father calm down, you are scaring her." My aunt says calmly and this seems to have an effect as he slowly calms down while taking deep breaths. "I am sorry my little rose. I am so sorry you had to live all of these alone." He tells me and again kneels in front of me. "It's ok, I am better now." I whisper with some tears. "No, it is not okay baby. They almost killed you, my sister would have killed them if she was alive!" my aunt replies with wary. "I just don't want to see them again or next time I see them I want to kneel them down and keep them away from me and you." I say and instantly start feeling stronger inside me. "That's my future Queen!" Cynthia howls with pride. "You will become the best, you will become the unique sovereign, they will all bow in front of you my little rose." My grandpa assures me and my aunt nods. "I think we have to meet you one more person..." She states and raises her eyebrows meaningful to my grandpa who smiles and nods in approval. "Yes?" I say curiously. "We didn't know about you and we were thinking about giving the title to someone else. He is the next in line for the throne and now that you are here he won't become the King of course. He stays here with us, his parents died some years ago. We trained him to be ready but now..." my aunt explains and pauses. I stare at them with open mouth surprised and Mischa and Rosana have a weird expression on their faces. This is not so good I guess... "...he will be your main trainer. He is the best and the most appropriate." My grandpa ends her phrase and I feel my heart beating fast from the nervousness. Shit, again! Why I don't have a good feeling about this situation and this man? "You will see why..." Cynthia whispers through her teeth angrily. "Yes, kill me more Cynthia!" I yell. "I told you I AM HERE! Don't be afraid or anything or anyone!" she roars. I nod a bit anxious and sign for my aunt to continue. "As I was saying he is the best fighter there is and he knows everything related to the Kingdom and the whole package of duties. We will supervise him and we will train you too but he will be your main trainer." "Your Royal Highnesses, Your Majesty, Archduke Ivan Konstantinof is here." The man from before says and bows. "Let him." My aunt orders and gives me a pointing smile. The door opens and a tall man with big arms, well-trained body, imposing presence and confidence walks inside the room, bows immediately and walks steadily and slowly to us with an elegant and charming air. He is wearing an expensive, too elegant dark grey suit, white shirt and a black tie.  As he gets closer I can distinguish his features and I stiffen awkward. His hair is quite short, black, well stylist, his eyes are big, light green with a permeating glance, his skin looks perfect with bears of few days, full lips with a strong jaw and long neck.  He doesn't even stare at me or Mischa and Rosana. He is looking straight at me aunt and once he reaches some meters away from us he stops and bows. "Your Royal Highnesses, You asked for me." He says and my whole body shudders from his deep, strong, husky, clear voice. What is this now? "Focus Cora!" I say to myself and Cynthia murmurs annoyed. "Yes Ivan. We have some good news. We want to announce you that we found Princess Nadia's daughter, the next Queen of the Lycanthropes, my niece Cora Petrov." Once my aunt ends he turns his gaze on me with a black expression and observes my whole body seriously and slowly making my heart beat faster and my body shudder. His eyes stop on mine and I am sure I can see the hatred in them, if we were alone he would have killed me already but his eyes are so beautiful and magical... We stay like this for some more time before he clears his throat and bows in front of me mechanically. "Your Majesty." He says through his teeth. "Ivan, you are going to be Cora's main trainer. We want you to make her just like you. Teach her everything we taught you and take care of her. You are not leaving, you are staying here. Is there any problem with this?" my aunt asks. "No Your Royal Highness. Your wish is my command. I will take great care of our Princess and I will teach her everything." He says and turns his gaze again to me. "I think..." my grandpa begins and we turn and look at him. "That we have to ask Cora if she needs anyone else next to her." I smile and look Mischa and Rosana meaningfully as they stare at me confused and nervous. "Can I have Duke Mischa as my personal guard and protector and Duchess Rosana here with me? They can take care of their companies and duties from here, can't they?" I ask impatiently. "They saved me, they are my brothers, I think they deserve it." I add smiling. My aunt nods smirking and turns to Mischa. "Do you accept? I won't pressure you." They both bow immediately and smile. "Of course we do Your Royal Highness. Her Majesty is our sister, it's an honor for us!" Mischa states. I get up and run to them excited. I hug them both and they giggle. I stop when I feel Ivan's eyes on me and turn my gaze on him discreetly to see his jaw clenching slightly. I stiffen a bit and look at my aunt and grandpa who are both smiling pleased. "Ivan, can you please lead Cora to her new room between mine and yours? I have to discuss about some duties that Mischa and Rosana will have from now on with them and my father. Cora must be tired and it is a good opportunity to get to know each other better." My aunt says softly. "As you wish Your Royal Highness." He replies and bows. "Your Majesty, shall we?" he asks me and raises his hand for me to start. I just nod and after I smile to everyone I turn and walk out of the room with Ivan behind me. Once the door closes he places his hand on my back and makes my whole body shudder. I jump up surprised and stop. I take one step away from him and he smirks wickedly.  He really hates me, I am taking the throne from his hands what was I waiting? "Shall we?" he asks patiently. I nod and start walking again, he places his hand on my back once more but this time as much as I want to move away I hold myself and stay on my ground next to him. "That's my girl, show him our strength!" Cynthia growls frustrated. After some minutes of walking up some stairs and floors we reach the top floor in complete silence and he leads me to the end of the corridor. He points the last door and we continue. We are less that two meters away from my new room's door when he suddenly pins me on the wall on my right and presses his hard body on mine staring at me in the eyes.  I don't fight him, the time I was afraid of everything and everyone has stopped, I am not afraid of death, I won't be afraid of him either. I stare back into his eyes without moving or wanting to talk. If he wants something he has to speak first. "Watch out. I will always be one step behind you waiting for one wrong move from you..." he whispers through his teeth. I smirk and push him away from me. Now that I have shifted I am strong and I don't have to try a lot to accomplish it. "Then you should be very patient Ivan..." I whisper, turn and get in my room banging the door behind me.  This is a threat and I am done being scared...
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