Chapter Seven

2275 Words
The morning broke in a cold and fog filled scene, dew clinging to the grass around the caravan as the group hurried down the stairs and made their way toward the old man who was busy backing up a large shire horse to a wooden cart that had crates of vegetables next to it ready to be loaded. Reaching the old man, Kurt took hold of the other side of the bridle, helping Bert with the horse whilst Archer rolled up his sleeves and began to stack the crates onto the bed of the cart. Once finished, he lifted Levi and Alyona into the back, instructing them about where to sit so that they would be safe. Kurt made his way to the back, helping his wife up before clambering up himself, leaving Archer to join their driver in the seat behind the horse. Hauling himself up onto the wooden plank that stretched across the front of the cart, the Alpha watched as Bert carefully checked the tethers and straps around the Shire, crooning softly to her before handing her a lump of sugar and ambling slowly back to his seat. Reaching the side, he hefted himself painfully up, dropping heavily into the seat and picking up the reins. ‘You sitting with me then?’ he grumbled without looking over. Archer nodded, ‘yes sir, it was a bit cramped in the back with everyone and I’m a pretty big guy’ he replied respectfully. Bert snorted, ‘just don’t expect entertainment while we travel’ he grouched, ‘I’m not my wife, she talks enough for the both of us.’ Smothering his laughter, Archer nodded again, ‘understood sir, no conversation necessary.’ ‘Stop calling me sir’ the old man muttered in annoyance as he flicked the reins gently, the cart lurching into motion behind the heavy horse. ‘You make me sound like a damn clergy man or some kinda navy officer, my name is Bert.’ ‘Apologies Bert’ Archer replied contritely, ‘I’m Archer, by the way’ he added. Bert huffed, ‘good to know, in case I see you on the top ten most wanted list.’ The journey passed uneventfully, the Alpha starting to nod off from the steady sway of the wagon as they made their way along the country roads. The only excitement being tourists who passed in their cars gushing silently from the other side of their closed windows at the large horse that plodded resolutely onward. Hours passed, the sun was high in the sky when they finally pulled into the small farmers market, Bert drawing the cart to a halt before climbing down and heading to the back where Kurt had already hopped down and was busy helping his wife to the ground. Archer appeared beside them, reaching out for Alyona, who jumped eagerly into his arms. When Levi had also been placed carefully on the path beside them, his mother giving him strict instructions to hold his sister’s hand, Kurt and Archer helped Bert unload the produce and carry it into the market to a large stall. A man in his mid forties came out from behind the piles of fruits and vegetables, holding out his hand to Bert, who grabbed it roughly and gave it a firm shake. ‘Fred, how’s the day been for you?’ Bert asked gruffly. The stallholder laughed heartily, ‘it would have been better if you had got here earlier my friend. I’ve had three women yell at me this morning because I had no cabbages, when will you cave and buy yourself a van? You’d be here in a third of the time.’ Bert frowned, ‘I’m not buying one of those noisy contraptions, Bessie gets me here just fine, and all she costs me is feed and water.’ Fred chuckled, as he raised an eyebrow at the two werewolves who were waiting awkwardly beside the old man, boxes in their hands. ‘Friends of yours Bert? I’m surprised, it took me three years to get you to agree to supply me’ he teased. Bert snorted, ‘May made me give them a lift, you know what she’s like, always seeing the best in people’ he grumbled, giving Archer a pointed look out of the corner of his eye. The stallholder chuckled, and waved his arm to the side of him, ‘just put them there boys, Bert, come with me, I’ll sort out your pay for you.’ The old man placed his own crates on the ground, turning back to the two young men suddenly and saying, ‘you take care of that family, you here me? Now get going, the Port is down that way’ he muttered, pointing behind them before giving the pair a curt nod and hobbling after the stall holder. Kurt and Archer placed their crates on the ground, turning back and heading toward Kurt’s waiting family. The group meandered through the town until they found a small café. Piling inside, they took a seat, ordering some pastries and coffee from a passing waitress along with some juice for each of the children. Anya stood up, rummaging in her bag until she found the small baby bag she needed for Georgio and headed into the back to the baby changing room. Watching his wife’s retreating back, Kurt made sure that she was out of ear shot before turning back to Archer with concern. ‘Alpha, how are we going to get out of the country without passports?’ he asked in a low voice. Archer frowned as he tapped his fingers on the table, ‘I’m not sure’ he muttered, ‘we really only have two choices, find a ship that needs workers that will allow your family to travel with us, or I’ll need to buy you passage on a boat heading to the US.’ Nodding silently, Kurt sat back again as his wife rejoined the table, rearranging herself so that the baby could feed un-noticed. Soon the waitress was back with their food and drinks, the group devouring everything hungrily, leaving the money on the table as they got up to leave. Heading down to the port, the group walked along the many ships, cargo boats and tankers, looking over the crew. Halting, Archer dropped his voice, pushing some money into Anya’s hand as he muttered, ‘take the children and get an ice cream.’ Anya nodded slowly, ushering her children away from the pair as Archer straightened his back and walked toward a large cargo boat that was loading crates stamped with various US states. Calling out to a young lad who looked to still be in his teens, Archer beckoned him over. The young lad jogged toward them, glancing at Kurt quizzically before bringing his attention to Archer. ‘Yes sir, what can I do you for?’ he asked. Archer grinned down at him, ‘do you know if your captain is hiring?’ he replied confidently. The young boy tilted his head slightly, looking over Archer’s well tailored clothes and the expensive watch that was peeking out from under his jacket. ‘You want to work on the boat?’ he questioned dubiously, ‘I don’t think the captain needs an accountant or anything.’ Archer laughed loudly, ‘no son, we want to work in any capacity that’s available. Don’t let the fancy threads fool you, there’s a hard worker under these fine clothes.’ The boy nodded slowly, ‘we did have two men not show up yet and we are due to push out in an hour’ he said slowly, ‘I’ll get the Captain for you.’ Grinning warmly, Archer rocked on his heels as the lad ran back to the boat, climbing up the gangplank and disappearing inside. Moments later he came out, returning to his work as a greying haired man with a sleeve of tattoo’s walked down the gangplank and came toward them. Stopping in front of the pair, the older man eyed them suspiciously, ‘my lad says you are looking for work’ he drawled, his voice raspy as he took a puff from a cheap cigarette that was gripped between two fingers of his left hand. Archer nodded, ‘yes sir, my friend Kurt and I are in need of a job, we are strong and we work hard.’ The Captain coughed roughly as he perused them both, ‘no offence boy, but you don’t look like the kind of guy who works on a boat’ he replied hoarsely. Archer grinned, ‘I may look like I have soft hands, but I can pull my weight’ he said confidently. ‘Can you now, well, we are loading up those crates and we are behind schedule. If you two can help these boys to finish loading and securing the cargo in the next sixty minutes, I might just accept a couple of greenhorns on my vessel.’ Archer nodded, beckoning to Kurt, who fell into step beside him, heading to the smaller crates that the sailors were lifting between two and staggering up the plank, whilst a large crane was raising palletted loads and swinging them onto the deck where they were guided into the hold. Archer grabbed one of the small boxes, lifting it easily, Kurt copying him and the two jogged up the plank, over to the hold and placed them inside with the others. The workers gaped at them open mouthed but the two werewolves ignored the surprise, hurrying back and forth until the entire collection of crates was safely stacked in the hold. ‘Tie it down boys’ Archer called out to the men, four of them hurrying over to the hold and strapping the crates as Archer headed back to the Captain who had come out scratching his head. ‘How did you do that kid, those crates weigh forty kilos each’ he demanded. Archer shrugged, ‘I was trained to lift weights from a young child, Kurt too, it’s just conditioning of the body’ he replied smoothly. The Captain held out his hand, Archer grasping it tightly, ‘well welcome aboard The Riptide’ he ground out, ‘you two earned yourself a job.’ Archer grinned widely, ‘thank you sir’ he started. ‘The name’s Connor, but you can call me Cap, they all do’ he barked roughly. ‘Cap, thank you for employing us, we do have one more favour though’ Archer continued. Connor raised an eyebrow, ‘oh yeah, and what would that be?’ he asked. ‘Kurt here has a family’ Archer started, as the Captain groaned, ‘the wife is a good cook, she can keep the men fed while we are at sea, and the kids will stay in the cabin or in the galley. He can’t leave them behind, they got kicked out of their house, asshole of a landlord changed the locks on them, couldn’t even get their furniture or clothes . . ‘ Archer watched him hopefully as the older man rubbed his hand down his face in exasperation. ‘Fine, they can come’ he growled, ‘but those kids need to stay inside, it’s dangerous on a boat, and I’m not having my licence pulled for no-one. Their upkeep comes out of your pay as well, you hear me? No-one gets a free ride on my ship.’ Archer nodded, ‘absolutely Cap, you won’t even see the kids, they’ll be good as gold, we swear.’ Grumbling, Connor turned back to the cabin as Kurt hurried down the gangplank and rushed over to his family who were waiting nervously, leading them back to the ship. Levi’s eyes widened as he took in the huge vessel, ‘are we going on there Alpha?’ he breathed in awe. Archer ruffled the young boy’s hair affectionately, ‘we are indeed mate’ he agreed before kneeling down between the children and adding quietly, ‘but while we are on the ship, you have to stay in the cabin or with your mum in the kitchen. You can’t wander off ok? That’s an order from your Alpha.’ Levi and Alyona gulped as they nodded, ‘yes Alpha’ they replied. Standing up again, Archer held out his hands to the two kids, who took them eagerly as he led the way inside the boat where the young boy who had spoken to them originally showed them to their rooms. ‘Your friend and his family can have this room. There are only two beds so you’ll have to make do’ he said hurriedly. Kurt nodded, ‘this is more than adequate, thank you, we are used to small spaces’ he replied before ushering his family into the room and shutting the door. Walking down to the next room, the lad opened the door and stepped back, ‘this is your room, if the two guys who haven’t shown yet don’t turn up, you’ll be bunking alone, if not, you’ll have to share with one of them.’ Archer nodded as he stepped inside and dropped his bag onto the floor. Appreciate it . . uh . . ‘ he faltered. ‘Derek’ the young boy said, holding out his hand, ‘Derek Cooper.’ Archer shook his hand, ‘Archer Black’ he replied, ’it’s good to meet you Derek, I look forward to working with you.' Derek grinned widely, 'you too, Archer' he replied, 'I was sure impressed that you picked up those crates alone. The guys didn't know what to think, we've never seen someone do that before.' The Alpha smiled, 'ahh it just takes hard work and you'd be amazed at what you can train your body to do' he laughed.
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