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Princess NurJahan sultan has sent a message to you. "He will be visiting my chamber tonight. Isn't it?" "How do you know my princess?" She was silent. Aimen Begum was looking at her heartbroken. " I think you should get ready, Nur. Shall I prepare a milk bath for you?". "No need, Amma Jaan, a dead body doesn't need to be decorated and please can you pack all our belongings. Don't pack anything given by Shazeb. Please put all the jewellery given by the sultan in that trunk." "What are you planning, my princess?" "Breaking this bond forever" "I beg your pardon. Princess, are you in your senses? Are you aware of what you are talking about? It's a sin to even utter those words." "It is not a sin, Amma Jaan. My God has given me this right. It would have been a sin if I objected to his marriage, it would have been a sin if I was not considerate and had not given him enough space with his wife." " Amma Jaan, I regret marrying him, I regret being born a princess. His new wife proposed sending me away from this palace to the ruins of old Shabad Mahal. I just have my honour left with me, Amma Jaan. I don't want him to throw me away and be labelled as an abandoned wife. I would prefer being called a divorcee than being a barren deserted wife." Tears were now flowing freely from her eyes. " Nur he would never do that to you, you need to talk to him. He loves you. You are a princess. Life is not easy. You have to make compromises. Your father will kill you if he hears this. ". " What love are you talking about, Amma Jaan? He did not even object when his wife insulted me. He has not even visited me for the past six months. He wants me to go away and trust me. I too want that, but I don't want my name attached to him anymore " " This is not child's play, Nur. These words are good in stories. Don't be adamant. Have patience. You are angry, think with a cool mind." Chand, one of her trusted maids, placed the jewellery trunk in front of her. "I need privacy and don't let anyone in." She ordered the maid, including her foster mother. (Amma Jaan) "I feel so helpless Amma Jaan, I can't see her in this state. She lost all her colour. There was a time when the whole shah Mahal used to light up with her smile. This looks like a graveyard now" chand was also sobbing. Deep down, Amma Jaan knew Nur was planning this for a long time. Now she knows the reason behind her visit to Islamic scholars. Aimen Begum, who was a widow, was Nur's foster mother, her caretaker. She chose to accompany her after marriage along with her son Hafeez, who was Nur's foster brother and now serving in the Sultan's army. It is impossible to change her mind. I have known Nur since she was born. She was very different from her stepsisters. At the age when a girl's interests are in jewellery and the finest clothes, my Nur would be learning sword fighting or archery. She was a rebel in herself. The high palace walls could never capture her. She was born a free bird. I thought Sultan Shahzeb was different from other kings. After all, they loved each other, but now I know how wrong I was. I hope God shows her the right path and takes her away from this darkness. Aimen thought. Shazeb was about to walk towards Nur Jahan's chamber but was stopped by his mother, Queen Najma. "Shah child, can I have a word with you?" " Sure Ammi huzoor " "I know you love Nur Jahan, but please now think about Seema Begum. She is carrying your child and has become superstitious. Please send Nur away till her delivery" "Don't worry Ammi Huzoor, I am on my way to having a word with Nur about this. Don't worry, she won't be a problem, she will agree to all my terms as she loves me. " " One more thing, Shah, please don't spend your night there. Seema will be upset " He nodded and walked towards his first wife's Palace. An announcement was made of the king's arrival. Shazeb entered the chambers of princess Nur Exactly after six months. This place used to be my peaceful Heaven, but I am bounded by my duties now. I had been dying to see my Nur for months. She used to send me messages but now it has all stopped. Seema and her pregnancy have taken all my time. I will make up to Nur after the delivery. He entered her palace with an occupied mind. As soon as he entered the chambers he was shocked. She was standing in her old clothes with all her glory, it was just like the time he saw her for the first time. He rushed to hug her but she took a step back. " My dear Nur, are you upset? Sweetheart, I acknowledge all your sacrifice. I was dying to see you" " were you abroad?" "No" " You were in the palace, sultan, so please cut the crap and come to the point." It took all her willpower not to cry and hug him, but she wanted to give him a chance to speak. " What happened Nur, Jaanam, I know you are angry. Trust me, I will make up for you. I promise. Let's move from here to old Shabad Mahal. You will have your own space. I ordered the redecoration of that palace. You will love it there. I can stay with you every alternate week" Nur was controling her Anger. If she had not overheard his conversation yesterday with his second wife she would have fallen for his sugar-coated words. " I am fine here. Sultan, I am used to these surroundings." " I am not happy. I feel guilty that I don't come around much" " You are the king who stopped you." "Nur of my eyes" he wanted to hug her. " Stop there Sultan. I am aware of your intentions. No need for these talks. I want something from you. Please promise me that you will grant me my wish" " Whatever you wish, my queen, I give you my word. If it's in my capacity I will give it to you, but please don't ask for the title of Malika. It is reserved for the mother of my heir" " I never wanted the status of Malika, all I wanted was love, but now since you promised. I want..." "Divorce"
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