Chapter Two - Should never have been there

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Cole’s P.O.V I rushed away from the girls because I should not have been there with them in the first place. I am sure they were planning some sort of prank on me. Why else would the most beautiful girl in the school talk to someone like me? I kept my head down as I made my way through the school halls. I decided I would go into class twenty minutes early and hide out of the way of everyone. I took my usual seat at the front, right in front of the teacher’s desk. It was the best place to sit; it is where I get less hassle. I grabbed my textbook, deciding to read through it again before our test even though I knew it all. I have always been a persistent person. “You are here early are you not?” I heard a familiar voice giggle. I looked up, seeing Ruby standing at the door, smiling at me. I gave her a shy smile, pushing my glasses up before putting my head back down. I heard her heels click against the floor, the sound of them getting closer to me. Shoot! I was hoping she would leave or head up the back of the class, guess not. I soon saw a figure standing in front of the desk where I was currently sitting. I swallowed hard, slowly lifting my head to look up at her. “Your notes.” She smiled, handing me them. “Did they help?” I asked shyly. “Yes very much thank you, you are a lifesaver, Cole.” She replied, smiling sweetly at me. “No problem,” I said, putting my head back down. I was trying my best not to be such a nervous wreck, but I honestly do not do well around people, especially when they are the opposite s*x. I see her figure disappear, letting go of a breath that I was holding in. I decided to get back to my studying. I soon got distracted from doing that when I felt a presence sitting next to me. A scent soon tickling my nose, she smelt of coconut. “You are not much of a talker are you?” She giggled. Why is she still bothering with me? Is it be kind to a geek day? I sighed, turning to face her once again. Ruby was the closest to me she has ever been, and that’s when I noticed her eyes, they were as blue as the ocean. I found myself getting lost in them for a moment. She tilted her head to the side, wriggled her nose and giggled. I was quick to pull away after that, embarrassed with myself. I must have looked like a complete creep. “Cole?” She said gently. “Yes?” I asked, turning to her, my face probably crimson red by now. “Can you go over some notes with me, please? I think I know what I am doing, just in case, though? Please?” She said, batting her long lashes at me. “OK,” I said I grabbed my notes, spreading them out between the two tables. “Where do you wanna start?” I asked. She had a look around, a worried look on her face. She seemed nervous about it. “Is everything OK?” I asked. “Sorry. I struggle with math sometimes. A lot of numbers and equations don’t make sense to me, but I need it to get into college after graduation.” She said sadly. “I can help you with that if you like?” I said, speaking without thinking. Why did I just say that? I can barely put a full sentence together around her, how am I going to teach her maths? I shook my head, mentally slapping myself at my stupidity. I was hoping she would tell me no. I am sure she has better things to do than getting tutored by me. “You will? That would be amazing, Cole, well if it would not be a bother anyway.” She said, biting on her lower lip, looking at me, a hopeful look in her eye. I can’t tell her no now after I made the offer in the first place. “OK,” I said, a shy smile playing on my lips. “Thank you.” She replied, smiling widely at me. After that, we got to the notes. Ruby reading over them, asking me questions here and there. The bell for the end of lunch soon rang. I rolled my eyes, knowing everyone would be coming into class soon. “When do we start?” She asked. “Whenever you like.” I shrugged. “How about tonight? My house?” She asked. “OK. You will need to give me your address. I can come over about six?” I said. “Sounds good.” She smiled before writing her address down on a sheet of paper, passing it to me. “My number is on there too in case you are running late or need to cancel.” She said. “Um…OK,” I said shyly before turning away, the teacher coming in. I was half expecting her to move to another seat when everyone came in, but she never moved. I see people look at her strangely. The reason being cause she was sitting with me. “Hey, sexy. You up for a repeat of last weekend?” I heard Harry say, looking at Ruby. Ruby rolled her eyes before looking up at him. She put a sexy smirk on her face, motioning him closer to her which he did, nothing unusual there, she always gets what she wants. “No, thank you. I don’t play with the same toy twice in a row.” She said, pushing his chest, making him stumble a little, Ruby giggling. Harry turned, glaring at her. He looked mad, furious, indeed. “b***h!” He hissed at her. “Best b***h around. Run along now, little boy.” She said smugly. I shook my head, rolling my eyes at her. She really can be a b***h at times; then again, Harry isn’t much better than her. I decided to ignore her after that, getting my head right for this test. “You have forty-five minutes to complete this test, starting from as soon as everyone has a paper.” Mr Munro said as he handed them out. Once he everyone had a test,  he took a seat at his desk, telling us to start. I got straight to it, we have forty-five minutes, but it will only take me thirty, math is one of my strongest subjects. Everyone got straight to it. I see a few people seeming to struggle out the corner of my eye, Ruby included. She was chewing on the bottom of her pen, her leg bouncing up and down fast. She must have felt me looking at her because she turned to me, the worry all over her face. I gave her a sympathetic look, feeling a little bad for her. Maybe it would be a good thing if I helped her, especially if she needs it to get into college. I turned back to my test, soon finishing it off. I sat back on my seat, watching her out the corner of my eye. She sighed loudly, running her fingers through her hair, pulling at it. I could tell she was getting frustrated. “Breathe.” I whispered to her, only loud enough for her to hear, making sure the teacher was not watching us, “You can get it.” I added. Ruby turned to face me, an appreciative smile on her lips. I nodded, and she took a deep breath turning back to the test. I smiled a little when I see her put pencil to paper, seeming to get through it. “Time is up, pencils down.” Mr Munro said. The class filled with groans, some people probably not finished it. Mr Munro went around, collecting all the tests. There was only five minutes left of class, people talking amongst themselves. “I think I failed.” I heard Ruby’s voice say from beside me. I turned to face her. “You don’t know that maybe you will be OK.” I smiled. “Hopefully. I am sure with your help I will be an expert in math in no time.” She giggled. “Yeah,” I said, managing a laugh for the first time since being around her. Before either of us had a chance to say anything else the bell rang, everyone soon rushing out. I will wait until everyone leaves before I do. Soon enough, there was only Ruby, and I left in the classroom. “Walk you to Art?” She smiled at me. “Um…yes… OK,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. “Cool. Let’s go.” She said, waiting for me. I threw my backpack over my shoulder, following her out of class. An awkward silence fell between us as we walked to the next class. I could see everyone looking at us, confused and thinking what the heck? Why is she with him? “Text me, that way I have your number if I need it.” She randomly said as we walked the halls. “What like right now?” I asked. “Yes.” She giggled. I nodded, grabbing my phone, typing her number in, sending her a quick text saying hi. “Thank You.” She said in a sing-song voice. I chuckled, pushing my phone back into my bag before entering class. Again like math, Ruby decided she would sit next to me. I am a little confused about why she was persisting on sitting with me. I still think this is some sort of prank or joke, why else would she sit with little old me? Something is off with this full thing. I am sure I will find out eventually. 
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